Cucumber Miranda

Recently, when buying cucumber seeds, many gardeners pay attention to early-ripening hybrids and varieties. All this is due to the fact that the majority of those who like to work in the beds in our country live in areas of risky farming. Even in May, in some areas, the weather can deteriorate sharply, and cucumber seedlings will not survive the frost. Today we will talk about the Miranda cucumber hybrid and its qualities.

General description of Miranda cucumbers

Miranda cucumbers are a versatile hybrid that will appeal to many gardeners. Below is a detailed description in the table, according to which it will be easy to make a choice.

This hybrid was bred in the 90s in the Moscow region, and in 2003 it was included in the Register of the Federation for cultivation in seven regions. It can be recommended for landings in the southern regions. The Miranda hybrid has a lot of advantages, experts advise planting it in small areas.

Cucumber Miranda

Since today there are a large number of varieties and hybrids of cucumbers on store shelves, it is often very difficult to make a choice. Gardeners select the same variety and grow it year after year. But you always want to add variety and try a new variety of cucumbers. A detailed table describing the main parameters of the Miranda cucumber hybrid will help with this.


Cucumber “Miranda f1” is an ultra-early hybrid, it is famous for its high yield.


Description of the variety «Miranda f1»

Maturation period

Ultra-early, 45 days

Pollination type


Description of fruits

Cylindrical Zelentsy 11 centimeters long, without bitterness and weighing up to 110 grams

Recommended Growing Regions

Central Black Earth, Northern Caucasus, Middle Volga, Northern and North-Western regions, Volga-Vyatka and Central regions

Resistance to viruses and diseases

Cladospirosis, powdery mildew, fusarium, olive blotch




From a square meter 6,3 kilograms

A feature of the Miranda f1 cucumber hybrid is that it can be grown under protected ground conditions. It is for this reason that the hybrid can be successfully grown in the northern regions. You can plant cucumbers of this variety to the south, but most often in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, as well as in the Crimea, greenhouses and film shelters are not used. There are a number of features in the cultivation of the Miranda f1 hybrid.

Cucumber Miranda


When growing cucumbers in the northern regions, the seedling method is most often used. When purchasing hybrid seeds, it is necessary to give preference to trusted manufacturers. This simple rule applies to all hybrids and varieties of cucumbers, since professionals process the seed. The gardener does not need to disinfect and harden the seeds.

Cucumber Miranda

Cucumbers are demanding on the following growing conditions:

  • thermal regime + 23-28 degrees (the minimum allowable temperature should not fall below +14 for this cucumber hybrid);
  • regular watering with water at the optimum temperature (not cold);
  • soil of a neutral type with organic fertilizer previously applied to it;
  • fertilizing during growth and flowering;
  • garter plants;
  • planting on the sunny side or in partial shade.

You can plant the seeds of Miranda cucumbers directly into the ground according to the 50×50 scheme. The sowing depth is 2-3 cm. As soon as the soil warms up to +15 degrees Celsius, the sowing season can begin.

Cucumber Miranda

Hybrid “Miranda f1” parthenocarpic type of pollination, and not everyone understands what this means. The fact is that most varietal cucumbers are able to be pollinated only with the help of insects – bees. When growing crops in greenhouses, attracting bees is extremely difficult, and often impossible. It is the parthenocarpic hybrids of cucumbers that are pollinated without the help of insects, this is their peculiarity.

During the flowering period of the Miranda f1 hybrid cucumbers, you can ventilate the greenhouse or shelter to create more favorable conditions for pollination.

In this case, the temperature should not exceed +30 degrees, which is also harmful.

A good video about the process of pollination of parthenocarpic cucumbers:

Cucumbers in a greenhouse: how to form? Let’s bear fruit!

As for the garter, it is required. The Miranda f1 hybrid bush reaches two and a half meters. It develops quickly and yields crops in a short time. Due to the fact that the hybrid is early maturing, the keeping quality of cucumbers will not exceed 6-7 days, which is also quite good.

Cucumber Miranda

Another plus of this hybrid is that it endures low temperatures. For comparison: varietal cucumbers stop growing already at a temperature of +15 degrees, they do not tolerate any changes in the weather, they develop well only in the sun.

Hybrid cucumbers are generally superior to varietal ones in terms of resistance to external growing conditions. This also applies to the Miranda variety.

When growing, special attention should be paid to loosening and top dressing. Loosening cucumbers “Miranda” is carried out with caution, since the root system is very delicate, located high and can be damaged.

Watering and top dressing is carried out in the evening, if the air temperature does not change sharply downwards. Cucumbers of any variety and hybrid are very sensitive to cold, it is contraindicated for them.

Testimonials from truck drivers

Feedback from those who have already grown Miranda hybrid cucumbers will help beginners make their choice.

Vasily Gopko, Nizhny Novgorod
For the first time I saw a hybrid of Miranda cucumbers in a store. It was in 2008, and the bag was white, without a photo. I took it for a test. I can say that the hybrid is good, I have never encountered diseases. Cucumbers are intended strictly for greenhouses, the ovaries have 2-3 small cucumbers. They are delicious without bitterness. It is better to eat immediately: fresh, in salads, but you can pickle. Early-ripening cucumbers never keep for long, and the Miranda hybrid will keep in the refrigerator for a week. Cucumbers can be harvested after 45 days from the moment the first shoots appear.
Elena Smirnova, Tambov
I have three greenhouses in my backyard. I plant early and mid-ripening varieties of cucumbers. I use everything fresh and for pickling. I buy the Miranda hybrid from the Altai Seeds company. Cucumbers are tasty, small, quite even, have pimples. Bitterness can appear only if cucumbers are rarely watered. I water every three days, always in the evening with warm water. Water must be poured into a large container in advance and defended. Before planting Miranda cucumbers in the ground, I will definitely add organic matter. It warms up the root system from the inside, and cucumbers grow better. I apply fertilizer three times a season, their cucumbers are very fond of and react with a great yield of the crop.


Miranda cucumbers can be used both for pickling and pickling, as well as fresh. They will appeal to many summer residents who annually look for new varieties to grow.

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