Cucumber Hector: photo, variety description

Most of the owners of their own land plots prefer to grow all kinds of vegetable crops on their own, among which cucumbers are the most common cucumbers. The species created as a result of genetic crossing called Hector is very popular among various varieties. Description and reviews of cucumber Hector F1 indicate the yield and sustainability of this variety.

Description of the variety of cucumbers Hector

Hector is an early-maturing variety of bush-shaped cucumbers with a female way of developing physiological flowering processes, which is recommended for cultivation in open spaces. Vegetable culture grows in the form of a stunted bush, about 75 – 85 cm high. This variety of cucumbers has practically no branched inflorescences. Variety Hector F1 is weather-resistant, so it can be used by gardeners in different climates. The flowers of the plant are pollinated by bees.

The oval fruits of this variety of cucumbers have a wrinkled, bumpy surface. The thin outer shell is covered with a noticeable wax coating with protruding soft light spikes. The size of fruits with a diameter of about 3 cm reaches a length of 10 – 12 cm, weight averages 100 g.

Taste qualities of cucumbers

Hector cucumbers have excellent taste characteristics, which is why they are popular among vegetable growers. The dense juicy pulp of the fruits of the variety is distinguished by a fresh grassy aroma with a sweetish aftertaste. The watery vegetable has excellent refreshing qualities. Seeds of unripe fruits have a delicate texture. Hector cucumbers do not have a taste of bitterness and are distinguished by a spicy cucumber smell.

Cucumber Hector: photo, variety description

Pros and cons of Hector cucumber varieties

The process of growing Hector F1 cucumbers by land owners has characteristic pros and cons.

The positive aspects of using this variety of vegetable:

  • rapid maturation – after 30 days – after planting seedlings in the ground;
  • a large percentage of the products received, involving the collection of 5-6 kg of cucumbers from a piece of land with an area of ​​​​1 m²;
  • resistance to specific diseases;
  • frost resistance, relating to low limits for lowering the temperature regime;
  • preservation of taste qualities of fruits during transportation;
  • suitability for canning.

Among the disadvantages of the Hector variety, the following are noted:

  • annual purchase of seeds for planting, due to the production of this variety of cucumbers by crossing plant crops;
  • possible thickening of the skin of cucumbers due to untimely harvesting, affecting the taste properties;
  • fruiting only the first 3 weeks.
Important! The taste qualities of the collected Hector cucumbers depend on the amount of sunlight received, the fertility of the soil and timely irrigation.

Optimal Growing Conditions

Hector cucumber seeds are sown on open ground, as well as in greenhouse conditions. The most suitable time for this is the end of April, May, when the air temperature rises to 15 – 20 ° C. Among the optimal requirements for growing a crop in order to obtain a rich harvest, there are:

  • use for planting fertile sandy land with high water permeability, good absorption of solar heat;
  • soil enrichment before sowing with peat, minerals, humus, compost;
  • the location of seeds in the soil at a depth of less than 4 – 5 cm.

Cultivation of cucumbers Hector F1

After planting the seeds of Hector variety cucumbers, it is necessary to constantly care for the sown plot of land. First of all, you should follow the rules of optimal watering, which involve systematic irrigation with maximum soil moisture during the fruiting period.

In addition, it is recommended to carry out systematic weeding, as well as remove yellowed, dried leaves and lashes of the plant.

An additional valuable nutrient for the soil is organic mulch, which also prevents the active growth of weeds in the cultivated area.

Direct planting in open ground

When planting cucumbers in the soil, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

  • 15 – 20 days before sowing the crop, the soil should be dug up and enriched with fertilizers;
  • place cucumber seeds in the prepared loosened soil at a depth of 2 – 3 cm;
  • to accelerate the fruiting of cucumbers, use pre-grown seedlings;
  • sow a vegetable in the form of garden beds;
  • do not use land on which pumpkin plants were previously grown.
Attention! When sowing seeds of Hector cucumbers, it is recommended to place them in a horizontal position, with the spout up. The reverse position will negatively affect the growth of the plant.

