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People in Russia first learned about the cucumber in the XNUMXth century. The green vegetable quickly became popular and beloved: it was easy to digest, it quenched thirst well, and its cultivation was not very difficult. Physicians noted that cucumber is good for health, and recognized many healing qualities of it. The glory of the green vegetable culture has not faded away even today. On the contrary, it only grows with new discoveries regarding the composition and properties of cucumber.
Cucumber: useful and medicinal properties
Anyone who thinks that a cucumber is water and nothing else is very much mistaken. In fact, the composition of the cucumber is extremely rich. It contains vitamins A, C, E, PP, H, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9. The composition of the cucumber contains important trace elements: – potassium; – magnesium; – calcium; – iron; – phosphorus; – sodium; – iodine; – manganese; – fluorine, etc.
In addition, cucumber contains dietary fiber, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids, starch, etc.
The cucumber is amazingly delicious. It is not heavy on the stomach and allows each person to freely regulate their diet. A green vegetable contains about 95% water, which means that it simply cannot overload the pancreas. Therefore, it is cucumbers that will help form a healthy and light dietary diet. The cucumber is great for relieving hunger, even though it doesn’t have enough nutrients. This is due to the stretching of the walls of the stomach due to the volume of eaten cucumbers and the emergence of a feeling of fullness for this reason. It is no coincidence that cucumber diets are considered gentle and very effective.
Cucumber is an excellent thirst quencher as it is 95% water. But this is absolutely not the same water that flows from our taps or even flows from springs. The water contained in cucumbers is a natural adsorbent capable of breaking down poisons! This is why fresh cucumbers are useful for various types of poisoning. In addition, if you crunch cucumbers every day, you can well cleanse the body of toxins and toxins that have accumulated as a result of its vital activity.
An essential factor contributing to the strengthening of the detoxification (cleansing of poisons) properties of cucumbers is the ratio of the content of potassium and sodium ions in them. There is significantly more potassium than sodium. If you compare other vegetables for this indicator, you can be sure that the opposite is true in them. Thus, cucumber is the obvious leader in terms of potassium to sodium ratio. And such a significant proportion – 17: 1 – causes a mild but stable diuretic effect. Therefore, it is easy to understand why a cucumber is able to remove harmful substances from the body: the water contained in it dilutes the poisons (reduces their concentration), and due to the diuretic effect, they begin to intensively leave the body.
The process of cleansing the body is assisted by cucumber fiber, which well absorbs (absorbs) the poisons accumulated in the intestines
Due to the mild diuretic properties of cucumbers and their saturation with potassium, they are recognized as an indispensable food product for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, especially those who are accompanied by severe edema.
Daily use of cucumber juice saves from the formation of stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts, and also contributes to the fragmentation of existing stones and their excretion in the form of fine sand from the body.
Cucumbers help to improve metabolic processes in the body. The folic acid contained in them reduces appetite, and due to the presence of an insulin-like substance, they normalize blood sugar levels and inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, so cucumbers are often introduced into the diet of people suffering from diabetes and overweight.
Cucumber is an excellent preventive measure for thyroid disease. It contains little iodine, only 3 micrograms per 100 grams, but this iodine is presented in a form that is completely absorbed by the thyroid gland.
And now – about the cosmetic properties of cucumber. A rare woman did not hold a cucumber mask on her face or put cucumber slices on her eyelids. The skin benefits of a green vegetable are invaluable. Cucumber and cucumber juice have the following effect on the skin: – perfectly moisturize; – bleach; – tighten the pores; – protect from the sun; – prevent the appearance of acne; – eliminate irritation and inflammation.
In the fight against premature aging of the skin and early wrinkles, cosmetologists widely use cucumber puree in tandem with white clay. This mask is easy to make at home. To do this, combine 1 tsp. finely grated cucumber and 0,5 tsp. clay (sometimes sold in the pharmacy under the name kaolin). Apply a healing mixture to a clean face and hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
If you are worried about bags and bruises under the eyes, appearing from fatigue, lack of sleep, tears, or improper head position during sleep, apply cucumber lotions. To do this, soak napkins or cotton pads in cucumber juice and apply them to problem areas for 10 minutes.
The bags will quickly disappear, unless they are caused by more serious reasons, such as kidney and urinary tract disease, impaired metabolism, heart failure, etc.
For those with acne-prone and acne prone skin, eat one medium-sized cucumber half an hour before each meal. Eat with the skin and no salt. And also make lotions (applications) and masks. Cucumber infusion recipe for lotions: take 4 tbsp. l. finely grated cucumber, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Moisten wipes and apply to acne-affected areas. You can also wipe your face with this infusion, replacing the morning wash with this procedure.
And here is the recipe for a simple but very effective acne mask. Take cucumber gruel (grated cucumber) – 3 tbsp. l., bran – 1 tbsp. l. and ground oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l. If you are not allergic to honey, add 0,5 tsp. natural honey. Stir. Apply to cleansed face and hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, pat dry with a dry cloth and apply a light cream for problem skin.