Cucumber Ekol F1: description + reviews

Ekol cucumber is a relatively young hybrid form recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region. The variety is intended for planting both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Detailed description of the variety

Ekol Cucumber is a medium-sized hybrid that forms a compact bush with short internodes. Plant growth is unlimited, as the variety belongs to indeterminate hybrid odds. The height of the bushes varies from 2 to 2,5 m. In greenhouse conditions, cucumbers can grow up to 3 m in height.

The leaves of the Ecole variety are dark green, small. Flowering in a hybrid occurs according to the female type – female flowers predominate over male ones. Each node produces 3 to 5 cucumbers.

A feature of the development of the Ekol variety is its upward direction – the shoots weave vertically and practically do not grow to the sides.

Description of fruits

Cucumber variety Ekol ties the fruits of a cylindrical shape. Their length varies from 5 to 10 cm, the average weight is 90-95 g. The reviews note that the surface of Ekol cucumbers is bumpy, and the skin is covered with many small white spikes, as can be seen in the photo, for example.

The skin of the fruit is dark green. The pulp of cucumbers is tender and crispy. It has no voids and no bitterness. The taste of the fruit is described as moderately sweet, the fruit is not bitter.

The scope of Ekol cucumbers is universal. They are mainly grown for fresh consumption, however, they are also commonly used for pickling and preservation. Small fruits and a dense structure of the pulp have earned a lot of positive feedback from those summer residents who used cucumbers for pickling.

Characteristics of Ekol cucumbers

In the State Register of the Federation, Ekol cucumbers are listed as a form suitable for growing in open ground and greenhouses. A key characteristic of the variety is resistance to many diseases. In particular, plantings rarely get sick with powdery mildew, brown spot (cladosporiosis) and cucumber mosaic virus.

Frost resistance of the Ekol variety is average. During periods of prolonged drought, the fruits do not fall from the shoots, as happens in most other species. Bushes bear fruit well both in the sun and in the shade.


Fruiting of Ekol F1 cucumbers occurs on average 40-45 days after the appearance of the first sprouts. A feature of fruit set is that the bushes do not need pollination – the hybrid is classified as parthenocarpic type of cucumbers.

The yield of the variety is 7-9 kg of fruit per bush. It is possible to stimulate fruiting with the help of timely blinding of the lower nodes on the shoots. To do this, axillary ovaries are removed, which contributes to the development of the root system of the plant and an increase in the total number of fruits.

Important! Ekol cucumbers can be harvested in very small (pickles) – fruits 3 to 5 cm long are suitable for eating.

Cucumber Ekol F1: description + reviews

Pest and disease resistance

According to the reviews of gardeners, Ekol F1 cucumbers have excellent immunity. They are resistant to many diseases that are typical for cucumbers, however, there are a number of diseases that may pose some danger to plantings, namely:

  • downy mildew;
  • tobacco mosaic virus;
  • white rot.

The main cause of infection is stagnant water as a result of excessive watering and ignoring crop rotation rules. Prevention of these diseases comes down to early spraying of the beds with a solution of Bordeaux liquid and copper sulfate. Also, good results are shown by the treatment of plants with a solution of mullein. To prevent the disease from spreading to neighboring bushes, the affected areas of cucumbers are removed.

Insects infect Ekol F1 cucumbers infrequently, however, this does not mean that preventive measures can be neglected. The following pests pose the greatest threat to the hybrid:

  • whitefly;
  • melon aphid;
  • spider mite.

Against the whitefly, plantings are sprayed with soapy water. As a preventive measure against the invasion of this pest, cucumbers are recommended to be fertilized with manure. Sticky traps have also proven themselves well in the fight against whiteflies.

From spider mites, spraying with pepper infusion helps. The gourd aphid is repelled by the Karbofos solution.

Pros and cons of the variety

The positive characteristics of Ekol cucumbers include the following qualities:

  • consistently high yields;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • attractive fruit appearance;
  • drought resistance – the fruits do not fall off for a long time even with a lack of moisture;
  • shade tolerance;
  • the possibility of harvesting part of the crop in the form of pickles;
  • the possibility of long-term storage without loss of presentation and quality of fruits;
  • good taste – cucumbers are not bitter.

The disadvantages include, first of all, the fact that planting material for Ekol F1 cucumbers cannot be prepared independently. The fact is that this is a hybrid form, which means that seeds will have to be bought at the store every year.

Also in the reviews, the shortcomings include the prickliness of the fruit, which makes it difficult to harvest, and vulnerability to downy mildew. In addition, if the crop is not harvested on time, cucumbers begin to barrel.

Growing rules

Cucumbers of the Ekol F1 variety can be grown both by sowing and seedling methods. When planting in open ground, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of crop rotation – cucumbers develop best in areas where legumes, potatoes, sweet peppers and onions grew before.

Growing in a greenhouse requires regular ventilation of the room. Otherwise, the humidity of the air will reach a critical level, which contributes to the development of fungal infections.

Important! When grown by the seedling method, the Ekol F1 variety begins to bear fruit faster, and the crop volumes increase.

