Cucumber Bjorn f1

To get a good harvest in their backyard, many vegetable growers use proven varieties. But when the next novelty appears, there is always a desire to experiment, to check its effectiveness. The newly bred cucumber Bjorn f1 is already highly appreciated by many farmers and ordinary gardeners. The reviews of those who used its seeds for sowing are only positive.

History of variety breeding

In 2014, the world-famous Dutch firm Enza Zaden introduced its consumers the Bjorn f1 cucumber variety. The result of the painstaking work of breeders was a new species, bred using the best genetic material.

Cucumber Bjorn f1

Bjorn cucumber hybrid was included in the State Register in 2015.

Description of cucumbers Bjorn f1

Björn f1 cucumber grows as an indeterminate plant. This is a parthenocarpic hybrid that does not require pollination. The development of the ovaries does not depend on weather conditions, does not need the presence of insects.

The variety is suitable for open ground and for greenhouses. There are no natural growth restrictions, the root system is highly developed. It is characterized by weak weaving. The leaf mass does not overload the plant.

Branching is self-regulating. Short lateral shoots have slow growth, the beginning of which coincides with the end of the main fruiting period of the central stem.

The description of the cucumber Bjorn says that it has a female type of flowering, there are no empty flowers. The ovaries are laid in bouquets from 2 to 4 pieces each.

Thanks to this formation of bushes, caring for and harvesting is quite simple.

Important! The bushes of the variety do not require a laborious pinching procedure. The lower leaf sinuses do not require blinding.

Description of fruits

Björn f1 cucumbers are characterized by one feature: the sizes and shapes remain uniform throughout the entire fruiting period. They do not have the ability to outgrow, barrel, turn yellow. This is a gherkin type of cucumber. The fruits grow even, acquire a cylindrical shape. Their length is not more than 12 cm, the average weight is 100 g.

Cucumber Bjorn f1

The appearance of the vegetable is quite attractive. The peel has a dark green color, spots and light stripes are absent. The pulp is crispy, dense, the taste is excellent, the complete absence of bitterness, laid down genetically.

Characteristics of cucumbers Bjorn f1

Considering the characteristics of the variety, it is worth paying attention to some of its qualities.

Bjorn cucumber yield

Cucumber Bjorn f1 refers to the earliest varieties. The period between planting and harvesting is 35-39 days. Fruits for 60-75 days. Many gardeners in greenhouses grow cucumbers 2 times per season.

The variety is popular due to its high yield and abundant fruiting. In open ground conditions, 13 kg / m² are collected, in greenhouses – 20 kg / m². To get a rich harvest, it is preferable to grow cucumber seedlings.

Application area

Cucumber variety Bjorn f1 universal use. The vegetable is used to prepare fresh salads. It is both the main and additional component of conservation for the winter. Handles transportation well.

Disease and pest resistance

The hybrid has a strong immunity, genetically incorporated. He is not threatened by typical diseases of cucumbers – viral mosaic, cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, viral yellowing of the leaves. Possesses stress resistance. Unfavorable weather conditions, prolonged cloudy weather, temperature changes do not affect the development of the plant. Cucumber flowering does not stop, the ovary is formed as under normal conditions. It is highly resistant to pests and diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Almost all vegetable growers who used Bjorn f1 cucumber on their plots have only positive reviews. They highly appreciated its unique properties, which allowed it to become one of the elite varieties. Many note such positive qualities:

  • high yield;
  • excellent taste;
  • friendly fruiting;
  • lack of special requirements for care;
  • resistance to pests and diseases;
  • high commercial properties.

According to domestic vegetable growers, Bjorn has practically no flaws.

Cucumber Bjorn f1

Important! Some attribute the high cost of seeds to the minuses. But, thanks to the high quality characteristics, the cost of purchasing seed quickly pays off.

Cultivation of Bjorn cucumbers

The process of growing cucumber Bjorn f1 is similar to other varieties and hybrids, but still some features are present.

