Cucumber Adam: variety description and photo
Although the cucumber “Adam” was bred in Holland, it is perfect for cultivation in central Russia. Having learned about the peculiarities of its agricultural technology, you will get beautiful and tasty vegetables in your garden.
Properties and photos of the Adam cucumber variety
This early vegetable bears fruit 40-50 days after germination. Zelentsy, similar to barrels up to 3,7 cm in diameter, weigh only 90 g. If not plucked, they become thicker, but do not grow in length. The skin is thin, dark green, covered with small, thorny tubercles. Lighter longitudinal stripes are located on the surface. The core is dense, with small seeds. The taste is pleasant, fresh.
Cucumber “Adam” high-yielding
The bushes are tall, it is advisable to put a trellis for them. The flowering type is female. These hybrids are parthencarpic, that is, the fruits are formed even without pollination, but in this case they do not have seeds. Therefore, they grow in greenhouses and open ground and develop normally in the absence of insects.
Their advantage is high yield, reaching 10 kg per square meter, and resistance to powdery mildew and mosaic. They are stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well.
Description of the technology of growing cucumbers variety “Adam”
In the second half of May, they can be sown directly to the garden. But with the use of seedlings, the bushes will be stronger. Start growing it 1,5 months before planting and consider a few requirements:
- Seed preparation. Keep them in the refrigerator for a day, then soak in water to peck the sprouts.
- Sowing. Plants do not like replanting, so prepare plastic or peat pots filled with light nutritious soil and place one grain in each.
- Temperature conditions. Keep warm until germination, then +20 ° C and provide additional lighting. A week before planting, when the ground warms up, take it outside for hardening.
- Landing in the ground. The place must be sufficiently lit. Do not plant cucumbers in the same area for several years in a row. Dig up in advance and fertilize the garden with organic matter, make holes at a distance of 30 cm.
- Care. Once a week, and more often at the fruiting stage, water the plants, add mineral and organic compounds. When the sixth leaf appears, pinch the main stem.
Harvest on time, do not leave for seeds. This is a hybrid, and in the second generation it will not have maternal properties.
This type is universal, used for preparing salads and preparing for the winter. But only when buying planting material at certified points can you be guaranteed to have the declared characteristics.