Cucumber boy with thumb

Description of cucumbers A boy with a finger and positive reviews about growing a vegetable in open ground and greenhouses speak of the successful work of breeders. Domestic gardeners appreciated the variety for its high yield and disease resistance.

Description of cucumbers Boy with a finger F1

The heterotic hybrid of cucumbers A boy with a finger is the result of the selection work of the agricultural company Manul. The variety was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Federation in 2000. Recommended for planting throughout Our Country. Cucumbers A boy with a finger form an ovary without pollination by bees. In addition to productivity and immunity to diseases, gardeners note the resistance of the crop to autumn frosts and the cool summer of the North-West region, as well as excellent taste.

The plant bears fruit both in open and protected ground. Cucumber of this variety is successfully grown even on the balconies of city apartments.

Variety Boy with a finger according to the description and photographs has:

  • tall and climbing bushes;
  • large leaves and inflorescences;
  • dense cylindrical greens;
  • small fruits of dark green color;
  • cucumber yield from 7 to 14 kg per 1 sq. m.

Cucumber boy with thumb

Taste qualities of cucumbers

Cucumbers Boy with a finger have excellent taste. Ripe fruits are distinguished by a dense texture, pleasant aroma and a characteristic crunch when consumed. The peel of the cucumber is thin, it does not contain a bitter substance, so it can not be cut before eating. The pulp of the fruit is tender, contains many sugars and trace elements.

Grow cucumbers Boy with a small finger – up to 11 cm, rich dark green color. On the peel there are characteristic tubercles.

Due to their dense texture, cucumbers tolerate transportation well: they do not crumple and do not crack.

Such a crop is well pickled and salted in jars. Processed cucumbers retain good taste. In the marinade, they remain dense and crispy, the flesh does not fall apart and keeps its shape.

Pros and cons of the variety

In vegetable salads, Boy with a finger cucumbers perfectly reveal the taste. The vegetable is not watery, which is important when cutting, but it is also quite juicy, goes well with tomatoes, peppers and fragrant herbs.

The variety is rich in positive characteristics:

  1. High germination. There are practically no hollow seeds in the package. Subject to the rules for growing seedlings, sprouts appear in 99% of cases.
  2. Early maturity. The first fruiting begins 5-6 weeks after germination.
  3. Extended fruiting period. Crispy cucumbers can be harvested for about 3 months: thus, almost the whole summer is provided with a regular collection of green vegetables.
  4. High yields. One bush can give at least 7 kg of crop per season.
  5. Taste and appearance of cucumbers. Cucumbers have high taste indicators both fresh and pickled. The peel of the fruit is not rough, not bitter, and the pulp has a pleasant sweetish taste. Cucumbers grow small, do not have the ability to grow to the size of a zucchini: if a cucumber is not picked in time, it will stop at a size of 11 cm in length and will only thicken.
  6. High endurance. The variety perfectly withstands temperature extremes, a long absence of watering and pest attacks.
  7. Good adaptability. Hybrids are successfully grown both in open ground, and in a greenhouse, and under a film, and in an apartment – on a balcony or even on a windowsill.

The unique hybrid variety Boy with a finger has small features that are difficult to attribute to obvious shortcomings. So, for example, the harvest of cucumbers Boy with a finger from the apartment window sill is inferior to the crop grown in greenhouses, since the variety is very photophilous and does not bear fruit well in low light.

Optimal Growing Conditions

Cucumbers A boy with a finger are grown from seeds or ready-made seedlings.

The rules for growing this cucumber hybrid are no different from growing other varieties. Seedlings need warmth and moderate humidity to germinate. To do this, a seed is planted in the prepared soil to a depth of about 1 cm. The hole is sprinkled with soil and moistened with a spray bottle. For better germination, the seeds are covered with polyethylene in order to create a greenhouse effect. After the appearance of the first shoots, the polyethylene is removed and young shoots are taken care of.

For good growth, young seedlings need favorable conditions.

  1. Seeds should germinate in loose soil. Before germination, the ground should be well moistened.
  2. Cucumber seedlings love warm soil: for optimal development of the root system, the daytime temperature should be above 20 oC, and night – not less than 15 oC.
  3. Seedlings also respond favorably to fertilizing, weeding, loosening.

Growing Cucumbers Boy with Thumb

Cultivation of cucumbers A boy with a finger is possible directly in open ground, or in seedlings.

