Cuboid varieties of pepper

The range of sweet pepper seeds presented to gardeners is very wide. In the windows you can find varieties and hybrids that bear fruits of different shapes, colors, with different ripening periods. Some are intended for planting in the ground without shelter, others are best planted in a greenhouse, and still others grow well indoors. Very beautiful cube-shaped peppers. You can read more about these varieties below.

Pepper for greenhouses and open ground of early ripening

When choosing a variety for your garden, it is important to consider the period until ripeness and favorable growing conditions. It directly depends on what kind of crop you can get. The following are varieties and hybrids with early ripening, which grow and bear fruit both in open ground and under cover.

golden anniversary

Cuboid varieties of pepper

An early cube-shaped pepper from high-yielding varieties. Forms a strong bush about 70 cm, with a lush crown. The fruits themselves reach 150 g by weight, the walls are 0,7 cm. The skin is even, saturated orange.

Cardinal F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

Early hybrid with large peppers. The mass of one piece reaches 280 g, the shape is in the form of a cube, the skin has an unusual dark lilac color. The bush is tall, grows up to 1 m. From a square meter of planting, from 8 to 14 kg of crop are obtained. The hybrid is intended for cultivation in closed ground.

Raisa F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

This hybrid is obtained in height from 50 to 100 cm. It is also intended for planting in a greenhouse. It bears fruits more compact in size, weight up to 150 g. The skin is intense yellow.

Red Baron F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

Early maturing hybrid with cuboid fruits, red skin. The plant itself reaches a height of 50-100 cm. It can reach 160 g in weight, fleshy and compact. The hybrid is preferably planted in a greenhouse.

Orange Wonder F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

Early hybrid with high productivity. From one square meter of planting, from 7 to 14 kg of crops are obtained. The fruits are large, weighing about 250 g. The shape is in the form of a cube, the skin is bright orange.

The plant forms a bush up to 1 m high. It is planted both in an open garden bed and in a greenhouse.


Cuboid varieties of pepper

Among the large-fruited varieties, this variety is the earliest. Forms a 60 cm bush. The fruits are unlikely to impress with a bright taste, but they make up for this with high-speed ripening. Weight 500 g, color bright yellow, shape in the form of a cube, and the walls are about 1 cm.

Fat Baron

Cuboid varieties of pepper

Another early variety that produces large cube-shaped fruits. The weight of one piece is 300 g, the wall thickness is 1 cm. The skin has a bright red color. The bush grows low, 50-60 cm, the shape is spherical. On one bush, 8-9 peppers ripen, which are distinguished by a sweet taste. To plant seedlings on the site in early June, the sowing of seeds should be completed in the first decade of March.

Gemini F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

Refers to early hybrids, known for its high yield. Actively bears fruit even in cool summers. After moving the seedlings to the site, the first harvest can be expected in 72-76 days. The plant forms a large bush with regular outlines. These peppers are grown both in open beds and under cover.

Fruits grow in 7-10 pieces on one bush. Their weight can reach 400 g. They have excellent taste. Upon reaching biological maturity, they acquire a bright yellow color. Grow with thick walls.

Claudio F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

This early hybrid produces cube-shaped, slightly elongated fruits. The peel, when ripe, has a dark red color, thick walls. Weight is about 200-250 g. Suitable for planting in an open garden or in a greenhouse.

The plant forms a strong shrub with dense foliage. The first harvest is obtained after 80 days from transplanting seedlings from room conditions to the site. On one bush you can find up to 12 vegetables. The hybrid is known for its great taste, it tolerates transportation well.

Star of the East white F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

This hybrid produces cream-colored cube-shaped fruits. On one bush you can find 7-8 pieces. The height of the plant reaches 70 cm. The weight of one fruit is 200-250 g. The hybrid is known for its excellent taste. The fruits are well preserved during transportation. The plant resists many diseases.

Star of the East white in red F1

One of the early hybrids with very high yields. The fruit has a weight of 200 g, the walls reach 8-10 mm in thickness. Peppers, upon reaching biological maturity, acquire a bright red color.

