Cucumber Shchedryk F1: reviews, photos, description

Cucumbers are grown by literally all gardeners. And, of course, I want to start harvesting early. Therefore, early-ripening varieties are chosen, the fruits of which are perfectly used both fresh and for conservation.


Shchedryk F1 cucumber bushes grow quite tall. They differ in the average level of climbing, strong foliage, female type of flowering. In the nodes, 2-3 ovaries are usually formed. The first crop is harvested 47-50 days after germination.

Cucumbers Shchedryk F1 ripen about 10 cm long, 3,0-3,7 cm in diameter. The fruits stand out with a tuberculous surface, without thorns. Cucumber Shchedryk F1 weighs on average 95-100 g (photo). According to summer residents, vegetables have a thin skin and dense flesh without a bitter aftertaste.

Cucumber Shchedryk F1: reviews, photos, description

Advantages of Shchedryk F1 cucumber:

  • fruits are characterized by decent keeping quality and well tolerate transportation over long distances;
  • variety Shchedryk F1 is resistant to various diseases: powdery mildew, olive blotch, root rot;
  • appetizing appearance of the vegetable and excellent taste;
  • vegetables are great both fresh and canned.

The yield is approximately 5,5-7,0 kg per bush.

Planting seeds

Pollination is not required for fruit set, so Shchedryk F1 cucumbers are planted in various conditions (indoor greenhouse, greenhouse, open ground).

Outdoor cultivation

Cucumbers Shchedrik F1 are quite demanding on the soil and growing conditions. Therefore, it is important to choose the right place for the beds – it should be well lit, closed from drafts. Suitable soil is breathable, medium loamy.

Cucumber Shchedryk F1: reviews, photos, description

Important! It is better to plant Shchedryk hybrid cucumbers after tomatoes, beets, potatoes, cauliflower, onions. It is not recommended to place after carrots, late cabbage, pumpkin.

In the autumn period, the preparation of the beds includes several stages:

  • dig holes 30-45 cm deep;
  • lay drainage (small branches, straw, grass) and compact well;
  • then spread a layer of fresh manure and leave the bed until spring.
Advice! Large seeds are buried a little deeper than medium ones (placed in holes 0,7-1 cm deep).

To cull empty grains Shchedryk F1, the seed is soaked for 15 minutes in salt water (1 tablespoon of salt is taken per liter of water). Seeds that have fallen will be suitable for germination. For disinfection, the seeds are kept for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (dark purple). Then they are washed and dried.

Seeds are also hardened: put for 3 days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. To ensure the ability of the seeds to germinate, they are placed on a wet cloth and kept in a warm place. Shchedryk F1 seeds should hatch.

In early May, the holes are covered with fertile soil and covered with a film. After a few days, the seeds are planted. The holes are made up to 2 cm deep. 4-5 grains of Shchedrik F1 are placed in the moist soil. Usually shoots appear after a week and a half. The beds must be weeded and thinned out. Moreover, weak sprouts are not pulled out, but pinched so as not to damage the remaining seedlings.

Cucumber Shchedryk F1: reviews, photos, description

Seedlings for a greenhouse

When growing Shchedryk F1 cucumbers in regions with cold weather conditions, it is recommended to practice the seedling method. To do this, immediately prepare separate containers / cups with fertile soil. Before sowing, planting material is prepared:

  • for hardening, the seeds of cucumbers of the hybrid variety Shchedryk are placed in the refrigerator for three days (on the bottom shelf);
  • the soaking procedure is needed to spit the seeds.  

The hatched seeds of Shchedryk F2 are placed in moistened holes up to 1 cm deep and sprinkled with soil. The containers are covered with plastic wrap or glass and placed in a warm place (temperature + 28˚ C). As soon as shoots appear, the covering material is removed, and the containers with seedlings are moved to a warm and well-lit place. To create comfortable conditions for the growth of Shchedryk F1 seedlings, additional lighting is provided.

Advice! If the seedlings began to quickly stretch, it is possible to rearrange containers with sprouts of Shchedryk F1 cucumbers in a cool room at night. Due to this, the growth of seedlings will slow down a little.

