
Cucumaria is a genus of echinoderm invertebrates from the class of holothurians. The modern fauna of holothurians consists of more than a thousand species, which are divided into 6 orders and differ from each other in the shape of tentacles, calcareous ring and a set of internal organs.

The oldest fossils of echinoderms invertebrates date back to the Silurian period (443,8 ± 1,5 million years ago – 419,2 ± 3,2 million years ago).

The genus of cucumaria has about 50 species. The animal is used by mankind as a food product. Most often the ingredient is boiled, dried or preserved. What you need to know about kukumoria, is it safe to use the product and where to look for a special snack?

Biological data

The spineless animal has an elongated muscular body. The body is very dense, a slight roundness is formed at the posterior end. During the life of the animal, the body is in an extended position. As soon as the cucumaria rises to the surface, the body will greatly decrease in size due to tension and dynamic muscle contraction. Upon contact with air and an abundance of ultraviolet light, the body of the cucumaria takes on a spherical shape and loses more than 50% of its original volume.

Echinoderma is colored in a dark palette of brown or purple hue. Color may depend on many factors, including age or habitat. The abdominal side of the coquimaria is slightly flattened. Its color is much lighter than the rest of the body, and the spinal side is considered the darkest side.

The front of the body is provided with an oral opening. It is surrounded by 10 branched tentacles. Cucumaria is on average 40 centimeters long and 1 kilograms of live weight.

The abdominal part of the body is dotted with many ambulacral legs. What it is? The ambulacral or water vascular system is the unique hydraulic system of echinoderms. It is she who is responsible for their movement, breathing, touch and excretion. The system is formed at the very beginning of the development of the organism from the rudiments of the coelom (the secondary cavity of the multicellular body).

The ambulacral system consists of a perioral ring and 5 radial channels. To receive information from the external environment, a special organ was formed – a porous madrepore plate. It assesses the situation in the outside world, equalizes the hydrostatic pressure outside and inside the animal body. Ambulacral legs are located on the surface of the body – these are hundreds of flexible tubes in the form of a cylinder with a suction cup / sole at the free ends. Such tubules can be seen in sea urchins and stars, in sea lilies or brittle stars, the ambulacral legs form pointed.

How does the animal move? The legs are driven by constant pressure changes in the ampoules and channels. Water passes through them, then enters the peritonal channel, which is divided into 5 radial channels. Water is rapidly filling the ampoules located at the very base of the legs. The vials begin to shrink, causing the water to move into the legs and stretch them a little. At this time, the suction cups of the legs are attached to some convenient object or surface. After each sharp reduction, the legs change their size, thanks to which the invertebrate moves. Kukumaria possesses a total of 2-4 rows of such organs, which are located strictly along the radii in order to ensure the functional movement of the echinoderm.

Cucumaria lifestyle and distribution

Young invertebrates prefer to dwell among the thickets of high algae. There they explore the world and lead active sorties. More adult invertebrates choose a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. In some cases, they are still chosen and move limply along the seabed. Echinoderm do not need to worry about safety or food. Everything that is necessary for a quality life is already embedded in them. Animals feed on sludge particles, which are collected using special tentacles.

Cucumaria spawns 2 times a year. The first breeding period is typical for the beginning of May, the second – for the beginning of July. The animal simply splashes the sex products into the water and expects the same return from other individuals. Echinoderms form large eggs that are colored in a deep emerald hue. These eggs later develop into larvae. They cling to plankton for 10-14 days, after which they settle to the bottom. It is important to note that the plankton larva does not need food at all. For 2 weeks she has been engaged in intensive internal growth and development from the resources already received, so that the need for top dressing disappears by itself.

You can meet a strange animal in a tropical and subtropical climate. They prefer to live near open coasts, much less often they choose closed bays at a depth of 1 to 100 meters. The highest probability of meeting cucumaria at a depth of 5 to 50 meters in relatively open areas of the seabed. The chances of a productive meeting increase if several types of soil are concentrated in the offshore area. Also, an invertebrate can be found in Primorye, on Sakhalin, the Japanese, Okhotsk, Barents Seas. Permissible depth – from 0,5 to 100 meters.

The value of invertebrate for the human body

Cucumaria is a storehouse of biologically active components, vitamins and minerals. The product is especially rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, holothurin and hexosamine. These components have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of all body systems. The ingredient stimulates brain activity, helps to concentrate on details faster and better. Those who daily engage in exhausting mental activity should pay attention to a dish from an echinoderm animal. After a few days of daily use, you will be able to feel and evaluate the result. Doctors recommend a specialized diet with the addition of individuals of the genus Cucumaria for diseases of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system. The product strengthens the protective functions of the immune system, replenishes the energy potential and helps the body quickly return to its usual pace after an illness.

