Cucumbers, to the envy of everyone, can be grown in open ground, in a greenhouse, on a balcony, and even at home, on a windowsill. Such versatility attracts many gardeners who opt for this particular hybrid.
History of breeding
Although the cucumber variety has not yet been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, to everyone’s envy, it has already received positive feedback from amateur vegetable growers and professional agronomists. The hybrid was obtained as a result of the selection work of the scientists of the agricultural company “Uralsky summer resident”. The company has been working on the production of seeds for more than 80 years, creating a unique collection of premium seeds. A variety of cucumbers, to the envy of everyone, was created with the support of the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and has worthy characteristics.
Description of cucumbers Everyone is the envy of F1
Cucumber The envy of everyone has an average branching of the bush, its stems are creeping, can spread over the surface of the soil or grow upwards, clinging to a support with the help of antennae. The leaves are heart-shaped, light green, with pubescence. The root system is powerful, branched, spreads over the surface of the soil and deep into it.
The fruits of the hybrid are the envy of the gherkin type, 8-14 cm long, 3 cm in diameter. The average weight is 100 g. Cucumbers are the same size. The appearance is attractive – the surface is slightly ribbed, covered with small tubercles, ending in light, short spikes. The skin of cucumbers is the envy of everyone, thin, emerald green with lightened longitudinal stripes. The pulp is dense, crispy, has a bright aroma, excellent taste without bitterness. There are no voids inside the fruits, so they do not lose their appearance after heat treatment.

Cucumbers, to the envy of everyone, retain their taste and smell after canning and salting
Characteristic of the variety
The hybrid belongs to parthenocarpic, does not need pollination by insects, the flowers are female. Cucumbers are the envy of everyone – high-yielding, early ripening. Seeds do not form inside them, so the fruits do not turn yellow, do not overripe, which allows them to be transported and stored for a long time when appropriate conditions are created. It is not necessary to form a bush, branching is self-regulating. This procedure is carried out only in order to increase productivity.
The type of hybrid growth is beam. This means that the plants have a well-developed main stem and less lateral ones. Three to six ovaries ripen in each node. The maximum yield of cucumbers for everyone to envy reaches 40 kg from 1 m2. The number of harvested fruits depends on soil fertility, light, temperature, humidity, quality of care.

Cucumbers Envy everyone can be grown as a houseplant
Ripening and flowering time
After the growth of foliage and roots slows down, cucumbers, to the envy of everyone, begin to form buds. Flowering occurs 30-40 days after germination. First, the buds bloom on the central stem, then on the lateral ones of the first and second order. On parthenocarpic varieties, ovaries are formed without pollination, together with flowers. After two weeks, the fruits reach technical ripeness and can be plucked.
Disease and pest resistance
The cucumber variety is the envy of everyone and has a high immunity to most typical diseases of this crop. Bushes are rarely affected by powdery mildew, root rot, cucumber mosaic, spotting. To maintain the health of plants, preventive measures are necessary:
- Compliance with the timing of planting and crop rotation.
- Use for irrigation of warm settled water.
- Maintenance of optimal indicators of temperature and humidity.
- Treatment of plants with biological preparations with fungicidal and bactericidal effect.
Among the most dangerous insects for cucumbers, everyone is the envy of insects – aphids, whiteflies, ants, bears, slugs. To combat them, an integrated approach is used – in addition to biological products, folk remedies, plants with a frightening aroma, and traps are used.

