Cucumber diet for weight loss by 10 kg
Cucumber diet allows you to lose weight in the shortest possible time. According to nutritionists, it is very tough and it is better to diversify it with other products.

The menu for the week will help you figure out what foods you can include in your diet besides cucumbers, and at the same time achieve good results.

Benefits of the Cucumber Diet

Cucumber diet is one of the most effective mono-diets for weight loss in the shortest possible time. The low calorie content of cucumbers forces the body to use its fat reserves.

The feeling of hunger is slightly dulled due to the large amount of fiber in this vegetable, which swells in the intestines and has a beneficial effect on digestion. Mineral salts help restore the water-salt balance and remove toxins. With an increased number of cucumbers in the diet, the absorption of proteins increases, which can reduce the likelihood of “burning” muscles, that is, losing weight due to a decrease in muscle mass.

Cons of the cucumber diet

This diet is quite risky and can exacerbate chronic diseases. When eating mainly cucumbers, there is often a feeling of weakness, dizziness, abdominal pain, and gastritis.

The diet is contraindicated for people with diseases of the kidneys, stomach and intestines. It is hard for athletes and people, with active intellectual activity and physical exertion. Nutrients are not enough for the normal functioning of the body, because the cucumber is 90% water.

The cucumber mono-diet is difficult to tolerate psychologically, since all the usual products are limited, and the cucumbers themselves do not have a bright taste.

Weekly menu for cucumber diet

A strict version of the diet is eating mostly cucumbers, you get about 600 calories per day. Such a diet is difficult to maintain, it is suitable for people with very good health. The diet at the same time consists of 1,5 – 3 kg of cucumbers per day, a small amount of olive oil for dressing, and with severe hunger, kefir with a low percentage of fat content is occasionally allowed.

In order to avoid possible problems, it is recommended to add fermented milk products, cereals and other vegetables and fruits to cucumber nutrition. Then the calorie content rises to 1000 calories, which allows you to reduce weight and not harm your health. Between meals, it is allowed to eat cucumbers in any quantity.


Cucumbers are mostly eaten fresh, but they can also be boiled, stewed or added to soup. Salted, pickled cucumbers are prohibited.

A gentle diet option for a week looks like this:

Day 1

Breakfast: whole grain toast, two cucumbers

Lunch: slice of dietary beef, cucumber salad with herbs

Dinner: a glass of fat-free fermented baked milk, cucumber

Day 2

Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, orange

Lunch: cucumber salad, egg

Dinner: stewed zucchini, cucumbers

Day 3

Breakfast: a piece of cheese, two cucumbers

Lunch: vegetable soup on the water, cucumber

Dinner: a glass of fat-free fermented baked milk, cucumber

Day 4

Breakfast: whole grain toast, two cucumbers

Lunch: apple or pear, cucumber salad with butter and grated carrots

Dinner: tomato, onion and cucumber salad, egg

Day 5

Breakfast: a glass of yogurt without additives, two cucumbers

Lunch: vegetable puree soup, two cucumbers

Dinner: a glass of fat-free kefir, boiled white fish with rice, cucumber

Day 6

Breakfast: a glass of yogurt without additives, two cucumbers

Lunch: orange, radish, cabbage and cucumber salad, egg

Dinner: cucumbers

Day 7

Breakfast: whole grain toast, two cucumbers

Lunch: apple, cucumber salad with butter and grated carrots

Dinner: a glass of fat-free kefir, boiled white fish with rice, cucumber

The results

When eating mainly cucumbers, that is, fully observing the mono-diet, it is possible to reduce weight by 10 kilograms per week. But it’s worth keeping in mind that some of this is “excess” water gone, and not all that’s lost is fat mass. Such a sharp weight loss is quite dangerous for health.

A safer version of the diet with the addition of protein food gives a smaller result, up to 6 – 7 kg, but it is more stable and does less harm.

Dietitian Reviews

– Before starting a diet, you need to consult a doctor, and if you experience weakness or other problems, immediately complete it. It is better to follow a softer diet with the addition of other foods to the diet. During the cucumber diet, you need to reduce physical activity, since the body does not have strength left for them and part of the weight can go away along with the “burning” of the muscles. Taking a multivitamin is recommended Dilara Akhmetova, consultant nutritionist, nutrition coach.

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