Cucumber Red mullet

Cucumber Barabulka is a hybrid of a new generation, adapted to the weather conditions of Our Country. After experimental cultivation, in 2008 the variety was added to the list of the State Register. The owner and supplier of seeds is the agricultural firm “Gavrish”.

Cucumber Red mullet

Detailed description of the variety

Cucumber Red mullet belongs to the indeterminate type, without height restrictions it reaches 2,5 m. The culture is early ripe, the fruits ripen in 45 days. Cucumbers of this variety do not form a large number of stepchildren, the plant is open, which allows you to harvest without hindrance. The variety is cultivated depending on the climatic features of the region: in open ground (OG) and in a protected area.

Cucumber is characterized by parthenocarpy, forms only female flowers. This varietal feature is the guarantor of a stable harvest. The red mullet hybrid does not need pollinators, ovaries are formed on each flower, all greens grow to biological ripeness.

External description of the Red mullet cucumbers shown in the photo:

  1. The main stem is of medium volume, densely pubescent, with a ribbed surface, the structure is rigid, flexible, the color is gray-green. Lateral shoots are thin, with high mustache formation.
  2. The foliage of the bush is dense, the leaves are large, fixed on long petioles. The surface is uneven, finely spiked, with dark green veins. The edges are wavy, the shape of the leaf plate is heart-shaped.
  3. The root of the cucumber Red mullet, powerful, highly branched, located close to the surface, the root circle is about 60 cm.
  4. The variety blooms with yellow flowers located in the leaf node.
Attention! Cucumber variety Red mullet F1 does not contain GMOs, it is allowed for use in unlimited quantities.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the variety Red mullet have the same shape and weight. If it was not possible to harvest on time, Cucumber Red mullet f1 does not age: overripe fruits do not thicken and do not turn yellow. The taste remains unchanged, the acid is absent.

 External characteristic:

  • Zelentsy have the shape of an oblong cylinder, the average length is 12 cm, weight is 100 g;
  • the surface is light green in color with dense, small tuberosity, equipped with short spines;
  • The peel of the cucumber is thin, durable, well tolerated by mechanical stress and heat treatment. The surface is glossy, the coating is insignificant;
  • the pulp is juicy, dense texture, beige, no voids, the seed chambers are filled with small rudiments;
  • the taste is sweet, acid and bitterness are absent, the aroma is weakly expressed.

According to vegetable growers, red mullet f1 cucumbers are stored for 5 days, do not lose weight and presentation, tolerate transportation well. The variety was created for mass cultivation and use in the food industry.

Cucumber Red mullet

This variety is ideal for conservation. The culture is popular among amateur vegetable growers. Cucumbers grown on the site are consumed fresh, processed for winter harvesting. Pickled fruits are elastic, crispy, without emptiness in the pulp.

Characteristics of cucumbers Red mullet

Cucumber variety Barabulka was created for cultivation throughout the territory of the Federation, therefore, the originators placed emphasis during hybridization on the frost resistance of the plant. In the zone of risky farming, the variety is grown in heated greenhouses. In a temperate climate, a covering method is used, in the South it is open. At the initial stage of vegetation, the cucumber tolerates a drop in temperature to +6 0C, in warm regions in spring, the culture is not covered with a film.

The drought resistance of the Red mullet variety is average; without timely irrigation, cucumbers slow down the growing season. The ovaries turn yellow and fall off. For the root system, excess moisture is undesirable, root rot and the spread of fungal diseases are possible. The variety tolerates heat well, can grow in an area open to the sun or in partial shade. In greenhouses for photosynthesis, additional lighting is not required.


Cucumbers of the variety Barabulka are an early ripe culture. From the moment the young shoots appear to the ripeness of the greens, 40–45 days pass. The fruiting of the hybrid is long, the crop is harvested in several stages. Ripening of greens occurs in the first decade of June. The last collection is carried out in early September. Terms are individual in each climatic zone.

The variety is self-pollinating, gives a high yield. If the variety is planted in a greenhouse, about 7 kg of fruits are removed from each plant, the figure for the OG is lower and is approximately 6 kg. Cucumber bushes have 3 per 1 m2, the average yield from 1 m2 – 20 kg. The level of fruiting is affected by drafts, moisture deficiency and non-compliance with agricultural technology. Variety Red mullet is grown only in a trellis way, contact of the ovaries with the ground should not be allowed.

Important! In order for cucumbers of the Red mullet variety to bear fruit well, the plant is watered throughout the growing season.

