Cucumber Generalsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo

Cucumber Generalsky is a representative of a new generation of parthenocarpic cucumbers suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouses. The high yield of the variety is based on the ability of the plant to create more than ten ovaries per node. Cucumber Generalsky, bred by scientists of the agricultural company “Uralsky summer resident”, in a small area shows super-yielding, which is equal to several lashes of the usual varieties.

Cucumber Generalsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo

Description of cucumbers Generalsky

The bush of the variety is developing rapidly, the main lash sometimes exceeds 2 m. The Generalsky cucumber plant belongs to a self-regulating type of branching. As the central vine grows and cucumbers form on it, the lateral lashes do not form or develop very slowly. Only with the end of fruiting, after harvesting the fruits, the lateral processes actively increase on the main lash. Scourges of the second line of cucumbers Generalsky fill an impressive space. Accompanied by seeds, manufacturers emphasize that the variety should be placed 2 seedlings per 1 sq. m. The stems of the variety are medium leafy.

The flowers of the hybrid General’s female type are formed in bunches in the axils of the leaves. The variety of the new generation is superbunch, with good agricultural technology, up to 10-12 cucumbers are formed in one node. The fact is confirmed in the video of various gardeners with reviews of General’s cucumbers and photos of lashes with greens during fruiting.

Description of fruits

Cucumbers of an early ripening grade Generalsky gherkin type. The fruits are uniform, slightly ribbed. At the stage of technical maturity, they reach 9-12 cm in length, up to 3 cm in diameter, weighing 80-90 g. Generalsky cucumbers at the beginning of the formation of gherkins are distinguished by a high degree of pubescence of a dark green skin with numerous pimples. With the growth of the fetus, the tubercles increase; by the picking phase, their location on the fruiting body of the cucumber is characterized as medium-frequent. The pulp is dense, crispy, without voids, creamy-greenish, with a small oblong seed chamber.

Cucumber Generalsky, according to reviews, has a pleasant, refreshing taste of pulp, with the expected vegetable aroma. Fruits of the variety of the universal direction:

  • look appetizing in fresh salads and cuts, largely due to small undeveloped seeds;
  • gherkins with excellent qualities for lightly salted preparations, since the presence of a sufficient number of tubercles and the delicate structure of the pulp ensures that vegetables are quickly soaked with cooked brine;
  • pickled green cucumbers are suitable for raw materials in the preservation of assorted salads and whole-fruit pickling.

Cucumber Generalsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo

Main characteristics of the variety

Initially, cucumber is a tender southern plant, therefore it requires for development:

  • a lot of light;
  • heat in the range from 20 to 28-29 ° C, the boundaries of a comfortable mark;
  • moderately humid air and soil.

Breeders have provided an early maturing version of the vegetable that is able to bear fruit in the unpredictable Siberian summer with sudden drops in temperature, especially at night, without compromising yield. Thanks to this property, General’s greens are also harvested in September, if there are no frosts. The supply of sufficient moisture depends on:

  • the rate of formation and growth of gherkins;
  • fresh taste, without bitterness;
  • the quality of the firmness of the pulp, including the absence of voids.

The unpretentiousness of the General’s gherkins is also expressed in the good shade tolerance of the plant, which the authors of the hybrid insist on. Fruiting continues in early autumn, when the degree of illumination by the sun is significantly reduced.

Cucumber Generalsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo


Experts attribute the new variety of cucumbers Generalsky f1 to the superbeam type of fruiting, which ensures its high yield. The authors declare the collection of 400 cucumbers from one plant of the early ripening hybrid Generalsky, which has developed not only resistance to temperature changes, but also a long fruiting period. Zelentsy is harvested from mid-summer to September or October, depending on weather conditions.

The standard agricultural technique for growing superbeam parthenocarpic cucumbers of a new generation requires:

  • sufficient light and heat at the initial stage of seedling growth;
  • moderate soil moisture;
  • the presence of a sufficient amount of nutrients for a rapidly developing plant that creates many ovaries;
  • whip formation.

Pest and disease resistance

Cucumbers Generalsky f1 are resistant to pathogens of fungal diseases at the genetic level, as the authors of the variety inform consumers. Plants grow well in greenhouses and outdoors. It is worth taking care to protect the lashes and leaves from the ubiquitous aphids and mites, which can reduce the expected yield.

Pros and cons of the variety

Judging by the description of the variety and photo, Generalsky cucumbers are unmatched in their merits:

  • super productivity;
  • precocity
  • stability and duration of fruiting;
  • branching self-regulation;
  • versatility of the whip and fruits;
  • high marketability of products;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and diseases.

