Cucumber Farmer f1

Cucumber is one of the most sought after vegetables. Many people love it, especially children. However, many do not dare to plant a cucumber on their site, believing that caring for it is difficult. In fact, there are no particular difficulties in growing cucumbers, it is enough to follow some simple care rules, and an excellent harvest is guaranteed.

Cucumber Farmer f1

Variety description

Cucumber “Farmer” is one of the best hybrids for growing in domestic conditions. The variety is characterized by high productivity – up to 25 kg of fruit can be obtained per square meter. Cucumber does not require special care, except for abundant regular watering. In the case of frequent drying of the earthy coma, the fruits of the cucumber begin to taste bitter. It is recommended to use drip irrigation or mulch the soil for this variety.

Cucumber fruits of the Farmer F1 variety have an excellent taste, are suitable for all types of cooking and fresh use. For pickling, both greens and gherkins are used.

Cucumber greens are even, good presentation. They have excellent transportability. Due to the dense skin, they do not fade for a long time.


Cucumber hybrid “Farmer F1” is indeterminate, mid-season, from germination to the appearance of the first fruits, it takes from 40 to 45 days. Pollination of the variety occurs with the help of bees and other insects. Cucumber lashes are long, medium-branched, can exceed 2 meters. Flowering is mostly female. The leaves of the cucumber variety “Farmer F1” are green, medium in size. Up to 2 ovaries are formed in the nodes.

Cucumber Farmer f1

The fruits of the cucumber “Farmer” are large-tuberculate, tubercles are rarely located. The fruits are even, slightly ribbed, with white spikes. The length of the greens is up to 12 cm. The pulp of the cucumber is dense, crispy.

Variety “Farmer F1” is characterized by high resistance to a complex of diseases. Cucumbers practically do not get sick with powdery mildew, olive blotch, and are resistant to other viral and bacterial diseases.

The grade is intended for cultivation in an open ground, spring shelters, tunnels.

Cultivation of cucumber in open ground

Cucumber “Farmer F1” can be germinated in two ways – by sowing directly into the ground or through seedlings. Cucumbers grown without a transplant grow stronger, because from the beginning of development they get used to changing temperatures at different times of the day. However, their fruiting occurs later than those grown by seedlings.

Sowing in open ground

Sowing cucumbers is carried out when the earth warms up to 10-12 degrees. Cucumber seeds “Farmer F1” are placed in a dug hole, 2-3 pieces to a depth of no more than 7 cm. After the emergence of seedlings of cucumbers, one of the strongest sprouts is left.

Cucumber Farmer f1

Advice! If old cucumber seeds or those with low germination are used for germination, they can be treated with growth stimulants. Honey is considered a natural safe stimulant.

It is undesirable to grow cucumbers in the same place for several years in a row, even if the land is regularly fertilized. The best predecessors for cucumbers:

  • tomatoes;
  • Potatoes;
  • Legumes – peas, beans;
  • Onion.

Watering cucumbers is carried out as the soil dries out, with care not to wash out the holes with a strong stream. If fertilizers were not applied to the hole before planting, complex nutrients can be added when watering.

The first shoots of cucumbers appear quite quickly, within one week. It is necessary to carry out weeding in time, young seedlings of cucumbers are very sensitive to lack of sunlight. It is not necessary to shade plants grown in open ground.

If Farmer cucumbers are planted too often, thinning is carried out. For one cucumber bush, a space of at least 30 cm in diameter is required. More dense plantings of cucumbers lead to nutrient deficiencies, this affects yields.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers

Sowing seeds of cucumber varieties “Farmer F1” for seedlings begins about a month before the expected planting date. It makes no sense to sow before – overgrown seedlings do not take root well, its productivity is lower. If planting on time is not possible, you can briefly slow down the development of seedlings – reduce watering and lower the temperature in the room where it is located.

Cucumber Farmer f1

For the normal development of seedlings of cucumbers during the month, a soil volume of at least 0,5 liters is required, a little more is better. Since the root system of cucumbers is very sensitive to damage, the growing container must be selected taking into account the ease of extraction. In addition to traditional plastic cups, plant growers in the reviews recommend peat pots, tablets, or special bags for seedlings.

Important! If seedlings are grown on a window sill in an apartment, it is advisable to use foil so that the plants grow evenly, and do not reach for the window. The foil is pulled from the side of the room.

Before transplanting, seedlings of cucumbers must be hardened off. To do this, the plants are taken out into the open air, starting from a few hours, gradually increasing the residence time. After 3-4 days, it is advisable to leave the plants outside for the night.