One and a half weeks before planting cucumbers in the greenhouse, the sprouts begin to harden. To do this, the plants are taken out into the open air for a short time, gradually increasing the time they spend on the street. Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse at the age of 3-4 weeks. The layout of the bushes is 70-80 cm between plants and between rows.

Cucumber Shchedryk F1: reviews, photos, description

How to care for cucumbers

When following the rules of agricultural technology, it is easy to achieve a good yield of Shchedryk F1 cucumbers.

Watering rules

It is important to use only warm water, otherwise the roots of the plants may rot. Cucumber beds are watered only in the early morning or evening, when the heat of the day subsides. Moreover, it is desirable to use a watering can with a sprayer. If you use a bucket or hose, you can erode the soil and expose / damage the root system of Shchedryk F1 cucumbers. If the roots are still exposed, it is necessary to spud the bushes.

Important! In extreme heat (above + 25˚ C), the plant can drop the ovaries, so it is recommended to carry out sprinkling in order to slightly reduce the temperature of the leaves.

It is necessary to do the procedure only in the early morning or already in the evening, since when sprinkling during the day, the leaves can get very burnt.

During the fruiting period, the irrigation schedule is maintained, but the volume of water is increased. It must be borne in mind that the yield of Shchedryk F1 cucumbers depends on the amount of liquid. However, on cool or cloudy days, watering is slightly reduced so as not to create stagnant water.

When growing cucumbers of the Shchedryk hybrid variety in a greenhouse, the irrigation rules are preserved, but sprinkler irrigation is not used. Since it is possible to regulate the temperature regime in a closed structure by ventilation.

Application of fertilizers

In order for the plants to gain a good green mass at the beginning of the season and then bring a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to feed them on time. Moreover, the introduction of organic and inorganic dressings is desirable to alternate. There are several main stages of fertilizer application:

  • during the period of active growth and rapid set of plant mass, the use of nitrogen is especially important. Both organic and inorganic mixtures can be used. As an option – 1 tbsp. l ammofoski diluted in 10 liters of water. Or fresh bird droppings are suitable: half a liter of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Shchedryk F1 cucumbers respond well to sifted wood ash – it is enough to scatter it over moistened ground. Only you can not pour ashes on leaves or stems;
  • during flowering, the plant already needs less nitrogen, therefore, such a solution of mineral fertilizers is used: 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium nitrate per 10 l;
  • during the period of active fruiting of Shchedrik F1 cucumbers, it is advisable to use a solution of a mixture of potassium nitrate (25 g), urea (50 g) in 10 liters of water.

To prolong the fruiting time, it is recommended to carry out foliar feeding in early autumn. For irrigation of Shchedryk F1 cucumbers, a urea solution is used: 15 g per 10 liters of water. And then it will be possible to collect fresh cucumbers before the first frost.

Caring for cucumber beds

When growing cucumbers in open ground, it is recommended to install trellises. Thanks to this, the plants will be well ventilated, and conditions will appear for uniform ripening of the crop. Also, this will greatly simplify the care of Shchedryk F1 cucumbers. The beds must be constantly weeded.

Important! With a horizontal method of growing a vegetable, it is necessary to mulch the soil. If the green mass and fruits are tightly laid on moist soil, they can rot.

For the prevention of diseases, it is recommended to treat Shchedrik F1 cucumbers twice a season with modern fungicides (Kvadris, Kuproksat). Such a measure will prevent infection of plants with harmful microorganisms and fungal diseases.

Even novice gardeners can harvest a decent crop of cucumbers. You can start with the horizontal method of growing vegetables Shchedryk F1 and gradually master the vertical method.

How to grow cucumber. The first formation of a cucumber bush.

Testimonials from truck drivers

Svetlana, Belgorod
I planted non-germinated seeds of Shchedryk F1 cucumbers in open ground. Surprisingly, germination was 100%. Flowers appeared quite early. I didn’t tie up cucumbers, I didn’t pay much attention to the beds. Fertilized with diluted manure. But the harvest was good – almost every day. Cucumbers liked juiciness, sweetness, without bitterness.
Igor Marunov, Rostov region
The generosity of the variety of cucumbers Shchedryk F1 simply could not get enough of. Lots of cucumbers, excellent quality and taste. The hybrid turned out to be precocious, resistant to diseases.

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