Cucumber Gunnar: description and characteristics of the variety
In a harsh climate, cucumbers are grown under a film shelter or in greenhouses. Not every variety is suitable for this. Cucumber “Gunnar” – a new hybrid of gherkin for protected ground, has a number of advantages and benefits.
Description of the variety of greenhouse cucumber “Gunnar”
The hybrid was bred in Holland, belongs to the early maturing varieties. The first fruits are harvested at the age of 35–38 days. The peak yield starts from 45 days. Cucumber bears fruit throughout the season.
Cucumber “Gunnar” is suitable for fresh consumption and processing
The “Gunnar” variety is distinguished by tall bushes, on which mainly female flowers. The plant does not require pollination, it gives stable yields even in cloudy weather. The leaves are large, green. Fruits are medium in size, dark green with white pimples. The pulp is dense, with a pleasant sweetish taste. The ovary is formed according to the principle of a bouquet; from 2 to 4 fruits develop in one bosom.
The yield is high, from one square. m beds collect at least 20 kg of cucumbers. Plants are grown in two streams, which allows harvesting in spring and autumn.
The hybrid is resistant to various fungal and viral diseases. The fruits retain their presentation for a long time, do not lose their shape when overgrown. The crop is harvested every 2-3 days; at the peak of fruiting, you will need to remove the fruits daily.
Characteristics and features of the “Gunnar” cucumber variety
The bush is slightly leafy, which is a virtue of the culture. Sunlight enters each greenhouse, the color of the fruit becomes intense. Harvesting fruits is easier, plants are less likely to get sick.
The advantages of this culture are:
- high productivity;
- good commercial quality of fruits;
- keeping quality;
- disease resistance.
The hybrid is often grown to harvest early cucumbers for sale. The fruits tolerate transportation well, do not spoil fresh for a long time.
However, tall varieties have their own characteristics. The bush is grown in one stem, all side shoots are broken out. In addition, all leaves, ovaries and shoots are cut off up to 6 leaves. The hybrid is grown on a trellis, the height of which is about 2,5 m. The lower leaves are removed as they age, which will prolong the fruiting period of the culture. Do not forget to regularly apply mineral fertilizers so that high-quality greens are formed. Hybrid varieties lose their qualities from lack of nutrition.
If you are looking for a variety of greenhouse cucumbers, then take a look at Gunnar. Follow the cultivation technique, and stable yields are ensured.