It is advisable to transplant cucumbers of the “Farmer” variety in cloudy weather. If clouds are not expected in the near future, seedlings are planted in the evening. It is advisable to shade the plants during the day for 1-2 weeks.

Cucumber Farmer f1

After planting, it is advisable to water the cucumbers abundantly to avoid the formation of air cavities in the soil. Watering is repeated after 2 – 3 days.

Care of mature plants

Caring for grown cucumber bushes is simple, in order to get even, beautiful cucumbers, as in the photo, it is enough to follow the following recommendations:

  • Provide the plant with regular watering;
  • Observe crop rotation;
  • Don’t forget to fertilize;
  • Protect plants from fungal diseases;
  • Harvest early.

Cucumbers suffer greatly from irregular watering, both drought and waterlogging of the soil are detrimental to them. With a lack of moisture, plants slow down their growth, the leaves begin to wither, then dry up. The lower leaves are affected first. If there is excess moisture in the soil, the roots lack oxygen, the process of photosynthesis slows down, the plant may die. Therefore, for growing cucumbers, not only timely watering is important, but also good drainage.

If you grow a crop in one place for several years, you can notice a decrease in yield, even if fertilizers are applied regularly. This is due to the fact that plants endure the same substances every year, giving the soil very little nutrients. Gradually, an imbalance occurs in the chemical composition of the soil, the soil structure deteriorates.

Cucumber Farmer f1

Fertilizers for cucumbers of the “Farmer” variety are applied in two ways – under the root and by spraying green leaves. The first method is desirable to apply at the beginning of plant growth, the second is preferable during the flowering of cucumbers and the formation of ovaries.

At the initial stage of development, plants most need nitrogen and magnesium. However, you need to be careful when applying nitrogen fertilizers, an excess of nitrogen causes an abundant growth of green mass in cucumbers to the detriment of fruiting.

During flowering, cucumbers especially need magnesium and potassium. Magnesium fertilizers are applied under the root of cucumbers during irrigation, potash fertilizers can be applied during foliar feeding. Spraying with potash fertilizers reduces the amount of barren flowers, the fruits grow faster. The amount of preparation for processing cucumbers is calculated according to the description of the norms in the instructions.

Protecting cucumbers from fungal diseases is not difficult – there are many safe fungicides that will provide long-term protection against fungal infections. Chemicals must be used strictly according to the instructions. If the use of chemicals to protect cucumbers is undesirable, you can use products containing lactic acid, which inhibits the development of fungi. For these purposes, whey is often used.

It is necessary to harvest on time – overgrown fruits of cucumbers lose their taste, the seeds become hard. In addition, cucumbers waste energy and nutrients in vain, the formation of new ovaries stops.

Cucumber Farmer f1

Advice! To get the best yield, it is recommended to spray bee-pollinated cucumbers such as “Farmer F1” with insect-attracting substances during flowering.

For these purposes, you can use sugar syrup, a solution containing honey and other means.

Compliance with simple recommendations and love for plants is guaranteed to bring a rich harvest. The main thing is not to be afraid to try.


Valery, 47 years old, Arkhipo – Osipovka
I have a small farm. I grow cucumbers not only for myself, but also for sale. I have been planting “Farmer” for several years in a row. I sow cucumbers immediately into the ground in early May, I throw tapes for drip irrigation. During the season, I weed cucumbers three times, that’s all the care. I get a lot of fruits, we harvest and take them to the market every day. They buy cucumbers well, they often take a lot for salting. They bear fruit even in the heat of summer. I like this variety, I will plant more.
Tatyana, 39 years old, Volgograd
I plant “Farmer” in my country house. I grow seedlings of cucumbers in the apartment, on the windowsill, it takes root perfectly. In the characteristics of the variety it is written that it requires abundant watering, but I water only on weekends, more often it does not work. Despite this, the result is excellent. Last summer, I specifically counted, I took 5 kilograms of cucumbers from one bush. I think it’s very good.
Sergey, 56 years old, Stavropol
Planted cucumber “Farmer F1” last year for the first time, on the recommendation of a friend. The taste of cucumbers is wonderful – both in salads, and in marinade, and just with salt. It does not require special care – watering, weeding, top dressing and that’s it. I didn’t like that you often have to pick cucumbers – if you miss them, they outgrow them very quickly. And one more minus for me – in August the cucumbers began to taste bitter, I had to use everything for twists. But the harvest is really big, my wife even took a bunch of photos with cucumbers. I will grow next year.
Cucumber tricks. Large crop of cucumbers. Super way. How to grow cucumbers. Cucumbers in the garden.

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