Pest and disease resistance

The cucumber variety Red mullet has a fairly stable immunity. Peronosporosis, leaf mosaic, and powdery mildew are not observed on cucumbers. If the greenhouse is not ventilated and the humidity is high and the temperature is low, anthracnose may develop.

Cucumber Red mullet

To combat a fungal infection, the bushes are treated with colloidal sulfur, in the spring for prevention – with copper sulphate. In greenhouses, insects do not parasitize cucumbers. The Whitefly caterpillar is found in the OG. Pests are collected by hand, with a large accumulation they are treated with the “Commander”.

Pros and cons of the variety

In choosing a variety for planting on a personal plot, preference is given to the Barabulka cucumber, which has a number of advantages:

  • high yield, not dependent on weather conditions;
  • fruit versatility. Due to their elasticity and small size, greens are ideal for conservation;
  • frost resistance, shade tolerance;
  • long shelf life;
  • resistance to mechanical damage during transportation;
  • balanced taste;
  • early ripening and long fruiting;
  • infection resistance.

The downside of the red mullet variety is that the hybrid does not produce planting material.

Growing rules

According to the reviews of vegetable growers, the variety of cucumbers Barabulka is grown using seedlings and planting seeds directly on the garden. If the task of cultivating a crop is to obtain an early harvest, seedlings are pre-grown. Then they place it on the site. This method is well suited for greenhouses. In the OG, cucumbers are grown from seeds.

Terms of sowing

Seedlings of cucumber varieties Red mullet grows quickly. Young shoots are planted in a greenhouse after 3 leaves form on the stem. From the moment of laying the seeds to planting the plant, 25 days pass. Cucumbers are planted on the site if the earth has warmed up to +14 0 C. Approximately sowing of seeds takes place at the beginning of April. Seedlings are transferred to an open area in mid-May. The laying of seeds in the greenhouse is carried out in early May, in an unprotected area 14 days later.

Choosing a place and preparing beds

The site is chosen open to the sun, temporary shading is allowed. A prerequisite is that the soil must be well drained; close-lying groundwater will not work for the variety. Cucumbers do not react well to the north wind, so they take protective measures against drafts.

In autumn, the site is dug up. If the soil is acidic, lime or dolomite flour is added. Remove the remnants of weeds, add manure and ammonium nitrate. In the spring, the bed is loosened, re-fertilized with organic matter.

How to plant

Cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well, so the seeds for seedlings are planted in peat glasses. In order not to injure the root, seedlings are placed on the site along with the container. The recess is made 5 centimeters larger than the peat glass, the seedling is covered up to the lower leaves. 1 m2 place 3 seedlings. For seeds, a hole is made 3,5 cm deep. The planting pattern is the same for the exhaust gas and the closed area. Row spacing – 45 cm, distance between bushes – 35 cm.

Aftercare for cucumbers

Red mullet cucumbers are grown in the traditional way for culture:

  1. In the greenhouse, watering is moderate, after 2 days in the evening, it is best to use the drip method. In OG, they are guided by weather conditions.
  2. Top dressing with ammonium nitrate is carried out at the beginning of the growing season, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied after the greens begin to form.
  3. Loosening the top layer of soil and weeding weeds are mandatory procedures, carried out as needed.

Variety Red mullet is grown only in a trellis way. During the growing season, the cucumber is fixed to a support; at the height of the trellis, the top of the head is twisted. They form a bush with one shoot, remove stepchildren as they appear, cut off yellowed and extra leaves.


Cucumber Red mullet is an indeterminate hybrid of a new generation. A self-pollinating plant gives a stable, high yield. The variety was bred for the food industry. Cultivate culture protected and open methods. The fruits are characterized by a balanced taste and light aroma, versatile in use.

Reviews about cucumbers Red mullet

Sofia Tkachenko, 48 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I always keep track of new items on the seed market, I’m interested in reviews and photos, so the variety of cucumbers Barabulka appeared in my greenhouse. It is an unpretentious plant with a good yield of fruits. Zelentsy are even, small, convenient for salting. The taste is good both for fresh cucumbers and pickled ones. The pulp is dense, elastic with a pleasant crunch. Cucumbers conquered me, it’s bad that you can’t collect the seeds yourself.
Ivan Stupakov, 60 years old, Krasnodar Territory
Red mullet accidentally learned about the variety of cucumbers from friends. I bought the seeds, planted them in a seedless way right away in the garden. The germination rate is 100%, the culture went into growth quickly, the bushes never got sick, the variety gives few shoots, constant pruning is not required. The harvest was good, I took 10 kg of greens from one plant. Red mullet began to bear fruit in June, the collection ended in September. The fruits are very tasty and crispy.
Barabulka cucumber F1. Havrish

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