Cucumber Meringue f1

Among the many hybrids of cucumbers, the most popular are those that are characterized by a genetic lack of bitterness. A description of one of these varieties is below.

Cucumber Meringue f1


The cucumber variety was bred in Holland by the Monsanto company, Seminis is engaged in the production of seeds. In 2007, it was included in the state register of Our Country. Over the past decade has shown excellent results in the climate.

There are a number of advantages of this variety:

  • High precocity;
  • Good yield;
  • Does not need pollination by insects;
  • Versatile in use;
  • Has fruits of high commercial quality;
  • Resistant to many cucumber diseases;
  • It tolerates adverse weather factors;
  • It has excellent taste qualities.

It was not without reason that the manufacturer compared cucumbers of this variety with meringue dessert – they are very sweet, with a characteristic aroma of cucumbers. Great for salads. For conservation, both greens and gherkins are used.

Cucumber Meringue f1

Characteristics of the Meringue variety

Cucumber “Meringue F1” is parthenocapic, does not require pollination. Plants tall, female type of flowering. The bushes are open type, the leaves are small, the pubescence is medium. Up to 3 ovaries are formed in one node. The cucumber is early ripe, no more than 40 days pass from germination to the first harvest. Fruits throughout the growing season. Hybrid, seeds of the second and next generations do not repeat the varietal characteristics.

The fruits are cylindrical, with large tubercles, excellent presentation. The size of the fruit is small, up to 12 cm, the spikes are white. Resistant to overgrowing, warping and yellowing.

It is characterized by a friendly ripening of the first wave of the harvest. It is resistant to many fungal, viral and bacterial infections, such as powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus.

It is intended for cultivation in an open ground and greenhouses. In open ground, the yield of cucumbers is up to 12 kg, in closed ground – up to 15 kg.

Cucumber Meringue f1

Recommendations for growing outdoors

Огурцы «Меренга» чаще всего выращивают через рассаду.

Important! Cucumbers do not tolerate damage to the root system, so they require careful replanting, along with an earthy clod.

To preserve fragile roots, it is recommended to grow cucumbers in coconut tablets or briquettes. Plant growers in the reviews do not recommend using peat pots or tablets for growing cucumbers, as they easily lose their shape.

In order to get healthy, strong seedlings, you must follow the following rules:

  • Land for cultivation should be light, free from weed seeds;
  • Each plant must be provided with a separate container;
  • Лучше посадить рассаду позже, чем высаживать переросшие растения;
  • It is necessary to provide seedlings with a sufficient amount of ultraviolet light, if necessary – to illuminate;
  • Water carefully – excess moisture can destroy the roots of cucumbers;
  • Before planting in a permanent place, it is necessary to harden the seedlings.
Advice! It is desirable to plant seedlings of cucumbers in the ground in the evening, after planting it is necessary to water the plants well.

Soil characteristics are of great importance. With high acidity, lime or dolomite flour must be added. It is undesirable to water the cucumbers abundantly before planting; a wet earthen lump can lose its shape, which will make it difficult to transplant cucumbers.

Cucumber Meringue f1

Advice! It is advisable to tie the grown plants to supports in order to facilitate harvesting and prevent infection of cucumbers, since many pathogens fall on the bush with the ground.

It is most convenient to use a coarse mesh stretched over trellises. The leaves of the Meringue variety are sparsely located, the fruits are clearly visible, so harvesting cucumbers is not difficult.

Cucumbers respond well to the application of complex fertilizers, it is desirable to use nutrients in a chelated form. Chelated fertilizers are more easily absorbed by the root system of cucumbers, they can be effectively used for foliar top dressing.

Important! Nitrogenous fertilizers should be used with caution for cucumbers. Excess nitrogen negatively affects the development of cucumbers, they actively develop shoots and leaves, but flowering and fruiting are significantly reduced.

Cucumber fruits overfed with nitrogen are poorly stored and become unsuitable for canning.

It is necessary to harvest cucumbers at least once every 4 to 5 days. If you leave greens on the bush for longer, the bush will waste nutrients in vain, in addition, the formation of new fruits stops.

Cucumber continues fruiting until frost. If you provide shelter for the cucumber in the fall, fruiting can be significantly extended.

Cucumber Meringue f1

Peculiarities of growing in a greenhouse

The variety of cucumbers “Meringue” is successfully used for growing in greenhouses, however, it should be borne in mind that in winter the cucumber requires mandatory additional illumination. Without it, the plant will be elongated, weak, with low productivity.

The description of the variety guarantees resistance to the most common diseases of cucumbers, but any errors in care weaken the plant. Nutrient deficiencies, low temperature, insufficient or excessive watering, lack of ultraviolet radiation can provoke an outbreak of infectious diseases in cucumbers. To prevent this, it is necessary to carefully care for the plants, carefully monitoring changes that may indicate a possible disease.


Despite the fact that the cucumber hybrid was bred in Holland, it is perfect for growing in the climate, which is characterized by unstable rainfall and other adverse weather factors. 


Svetlana, 45 years old, Krasnodar
I love to grow cucumbers, I often experiment with new varieties and hybrids. “Meringue” was advised by my mother, showed me a photo with the harvest, treated me with canned ones. I planted it last year and have not regretted it. The fruits of cucumbers are sweet, without bitterness at all, even in August. I work, so I have little time for care, I only watered and weeded as needed. But the harvest was good. Cucumbers turned out beautiful, smooth, tasty.
Kirill, 54 years old, Tula
I am wary of new cucumber hybrids, in my opinion, most are not designed for our climate. But “Meringue” suited me. The yield of cucumbers is very decent, the taste is excellent. My wife marinated part of the cucumber crop – it turned out great, the cucumbers are crispy, fragrant. I will plant more.
Dilyara, 39 years old, In exchange
I have a small farm, we plant, including cucumbers. We have been growing the variety for two seasons, we like everything. The yield of cucumbers is good, the taste is excellent. But the most important thing for me is an excellent presentation so that buyers like it. Picked cucumber fruits do not spoil for a long time – therefore, I have more time to find a buyer who will offer the best price. I did not notice any shortcomings.
Meringue F1 (Merengue F1) parthenocarpic cucumber Seminis

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