Cucumbers garland: variety description

Cucumbers garland: variety description

Cucumbers “Garland” is an artificially bred hybrid that has won recognition in the agricultural industry. The culture belongs to the parthenocopic type and impresses with its high yield and resistance to cold weather.

Description of the Garland cucumber variety and its advantages

The second name of the variety is “Siberian garland”, and it has a very unusual appearance. The arrangement of the fruits resembles a handful of grapes suspended from a ribbon.

Cucumbers “Garland” are self-pollinated

Cucumbers reach a small size up to 10 cm, sweet and crunchy on the palate, therefore they are excellent for preservation and pickling. Also, the species has a number of advantages, thanks to which summer residents so often prefer to grow it:

  • The variety is resistant to low temperatures and practically not susceptible to diseases.
  • The plant is self-pollinated.
  • The ripening period of fruits does not exceed 6 weeks from the moment of planting, and the yield pleases with its large amount.

The plant is unpretentious, but for an extensive harvest it is important to plant and care for the crop correctly. Let’s consider what good care of the “Siberian Garland” is.

Planting of cucumbers is carried out by sowing or seedling methods. The first method is suitable when the ground is well warmed up to +15, and the air temperature exceeds +20. Most often, summer residents practice planting young shoots in the soil after the seeds have already broken through the ground in specially prepared tubs. This requires about three weeks and the temperature is not lower than 20-23 degrees. Moving to the open ground or greenhouse takes place in the spring, between mid-April and late May, depending on the region.

Disembarkation and care are carried out in the following stages:

  1. Seedlings are placed in holes 3-5 cm deep, the distance between plants is 10-15 cm. The earth is pre-moistened.
  2. Immediately after planting, the beds are watered with warm water. The quality and quantity of the crop depend on timely and systematic watering.
  3. Fertilizers, such as manure, are applied at the root twice a month.
  4. It is important to regularly loosen the soil to ensure that the plant receives sufficient oxygen.
  5. Cucumbers should not be surrounded by weeds.

If you follow all the tips, the “Garland” variety of cucumbers you have grown will correspond to the photo, which shows healthy stems with small, resilient fruits. Remember, the plant is unpretentious, and its high yield is worth the effort.

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