How to choose cucumbers?
There are two main varieties of cucumber The Dutch, not at all bitter, this is the most common.
And the thorny cucumber, smaller, it looks like a big pickle and it has a little bit more bitterness. Good to know: the smaller it is, the tastier it is and the fewer seeds it has.
Professional tips for cooking cucumber properly
No need to make them disgorge in salt. On the contrary, this will allow them to keep all their crunchiness.
The cut : they can be cut into thin slices or grated. Or make marbles using a Parisian spoon.
The cooking : yes, the cucumber can be cooked quickly so that it retains its crunchiness. In the microwave for a few seconds, in a pan 2-3 min in a little butter or olive oil. Or steamed, 7 or 8 minutes.
Keep it well. It can be kept in the fridge for a week. If it is cut, wrap it in cling film.
Magical associations with cucumber
Raw or cooked, cucumber goes well with fish such as smoked salmon or sole, and shellfish.
Add crunch to a fruit salad made from apples, grapes … by adding diced cucumber. It’s original and refreshing.
Dare to serve it with cheeses. It will bring freshness to strong cheeses.
Raise its taste by combining it with herbs (dill, chives, mint, etc.) or spices (saffron, nutmeg, etc.).
Did you know?
We consume 1,8 kg of cucumber per year and per person.