Cucumbers: benefits and harms to the body
Cucumbers are 95% water. Do they have anything useful? Let’s figure it out with an expert

Cucumber belongs to the pumpkin family – it is a relative of zucchini, melon and watermelon. Botanically, the cucumber is considered a berry, however, false. But traditionally cucumber is most often referred to as a vegetable. In terms of cultivation, these fruits occupy the 4th place in the world, which only confirms their popularity.

The history of the appearance of cucumbers in nutrition

The name of this fruit is borrowed from the Greek language and comes from the word “immature”. Cucumber, which is eaten “unripe”, is opposed to melon – it can only be eaten when fully ripe.

Cucumbers are one of the most ancient crops, perhaps more than six thousand years old. Most likely, cucumbers originated from ancient India and China. They grew wild and only in the second millennium BC. were cultivated. From India and China, cucumbers have spread throughout the world. When exactly this fruit came to Our Country, it is not known exactly. But during the time of Peter I, cucumbers were already popular, the first greenhouses were built for them.

There are many proverbs about cucumbers, mostly positive. The English say “calm as a cucumber” about a calm person. In Our Country, everyone knows the expression “like a cucumber” about a cheerful state of mind and health. Brazilians use the name of the Mexican cucumber and do as an affectionate appeal to loved ones. And in July, on the 27th, they celebrate International Cucumber Day.

The composition and calorie content of cucumber

Caloric value on 100 g15 kcal
Proteins0,8 g
Fats0,1 g
Carbohydrates2,8 g

Benefits of cucumbers

Cucumbers are 95% water, so there are not too many vitamins and minerals in them. The largest amount is in the peel. Why is cucumber considered healthy?

  • All biologically active substances are dissolved in this vegetable in a physiologically ideal form; there is practically no dry matter in cucumbers. Thanks to this, all useful compounds are perfectly absorbed.
  • Cucumbers stimulate appetite, stimulate the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which helps digestion. The fiber in their composition removes cholesterol and toxins, and also nourishes the intestinal microflora. This helps fight constipation. Enzymes in the composition of cucumbers help to better absorb proteins and B vitamins.
  • Potassium, which is abundant in cucumbers, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and kidneys. The diuretic effect allows you to remove excess fluid, relieve swelling.
  • Cucumbers are useful for diabetics – they contain an enzyme similar in their action to insulin: it lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Even bitter cucumbers, and those are useful. Such a sharp taste is caused by the substance cucurbitacin. It is produced in large quantities in fruits that grew under adverse conditions – with poor watering, etc. Cucurbitacin is not dangerous, it stimulates the intestines. Scientists have also discovered that this substance has an antitumor effect.

Harm cucumbers

– Cucumbers are a healthy product for which allergies or intolerances develop infrequently. In rare cases, cucumbers can cause increased gas formation. It is important to remember that these are seasonal vegetables. In winter, they are treated with various chemicals so that they grow faster and stay fresh longer: such a product in itself is less useful. You can peel off the peel of cucumbers: it is rubbed with wax for greater safety and freshness. Although it is the peel that contains the largest number of useful elements, – comments gastroenterologist Olga Arisheva.

The use of cucumbers in cooking

Cucumbers are mostly eaten fresh, added to various salads and sauces, pickled and salted. But in some countries, cucumbers are even fried and soups are made from them.

Vegetable salad “Glekhurad”

At first glance, this is an ordinary vegetable salad. But it has a piquant interesting taste thanks to a special dressing. Vegetables can be used according to your taste.

Cucumber1 piece.
A tomato2 piece.
Bulgarian pepper1 piece.
Red onion1 piece.
Radish3 piece.
Garlic3 denticles
Salad leavesseveral pcs.
Greensto taste
Walnut50 g
Olive oil (sunflower)3 Art. spoons
Vinegar1 Art. a spoon
Salt, black pepperto taste

Wash the vegetables, cut into medium-sized strips or pieces. Finely chop the greens, tear the lettuce leaves with your hands.

Prepare dressing: Combine oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Grind the walnuts into small crumbs, and pass the garlic through a press. Add to butter mixture, mix well.

Put the vegetables in a bowl for serving, season with peanut dressing.

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Salted cucumbers on mineral water

Lightly salted cucumbers retain enough nutrients and do not contain too much salt. However, it should be borne in mind that elevated sodium levels are dangerous for people with kidney disease.

Cucumbers (young medium-sized)900 g
Salt3 Art. spoons
Dill, parsleysmall bundle
Laurel Leaf3 piece.
Hot red pepper3 slices
Garlic3 denticles
Mineral water (table, not medicinal)1 l

Soak cucumbers in cold water for two hours. At this time, put half of the greens, garlic and pepper, previously chopped, in a two-liter jar.

Next, lay out the cucumbers, cover the top with the remaining herbs and bay leaf. Sprinkle with salt, pour mineral water and close the lid. Leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Next put in the refrigerator. Cucumbers are ready the next day.

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How to choose and store cucumbers

Cucumbers should not be soft, with yellowness and too large. It is better if the tail is not dry yet. Whether the cucumber is bitter, unfortunately, cannot be checked in advance.

You can also pay attention to the peel and choose a vegetable suitable for your purpose – for pickling or in a salad. If there are few spikes on the surface, the marinade will penetrate slowly and keep the cucumber crispy. If the spikes are dense, the brine will penetrate too quickly, these are best used for salads or for very quick pickling. If the surface is smooth and the skin is thick, this cucumber is great for salads.

In an ajar bag in the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator, cucumbers can lie for a maximum of two weeks. The usual shelf life is about a week.

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