Despite the chosen method of planting, the seeds must be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will rid them of pathogens, fungi and bacteria. In addition, the experience of gardeners indicates the best germination of disinfected seeds.

Cucumber boy with thumb

Direct planting in open ground

Treated seeds are planted in open ground in established warm weather. At the same time, cucumber beds are enriched with mineral fertilizers.

In a broken ridge, the earth should be loose and free of lumps, stones, or old roots.

A string is pulled along the prepared bed and grooves are drawn with it, the distance between which should be 60-70 cm. Before sowing, the wells are well fertilized with manure and spilled with water. 1-2 seeds are sown in the formed furrows, observing in increments of 20-30 cm.

It is necessary to remember the high germination of hybrid seeds of cucumbers. Seedlings of the Boy with a finger variety are not thinned out, so the seeds should not be sown often.

Seedling cultivation

The grown seedlings are planted in the ground when the plants reach a height of 20 – 25 cm, while at least 4 – 5 leaves should be formed.

Cucumber boy with thumb

Before planting, the plant is carefully removed from the container, trying to handle the fragile roots with care. Many gardeners grow seedlings in a biodegradable natural container, which, along with the root ball, is planted in a prepared hole. The distance between young cucumbers should be about 30 cm for free growth and shoot development.

Planted seedlings are watered and covered with a special covering material or an empty plastic bottle. In such a mini-greenhouse, the root system quickly adapts to new conditions.

After a week, the protective material can be removed and watered with nitrogenous fertilizers.

Watering and top dressing

Variety Boy with a finger bears fruit well with moderate watering. Young plants need more active moisture than mature ones.

As fertilizers, aqueous solutions of wood ash, superphosphate, nitrogen and potassium are perfect. For convenience, in the garden departments, ready-made complexes of mineral fertilizers are sold in ampoules, in the form of a powder or an aqueous emulsion.

Cucumber boy with thumb


Cucumber bushes of the Boy with a finger variety grow large in greenhouses, with many greens. Without a garter on wet ground, the plant will quickly rot and die. For an even distribution of sunlight, grown bushes must be tied to supports.

In the care of cucumber varieties Boy with a finger are unpretentious and do not require additional effort. Mature plants do not need to be pinched. To avoid infections, be sure to remove old wilted and yellowed leaves.

Cucumber boy with thumb

Protection against diseases and pests

When developing hybrid cucumbers, breeders took care to create a disease-resistant variety: it is not susceptible to cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew and cladosporiosis.

In order to prevent diseases and for successful harvesting, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Be sure to treat cucumber seeds before planting with a weak solution of manganese.
  2. Plant seeds or seedlings in warm soil.
  3. Regularly weed bushes of cucumbers from weeds that serve as carriers of diseases.
  4. Fertilize with mineral fertilizers and water the plants in a timely manner.


This hybrid variety is not only resistant to frost and disease, but is especially loved by many gardeners for its high yield. From one square meter per season, from 7 kg of fresh crispy cucumbers are harvested. With good lighting, proper watering and fertilizing, the yield can be increased to 14 kg / sq. m.

The fruits of the variety are small, but very fragrant and dense. 6


Description of cucumbers A boy with a finger promises a high yield with minimal care. This may seem like an exaggeration, but modern breeding capabilities have made it possible to combine in one hybrid the ability to produce a very early harvest, resistance to diseases, and such unpretentiousness of the plant to growing conditions that allows you to get cucumbers on the windowsill.

On July 16, the first cucumbers BOY WITH FINGER ripened, a brief overview of the variety.

Reviews about cucumbers Boy with a finger F1

Inga, 45 years old, Tambov
For many years I have been planting the Boy with a finger cucumber variety in my garden. It grows well in a greenhouse. I have also tried growing it outdoors. I like the taste of cucumbers, how they crunch in salads. Pickled cucumbers are especially successful.
Pavel Vladimirovich, 60 years old, Astana
I am an avid gardener, vegetable grower with 30 years of experience. According to the descriptions of the manufacturer and the reviews of gardeners, Boy with a finger cucumbers grow well and practically do not get sick. I’ve tested it and confirmed it. Among the various varieties that have been planted, the Boy with a finger received a high rating from me, I recommend it.
Alevtina, 55 years old, Petrozavodsk
For me, a real find cucumber Boy with a finger. We have frequent weather changes in our region, a long cold spring and all the other charms of the northern region. However, cucumbers of only this variety are unpretentious and stably bear fruit in my greenhouse. Very tasty, crispy and fragrant.

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