Cucumber Bjorn f1

Planting seedlings

To grow strong seedlings, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Sowing for planting cucumber Bjorn f1 in the greenhouse is carried out in early April, in open ground – in early May.
  2. There is no need to carry out preliminary processing and preparation of seeds.
  3. Sowing is done in small pots or large peat tablets. 0,5 seed is placed in a 1 liter container.
  4. Before seed germination, the temperature in the room is maintained at + 25 ° C, followed by a decrease to + 20 ° C to prevent seedlings from pulling out.
  5. For irrigation use settled water at room temperature.
  6. Watering and fertilizing are carried out at the same frequency as for other varieties.
  7. Before transplanting seedlings into open ground, it is hardened. The duration of this procedure depends on the condition of the plants and is 5-7 days. Plants with 5 leaves take root well in a new place and endure spring weather changes.
  8. When planting in open ground, they adhere to a certain layout: rows are formed at a distance of 1,5 m from each other, and bushes – 35 cm.
  9. As soon as the plants are transferred to the garden, the installation of supports and pulling cords is required to create a trellis.

Growing cucumbers without seedlings

The seedless method involves sowing Björn f1 cucumber seeds immediately into the ground. This procedure is performed in May, when the frosts stop and the soil warms up to + 13 ° C. Experienced vegetable growers are guided by weather and climatic conditions. Seeds placed in cold soil will not sprout.

For greenhouses and greenhouses, the most suitable period is the second decade of May. It is not recommended to sow at a later date, since the June heat has a bad effect on plants.

The soil for the beds should be fertile, light, with neutral acidity. In the place chosen for planting, weeds are removed, the soil is dug up and watered. Dry seeds are placed in holes to a depth of 3 cm and covered with humus. The distance between the holes is 35-40 cm.

For growing Bjorn f1, both sunny places and shade are suitable. Considering that cucumbers are light-loving crops, places rich in sunlight should be used for planting.

Aftercare for cucumbers

Agrotechnics cucumber Bjorn is watering, loosening, weeding. Be sure to remove the weeds between the bushes. If heavy rain has passed or watering has been done, the cucumbers are loosened. This procedure is carried out very carefully to prevent damage to the plant.

Cucumbers are moisture-loving plants. They especially need watering during the period of formation and growth of fruits. But when it is carried out, it is important to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves. Water only the soil, preferably in the evening, with a frequency of 1-2 times in 7 days during flowering, every 4 days – during the fruiting period.

Important! Due to the proximity of the root system to the surface of the soil, the top layer should not be allowed to dry out.

Cucumber Bjorn f1

Top dressing of cucumber Bjorn provides for the alternate use of mineral fertilizers to increase the yield and its quality and organic matter to ensure intensive growth and increase green mass. It is held in 3 stages throughout the season. The plant needs the first top dressing when 2 leaves appear, the second – during the development phase of 4 leaves, the third – during the flowering period.

Timely harvesting of fruits will ensure an increase in the period of fruiting, preservation of their quality and presentation.

Shrub formation

This variety is grown using the trellis method. Bushes in the process of development are not formed. Lateral shoots during growth are regulated by the plant itself.


Cucumber Bjorn f1 combines high gastronomic qualities, good preservation and simplified plant care. Professional vegetable growers and ordinary gardeners are not afraid of the high cost of seed material. They prefer to grow it, because during planting and general care of the bushes, it is not necessary to make great efforts to get a big harvest.


Larisa Viktorovna Seregina, 45 years old, Saratov
I love experimenting in my backyard. When I saw Bjorn f1 cucumber seeds for sale, I decided to try it. I was satisfied with my purchase. Easy care, unpretentiousness, grows both in the sun and in the shade, an excellent harvest. It is convenient to collect, thanks to the trellis method of cultivation. Cucumbers are delicious both fresh and canned. Bjorn has become my favorite variety. I recommend!
Gennady Pavlovich Zakharov, 65, Novokubansk
For a long time I was looking for a suitable variety for the professional cultivation of cucumbers in my farm. After reading numerous reviews, I decided to sow Bjorn f1. He exceeded all my expectations. I would like to note the yield of the variety, its long fruiting, resistance to diseases, pests, and changes in climatic conditions. I especially liked the quality of the fruits, their taste properties, the possibility of long-term storage and transportation.
Farmer’s review of cucumber Bjorn.

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