Cucumber Ekol F1: description + reviews

Terms of sowing

By the sowing method, Ekol F1 cucumbers are planted in open ground or in a greenhouse in mid-May, when the soil temperature reaches at least + 15 ° C.

Planting by seedless method is carried out in mid-May, when the soil is completely warm. Cucumbers are sown for seedlings in late March – early April.

Choosing a place and preparing beds

A place for planting cucumbers of the Ekol F1 variety is chosen taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. Best of all, cucumbers bear fruit on medium loamy loose soils with good air circulation.
  2. Variety Ecole F1 refers to heat-loving plants. Despite the fact that the hybrid is quite shade-resistant, it shows its best qualities when grown in sunny areas.
  3. Landings should be well protected from strong gusts of wind. The variety is very tall, so the stems can break under the influence of frequent drafts.

Soil preparation for planting cucumbers begins in advance – in the fall. It includes the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to remove all debris from the site. From future beds, the tops left after previous crops are collected, weeds are weeded.
  2. Before planting in the greenhouse, it is recommended to remove the topsoil. This is done in order to protect cucumbers from pest larvae and fungal spores.
  3. After that, the soil is dug up on a shovel bayonet. The procedure is combined with the application of organic fertilizers, which will not only serve as a source of nutrition for cucumbers, but also contribute to an increase in soil temperature. Horse manure is best suited for these purposes, which, moreover, kills harmful bacteria.
  4. Heavy soil can be corrected by adding wet sawdust.
Important! Horse manure to warm the soil is brought into the ground at least 3 weeks before planting cucumbers. This is necessary in order to protect the roots of seedlings or seeds from burns.

How to plant

Planting cucumbers of the Ekol F1 variety for seedlings is carried out as follows:

  1. Seedlings are grown in individual containers, the volume of which is 0,5 liters. Ecole F1 cucumbers are not sown in common containers – picking for this variety is stressful.
  2. Potting mix can be purchased at any gardening store or you can make your own. To do this, fertile soil, sawdust, humus and peat are mixed in equal quantities.
  3. Before sowing seeds, it is advisable to soak them in a solution with the addition of a growth stimulator (“Kornevin”, “Zircon”).
  4. The soil before sowing the seeds is disinfected with a weak solution of manganese.
  5. The seeds are buried no more than 3 cm. So, the shoots will quickly form a full-fledged root system and break through the thickness of the earth.
  6. Immediately after planting the seeds, the containers are covered with glass or plastic wrap to create a humid microclimate. As soon as the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed. A month after this, the seedlings can be moved to a permanent place in open ground or a greenhouse.
  7. Water the seedlings abundantly, but rarely. Use only warm water for this.
  8. Feed seedlings with complex fertilizers.

When planting in open ground, cucumber seeds are sown at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The recommended row spacing is 65 cm.

You can learn more about the features of growing Ekol F1 cucumbers from the video below:

Cucumber seedling care before planting

Aftercare for cucumbers

Caring for planting cucumbers of the Ekol F1 variety is not difficult at all. The main thing is to follow some recommendations:

  1. Water the bushes with exceptionally warm water. Under no circumstances should plantings be flooded. In addition, it is desirable to water in small grooves dug around the plants, since the introduction of moisture directly under the stem can damage the root system of the bush.
  2. Shoots, the length of which does not reach the trellis by 25-30 cm, must be removed.
  3. Cucumbers are fed with organic solutions. In dry form, organic matter is not recommended to be applied to the soil. The Ecole F1 variety responds especially well to fertilizer with a solution of wood ash.
  4. For better development of cucumbers, it is recommended to periodically loosen the soil under them. This procedure improves air circulation in the soil, saturating the root system of plants with oxygen. In addition, loosening the soil prevents stagnation of moisture.
Advice! You can increase the yield by pinching the ovaries of the sinuses. To do this, blind from 4 to 6 sinuses in the lower part of the shoot.


Ekol cucumber, despite its youth, has already managed to win noble reviews from gardeners. The popularity of this hybrid form is explained by consistently high yields, excellent immunity of the variety, the absence of bitterness in cucumbers and the versatility of the use of fruits. Also, Ecole F1 cucumbers are quite unpretentious, so even beginners can grow them.

Ekol cucumber reviews

Tikhomirova Anastasia Vasilievna, 31 years old, Lipetsk
I liked the cucumbers. I planted it for the first time, so I approached the task seriously – I studied photos of cucumbers with reviews, read about the characteristics of the Ecole variety. Very pleased with the yield. Shrubs are easy to care for. For me, a big plus was the opportunity to collect cucumbers in the form of pickles – I love small fruits. And yes, they marinate well. Of the obvious disadvantages, I can single out only one – if the fruits are overexposed in the garden, the cucumbers become tasteless and tough.
Solntseva Tamara Nikolaevna, 54 years old, Moscow
One of the tastiest varieties, and I transplanted a lot of them. Cucumbers are well born, the pulp is dense – it is convenient to pickle. I will plant again next year. Interestingly, when there is a drought, cucumbers do not crumble. They just temporarily stop pouring fruit. Another plus is that the crop can be harvested in the form of small fruits. Of the minuses – very prickly cucumbers. Inconvenient to collect. Everything else suits.

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