What else is useful product:

  • reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, so it is recommended for diabetes;
  • participates in the synthesis of protein structures and is responsible for accelerating the renewal of liver cells, which helps to avoid dystrophic changes in the body;
  • helps to improve erectile function in men and prevent the development of diseases of the urogenital system;
  • restores the connective tissue of the skeleton, strengthens the spine and joints;
  • used as a preventive measure for the development of malignant cancers, inhibits their growth and helps the body to minimize the harmful effects of the disease;
  • improves the functionality of the brain, respiratory system and kidneys;
  • has an antiviral effect, inhibits gastric parasites and cleanses the body of pathogenic microflora, is able to fight fungal pathogens;
  • in alternative medicine is used as the only drug in the fight against HIV.

Use of the ingredient in gastronomy

The product is typical for dishes of Japanese and Asian culinary tradition. Invertebrates are served much less frequently in the Far Eastern regions of Russia. Asians fell in love with the product for its unusual original taste and an incalculable list of beneficial properties for the body. Everything is prepared from echinoderm – salads, appetizers, side dishes, first courses. Most often served with other seafood, lean meats or an abundance of vegetables.

Kukumaria has a pronounced taste, which must be supplemented with spices. An excessive amount of additives will shift the taste accents of the dish, confuse the consumer and make the final result unfit for consumption.

The main rule for cooking invertebrate seafood is not to interrupt its main taste and aroma.

Ingredient is forbidden to eat raw. This can be a serious poisoning. There is a special system for cooking the product: first, the meat is boiled for 3-4 hours, and only then proceed to cooking according to the chosen recipe.

To save time for consumers, large brands sell ready-made semi-finished products, rather than a fresh invertebrate carcass. It is enough to defrost the product and continue gastronomic experiments.

Boiled meat can be frozen and stored in the freezer for several months. Take advantage of this to save both material resources and time.

How to boil the product? The ingredient must first be thawed and left overnight so that it “reaches”. In the morning, remove the insides from the carcass, rinse thoroughly several times and send to boiling water. The liquid can be pre-salted to enhance the flavor and aroma palette. From time to time you need to look behind the broth and remove the foam balls. Bring the broth to a boil over high heat, remove the foam, then reduce the heat and leave to simmer for another 2-3 hours. As soon as the meat becomes soft and pliable – remove the dish from the stove. The pot with meat and broth should be left overnight at room temperature. In the morning, simply drain the water, remove the main ingredient and continue your culinary search.

Who is prohibited from using the product? Doctors say that the only contraindication to eating meat is individual intolerance to the component. In all other cases, there are no obstacles on the way to a completely new and extremely useful gastronomic discovery.

Cockworm Risotto Recipe

The nutritional value of the finished dish
Caloric valueProteinsFatsCarbohydrates
917 kCal25,9 g58,3 g56,4 g

We need:

  • arborio rice (special rice for making risotto) – 240 grams;
  • frozen cucumaria – 140 grams;
  • celery stalk – 10 grams;
  • butter – 40 grams;
  • olive oil – 50 milliliters;
  • shallots – 85 grams;
  • carrots – 30 gram;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • parmesan – 150 grams;
  • chicken broth – 500 milliliters;
  • dry red wine – 400 milliliters;
  • tomato paste – 50 grams;
  • cream (recommended fat content – 33%) – 300 milliliters;
  • parsley / thyme / salt / pepper / favorite spices to taste.


The first thing you need to properly defrost the meat of an invertebrate animal. Grind two thirds of the prepared product to a straw with a thickness of millimeters 5-7. Cut the rest of the carcass into small cubes.

Chop the celery, carrots, shallots and garlic into small pieces. Fry all the ingredients in butter, adding a sprig of thyme in the process. As soon as the vegetables begin to be covered with a golden crust, add tomato paste to the pan. Stir the contents thoroughly and keep on fire for another 2-3 minutes. Then pour 60 milliliters of wine into the container. As soon as half of the alcohol has evaporated, add chopped cucumaria to the pan, remove from heat and leave the dish for at least 1 hour. The tastes of herbs, vegetables and meat during this time should mix and create a unique flavor tandem.

In a clean skillet, sauté some onion, garlic, thyme, then add the arborio rice and meat cubes. Pour in 320 milliliters of wine, evaporate, then add chicken broth in portions. Make sure the liquids have time to evaporate. Once the chicken broth has completely evaporated and gives off flavor, stir in the grated Parmesan. The final chord – add cream, your favorite spices and remove the finished dish from the fire.

Combine the contents of two pans and serve immediately after cooking.

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