The hardy cucumber variety Generalskie in the reviews receives the best ratings, without mentioning the shortcomings.

Attention! Novice gardeners should only be reminded that growing a hybrid requires the purchase of seeds from the authors of the selection.

Cucumber Generalsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo

Growing rules

The variety is grown by seedling method, if you want to get an earlier harvest. Also, seeds of cucumbers Generalsky are sown directly in open ground. In the conditions of the middle zone and Siberia, the grains are first germinated.

Advice! Seeds of cucumbers Generalsky are completely ready for sowing. They should not be soaked or treated with drugs.

Terms of sowing

For growing seedlings in the garden, seeds of the Generalsky variety are sown in separate pots in early May, and for greenhouses – in the third decade of April. Sprouts sprout at 23 ° C in a week. Containers are kept on a bright window sill or in a greenhouse, watering moderately. After the appearance of the second leaf and 4 days before transshipment, cucumbers are fed with complex fertilizer. By the end of the month, the beginning of June, the 4th leaf appears on the seedlings. In this phase, cucumbers are transferred to a permanent place. In the greenhouse, seeds are sown in the soil in mid-May, and in vegetable gardens in late May or early June.

Comment! 10 g of complex top dressing for seedlings is added to the substrate prepared for super-beam cucumbers per 10 liters of the mixture.

Choosing a place and preparing beds

High warm and fertile beds with compost or humus will speed up the collection of cucumbers and support the intensive development of the plant. They are arranged in a lighted place, protected from the northern winds. When preparing the beds, add 1 sq. m by:

  • 50 g wood ash;
  • 25 g of nitrophos;
  • 25 g superphosphate.
Important! Fertilizing with phosphate fertilizers will increase the number of ovaries.

How to plant

The depth of the holes is slightly higher than the pots in which the seedlings developed. Cucumbers of intensive development place two roots per 1 sq. m. Between the holes and rows recede by 50 cm. Before transshipment, containers with seedlings are watered abundantly in order to easily remove the earthen ball without damaging the delicate roots of cucumbers. After 2 days, the whips are tied to the supports.

Aftercare for cucumbers

Superbeam varieties are watered with plenty of warm water, once a week they are fed with complex preparations. For the constant setting of new fruits, greens are harvested daily. The soil is slightly loosened so that air freely penetrates to the roots of the plant. The formation of the lashes of the Generalsky cucumber begins already before transshipment, if tiny buds are visible in the axils of the first, lower, leaves, and continue 2 times every week:

  • all ovaries up to the fifth leaf on the main lash are removed;
  • up to 50-60 cm upwards, side lashes are also removed;
  • branches of the second order are left, starting from the lower level of the trellis;
  • the leaves are also gradually removed, leaving only one at each node where a bunch of greens is created.

After the first wave of ovaries, Generalsky cucumbers are fed for re-blooming. The side lashes are pinched over the second, and the highest – over the 3rd sheet. In open ground, cucumbers rarely form.

Cucumber Generalsky: characteristics and description of the variety, photo


Cucumber Generalsky high-yielding, with flowers of the female type, a new word in the selection of culture. A superbeam variety will reveal its genetic potential only if intensive agricultural practices are followed: watering, fertilizing, proper formation. Uniform greens of universal purpose will find application fresh and in preparations.

Cucumber “General’s F1” of the Ural summer resident company, 20018.

Reviews about cucumber Generalsky F1

Galina Grigorievna Balanova, 48 years old, Vladimir region
I planted a dozen roots this year, the Generalsky variety is excellent for a greenhouse. I really liked the cucumbers themselves – they are even, the same, look beautiful in jars, fresh with excellent taste. The plants are also hardy, holding firm until mid-September and continuing to mature. There were no illnesses.
Yulia Maksimovna Serpukhina, 37 years old, Pskov region
I also grew this super bunch variety in a greenhouse. There were many ovaries, I have never seen such a harvest, because we only come for the weekend. Drip irrigation is looked after by a neighbor. Other varieties are not as hardy. But even our one-time formation and top dressing for a week was enough for a super-collection of greens.
Olga Egorovna Gracheva, 42, Altai Territory
For four years I have been planting beam hybrids. Last season I also sown the variety Generalskie. Although the plants have to be formed, I already got the hang of it. The procedure is not as complicated as it seems. But all cucumbers are extremely fruitful, they do not get sick. The vertical bed takes up less space, and the return is richer.
Cucumbers Shosha (Partner), Millionaire, Generalsky (Ural Summer Resident)

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