In ancient Rome, it was believed that this plant improves morale, eliminates melancholy, helps to overcome any fear. The legendary warriors of Sparta drank a decoction of borage before battles in order to accumulate victories over the enemy. For thousands of years, this herb has not lost its extraordinary properties and is valued today no less. What is it, how to use it and how to grow it – we will learn better.
Description of the plant
Borago (baraga) is popularly called “cucumber herb” due to the taste and aroma of its leaves, which resemble the taste and smell of fresh cucumber, but there is no botanical relationship between them. Syria is considered to be the homeland, from where the grass spread to Europe, America and Africa. This is an annual plant with a strong stem and large leaves, reaching a height of up to 100 cm. It belongs to the Borage family, which is why it is also called Borage.
From June to August, flowers with a snow-white or light purple color appear on a branched stem, sky-blue shades are less common. Flowers gather in curls, grow on long legs. The dark blue corolla is slightly longer than the calyx, which gives the flowers a special decorative effect. After the petals fall in July-August, the borago bears fruit. Fruits in the form of small tuberculate nuts are not used.
Propagated independently with the help of seeds. In southern Europe, borage has earned the status of a weed because it grows on its own and it can be difficult to remove it from the site if desired. In North Africa, borage is especially valued, it is grown for use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.
Useful Properties
Interest for cooking and traditional medicine are mainly young shoots of the plant. Borage leaves contain vitamin C, tannin, carotene, mucous substances. It also contains magnesium and potassium, which is why borage is especially valued in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Iron and calcium are useful for the composition of blood and bone tissue, so this plant can also be used for general strengthening and healing.
The stem and foliage of borage contains many organic acids. Most of all in it: succinic, malic, resinous, citric and fatty acids. In cosmetology, this plant is valued for its high content of essential oils, which is beneficial for both appearance and general health.
In addition to greenery, the flowers of this herb are also useful. They are used fresh and dried, sometimes candied for use in the confectionery industry. Borage petals also contain a lot of essential oils, their taste is mild with a slight sweetness.
Nutritional value of borage (per 100 g):
- carbohydrates – 3 g;
- proteins – 1,8 g;
- fats – 0 g;
- calories – 21 kcal.
Among the useful properties of this plant are: anti-inflammatory effect, diaphoretic and diuretic, mild laxative. It enhances the production of adrenaline and improves the functioning of the adrenal glands.
Cucumber herb extract is part of some dietary supplements, for example, Trimegavital is popular, which includes borage and amaranth. Also, this herb is enrolled in the pharmacopoeia of many European countries, its beneficial properties and use are common on three continents.
The use of borage in cooking
Due to the taste and aroma of leaves and stems, borage is more used in cooking. They can replace fresh cucumber in any dish: in cold soups, sauces, salads, smoothies. To the usual taste of fresh cucumbers, a faint hint of onion is added here, which only adds spice to the dishes.
Leaves for cooking should be collected before flowering. When buds appear on the plant, the stem and foliage begin to coarsen and become covered with fine fluff. Sometimes old leaves are also used, but their taste is not so fresh, with a predominance of onion. Reviews of experienced gardeners and gardeners note that the most fragrant seven-leaf leaves are best used in the first place.
Cucumber shoots can be roasted or sautéed like other vegetable crops. Sometimes they are added to other vegetables in stews, hot borago goes well with cabbage, eggplant, potatoes. This plant gives a special piquancy to meat and fish, you can cook side dishes from leaves and stems or add chopped grass to minced meat.
Flowers and leaves of borage can be dried, you get a good preparation for the winter. To harvest the leaves, they need to be cut and dried in a draft so that they do not start to rot. Dried grass will be needed in winter for salads, hot and cold dishes, medicinal tea.
It is better to sugar flowers for the winter, for this you will need:
- borage flowers;
- sugar – 2 tablespoons;
- water – 1 tablespoon;
- powdered sugar.