Cucumbers are capable of accumulating poisons, so chemicals are used as a last resort and only over large areas.
Advantages and disadvantages
Due to their excellent characteristics, gardeners often choose envy cucumbers for cultivation in open and protected ground.
Farmers value the hybrid for its yield
- precocity
- excellent quality and taste of fruits;
- no need for pollination of flowers;
- long fruiting time;
- the possibility of long-term storage and transportation;
- versatility of use;
- loyalty to the lack of lighting;
- resistance to diseases and pests.
Cons of cucumbers Everyone is envious:
- inability to collect seeds;
- high seed cost.
Planting cucumbers Envy everyone
You can grow cucumbers for everyone with the help of seeds or seedlings. The first method is simple and does not require much time, the second allows you to get a crop 2-3 weeks earlier than usual. Each of the gardeners chooses a method according to the existing conditions or combines both.
Sowing in open ground
To sow cucumbers for everyone to envy, choose a site well-lit by the sun, protected from drafts and northern winds. The soil should be drained, not waterlogged, with neutral acidity. The site is dug up in the fall. A ridge is formed, on the bottom of which a drainage layer is laid to a depth of 40 cm – hay, straw, small branches. They are rammed, and manure is covered on top. Until spring, cover with polyethylene. In March, they remove and pour a layer of soil. They make a shelter again and leave it for ten days so that the soil warms up. As soon as the soil temperature reaches +15 ⁰С, start sowing. Holes are made at a distance of 50 cm from each other and 30 cm between rows. Each one is poured with warm water and three seeds of cucumbers are put in. Everyone is envious. They fall asleep with a layer of soil 2-3 cm thick. Next, a shelter is installed from arcs, non-woven material or plastic film. When seedlings appear, thinning is carried out – one plant is left in the hole, removing the weakest or damaged ones.
After four true leaves are formed, pinch the top to speed up fruiting.

After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is periodically opened for ventilation.
Seedbed method
Sowing cucumbers For everyone to envy for seedlings, they spend from the third decade of March to mid-April. To prepare the seeds, they are heated by dipping them in water for two hours, the temperature of which is 45-50 ⁰С. You can sort out empty and underdeveloped ones by immersing them in a saline solution. Only those that have sunk to the bottom are taken. They are washed, disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (3%), garlic infusion or aloe juice. You can strengthen the immunity of future plants by soaking the seeds in a growth stimulator – Epin, Gummi.
Peat pots, plastic containers or glasses are filled with soil mixture containing garden soil, humus, sand, peat, taken in equal parts. The soil is heated, watered and laid out in each of the containers one seed, planting to a depth of 2 cm. Before the first shoots appear, the containers are covered and placed in a warm place (+25 ⁰С). When sprouts appear, they are transferred to a well-lit room with a temperature of +18 ⁰С.

Cucumbers are the envy of everyone ready for planting at the age of 27-35 days
Ready seedlings should be strong, have 5-6 true leaves and a distance of 5 cm from the root collar to the cotyledon. Landing is carried out in a greenhouse or open ground according to the scheme 50×30 cm.
Rules for the care of cucumbers Envy to everyone
The rules of agricultural technology for cucumbers are simple and understandable to everyone. They relate to watering, weeding, shaping, tying, feeding bushes.
Moisturizing is carried out as needed, avoiding excess moisture in the soil, so that the roots do not rot and pathogenic microflora does not develop. The optimum water temperature is +25 ⁰С. Drip irrigation is most preferable, the best time is morning or evening. Before the appearance of buds, 1 liter of water is consumed in three days for one plant. After the beginning of fruit formation, watering is carried out once every three days, spending 7 liters each.

In the second half of fruiting, moisturizing cucumbers is cut in half for everyone to envy
Loosening and mulching
The soil must be loosened at least once every ten days. When planting seeds, the operation is carried out only after germination, so as not to disturb the root system. Simultaneously with loosening, weeds are removed, the soil is mulched with sawdust and grass.
Pinching, tying
Cucumber varieties Envy everyone does not require pinching. Lateral shoots are pruned only for the purpose of obtaining an additional crop. When growing vertically, plants are given a reliable support and periodically tied up, preventing contact of the shoots with the soil.
Additional fertilizing
For the first time, cucumbers are fed to everyone with envy two weeks after germination. Make a solution of infusion of chicken manure (1:15). The second time (at the time of flowering) fertilize with superphosphate (35 g per 10 liters of water). Then they are fed three times during fruiting, using urea (15 g per 10 liters of water).
Cucumbers are the envy of everyone, they are stress-resistant and can grow even with a lack of lighting. There are few other varieties that have similar properties. For this reason, the popularity of the hybrid among gardeners is growing, especially since this is not its only advantage.