Seedling cultivation

For growing Hector F1 cucumbers, light sandy soils are most preferred. It is not advisable to plant a vegetable crop on soils with high acidity, as well as on clay infertile areas. Soil loosening is carried out by farmers to achieve better permeability of valuable substances and full moisture in the future.

Cultivation of culture by seedlings is carried out in late March or early April. Fertile soil at room temperature is poured into small containers (ordinary plastic cups with cut holes at the bottom can be used for this purpose to release excess moisture). Cucumber seeds are sown in them at a depth of 1 cm, sprinkled with earth, gently watered with water, covered with a film and set aside in a warm, bright place for further germination of the plant. To speed up the process, the seeds can be placed in advance in a cloth soaked in water for 2 to 3 days.

When several green leaves appear, the seedlings are transferred to the prepared open ground.

Cucumber Hector: photo, variety description

Watering and top dressing

The volume of water used for optimal soil moisture when growing Hector cucumbers depends on the territorial and climatic environment and the natural characteristics of the land. In any case, for high-quality uniform irrigation of the cultivated crop, it is better to use a drip irrigation system.

It is recommended to enrich the soil with useful mineral fertilizers without the content of nitrate nitrogen – in combination with organic additives.


The tweezing of the central stem of cucumbers of the Hector variety is carried out at the request of the landowner. At the same time, 4-5 lateral lower shoots and the top of the main process are removed – if its length exceeds 70 cm.

Hector is a hybrid variety of cucumbers with a female type of flowering. Therefore, you can not resort to the formation of a plant, but simply place it on a trellis grid.

Cucumber Hector: photo, variety description

Protection against diseases and pests

Hector is rarely exposed to various viruses and other cucumber diseases. Most often it becomes infected with ashpel. If appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner to eliminate the fungus, the plant may die completely.

To protect against crop damage by pests, certain preventive measures are carried out:

  • control over the fulfillment of favorable growing conditions;
  • timely irrigation of the soil in the optimal amount;
  • providing a protective cover on days with adverse weather conditions;
  • implementation of soil moistening with non-cold water.

If a virus or fungus infection has already occurred, the plant should be sprayed along with the fruits with special means, such as Fundazol, Topaz, Skor. For the same purposes, a solution of soda or laundry soap is used in the proportion of 5 g of the product per 1 liter of water or whey diluted with water 1: 3.

Important! A week after the treatment of the affected beds with cucumbers, the crop is re-sprayed.


Cucumber Hector: photo, variety description

Cucumbers Hector F1 have good reviews, in the photo you can see the external characteristics of the variety. From a garden bed of 1 m², about 4 kg of ripe fruits are obtained, which are used as a vitamin nutrient in their raw form, as well as a tasty canned product.

Cucumbers are harvested 1 time, in 2 to 3 days, in order to avoid thickening of the skin of the vegetable and deterioration of its taste. The length of the Hector fruit can vary in the range of 7 – 11 cm.


After reviewing the description and reviews of the cucumber Hector F1, many gardeners will have a desire to try to grow it on their own. It should be borne in mind that the appearance and taste of the crop are due to the fertility of the soil, a well-chosen place for planting, good timely care, and the effects of weather conditions.

Taking into account the fact that Hector cucumbers are early maturing varieties that can produce a rich tasty harvest, resistant to viral and fungal infections, they are a fairly popular product that is used for consumption both raw and canned.

Reviews of cucumbers Hector F1

Irina Vinogradova, 47 years old, Volgograd.
I traditionally grow Hector cucumbers every year, as the variety has already been tested by my family. I sow the seeds in mid-May, most of them germinate well. I do not practice fertilizers – there were no problems with diseases.
Konstantin Mironenko, 29 years old, Penza
I really liked the early hybrid variety of Hector cucumbers. The bushes are neat, grown in open soil. The leaves do not dry, cucumbers with a sweetish aftertaste, juicy. I recommend everyone to try this variety!
Growing seedlings of cucumbers

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