Candied flowers should be immediately after they have been collected. First you should make a thick syrup from one part water and two parts sugar, cool it. Then each flower should be smeared with syrup with a soft brush and dipped in powdered sugar. For accuracy and simplicity, you can pour the powder into the salt shaker and sprinkle the petals.
Spread the finished buds on parchment and dry. The oven must be heated to 700-900 and place a baking sheet with borage in it, dry for 2-2,5 hours with the oven door open. After that, you need to check if there are any wet parts left, cool the flowers and place them in jars. Care must be taken when working with such a product, since the petals break easily.
A very beautiful and tasty preparation will turn out from honey and borage petals. To do this, you need to pour honey and flowers into the jar in layers, such a sweet will last a long time, looks great on the table. You can also use sugar using the same technology, a jar of granulated sugar and flowers should be shaken periodically. In one to two weeks, flower sugar will be ready.
Benefits in medicine and cosmetology
Due to its valuable composition, Borage is used in folk medicine. Young shoots are recommended fresh and decoctions for diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative effects.
A decoction of stems and leaves has a tonic effect, which was discovered by ancient warriors. For a decoction, take a spoonful of flowers and a spoonful of stems, pour one glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 15 minutes. This remedy is used for colds, to strengthen the heart muscle, improve concentration.
To replenish the vitamin reserve, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed borage juice. To do this, you need to take young juicy stems and leaves and pass through a juicer. Such fresh juice can, in case of intoxication, beriberi, accelerate recovery after infectious diseases. Fresh juice of borage and celery is used for weight loss. For such a cocktail, take an equal amount of components and drink it twice a day.
In cosmetology, borage seed oil is very popular. It, like the stems, has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, increases the tone of the epithelium. Such a tool is recommended for both young skin (against acne) and for the elderly (for elasticity). Borage herb oil can be bought in pharmacies, rarely in cosmetic stores.
The beneficial effect of such oil can be replaced with ordinary seeds. They can be ground in a coffee grinder, then taken as a medicine, a teaspoon per day. Such a tool will cleanse the body from the inside, which will affect the cleanliness of the skin and the beauty of the hair.
Also for external use, dried tops of borage are used. From it you can make a healing infusion. For 200 ml of hot water, you will need 3 tablespoons of dry Borage, this mixture must be insisted under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Then compresses (warm) are made from the infusion, they help to quickly cure skin ulcers, burns, hematomas.
Safety measures
The benefits and harms of borage are well studied, it has much more positive aspects. This plant can be used as a remedy for a course of no longer than 3 weeks. A large concentration of this plant overloads the liver. It is also possible to use infusions and decoctions of borage for pregnant and lactating women only with the permission of the doctor, although this herb is believed to improve lactation.
It is also better for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines to consult a doctor before using dishes and remedies from borage. This concludes the contraindications to Borage, in small portions it is given even to children.
Growing borage
It is very simple to acquire such a useful plant, planting and caring for it will not require much effort. Reproduction is carried out by seeds; for sowing, you can choose shady areas with loose soil or well-lit places. It is better not to place the borage in the sun, so it will bloom quickly, and its leaves will coarsen. After planting, the seeds need to be watered often, this will be all the care.
Borago does not require any fertilizers; during the growth period, the bushes can be spudded and freed from weeds. Abundant watering will provide lush greenery until the end of summer. You can sow borage grass in spring or for winter, it has very good frost resistance.
Borage in the garden will bring another benefit, it is recommended to plant it between or near potatoes. So the Colorado potato beetle will not touch the potato crops. Blooming borage is seen as an excellent honey plant, bees feed on nectar from it even in cloudy weather.
After the crops sprout, you can enjoy fresh herbs with a refreshing taste and aroma. If desired, you can plant Borage even in a pot for indoor plants, so in winter it will be possible to replenish vitamins and prepare a fresh salad with the “taste and benefits” of summer.