The plant forms a medium-sized, semi-spreading bush. Grow in open beds or under cover. Known for its excellent taste, which is so important for fruit crops, it is preserved during transportation. Resists disease.

Dennis F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

One of the early hybrids. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February. Peppers are large, cube-shaped, when they reach biological maturity, they acquire a bright red color.

Maradona F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

An early maturing hybrid that produces large vegetables. The weight of one piece is on average 220 g, the wall thickness reaches 7-8 mm. The bush grows up to 80 cm. As it ripens, the peppers become yellowish. The hybrid is suitable for growing in open beds or in a greenhouse.

Quadro Red

Cuboid varieties of pepper

One of the new hybrids. Refers to the early maturing. The plant forms a strong, 65 cm bush, 10-15 fruits can be on it at the same time. Vegetables have a clear shape, they are divided into 4 chambers. Weight 350 g, wall 8 mm.

When they reach biological maturity, they turn bright red. The skin is smooth, with a glossy sheen. Vegetables taste great. The plant is resistant to diseases, bears fruit abundantly.

Important! Sweet peppers are not only tasty and decorative. They are rich in vitamins C, A and P, so it is worth allocating a place for them in your area.

List of common mid-early varieties

The best option is to plant peppers with different ripening periods on your site. Then the whole season you can harvest a fresh crop, make salads and preparations for the winter. Different varieties are planted in open beds or under shelters.

Latino F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

One of the mid-early hybrids, 100-110 days pass from the moment of germination to the start of fruiting. Produces cube-shaped red peppers. The bush grows up to 1 m tall. The weight of one piece is about 200 g. It is characterized by resistance to potato virus and tobacco mosaic.

These vegetables are mainly intended for greenhouse cultivation. Under optimal environmental conditions, 14 kg of vegetables can be obtained from one square meter of planting. It is mainly used for salads, it is also suitable for direct consumption.

Golden calf

Cuboid varieties of pepper

From the moment of germination to the first harvest, about 110-115 days pass. The variety is distinguished by large cube-shaped peppers, their weight can reach 250-500 g, the color is yellow. Plant 70-80 cm tall.

Suitable for growing in open beds, in greenhouses or under cover. Differs in plentiful fruiting. Resists a number of diseases. It is mainly used as an ingredient in salads.

California miracle golden

Cuboid varieties of pepper

From the detection of seedlings to the start of fruiting, 140-150 days pass. The plant bears fruit for 50 days. Forms a low shrub.

The fruits grow yellow, in the form of a regular cube. Vegetables reach 130 g, the walls are 5-6 mm. The variety is known for its excellent taste and abundant fruiting, it is universal in use. Can be eaten directly, used for cooking or preserved.

Yellow Cube F1

From the first shoots to the start of fruiting 110-115 days. Forms a strong bush, up to 1 m tall. Vegetables are quite large, well stored, transported. They have a trade dress. The plant resists the tobacco mosaic virus.

Vegetables grow weighing 250-300 g, walls 8-10 mm. As they ripen, they acquire a rich yellow hue and a pleasant aroma. Peppers with juicy pulp, contain a considerable proportion of sugars.


Cuboid varieties of pepper

One of the mid-early varieties, from the day of planting seedlings to the first harvest 99-120 days. Forms compact bushes with dense foliage. Bears cuboid, red fruits. One medium pepper weighs 130 g, walls up to 8 mm. The plant is disease resistant. Preferably planted in greenhouses.

Choose a variety of medium ripening

There are many varieties of pepper with an average ripening period. They should also be planted in your garden. Vegetables ripen red, yellow or orange. Growing them is not only practical, but also very pleasant. Such fruits will decorate the garden plot.


Cuboid varieties of pepper

The plant is small in size, about 50 cm. Before the start of fruiting 110-135 days. Peppers in the form of a cube, rich red color. The weight of one piece is up to 140 g. 3 kg of crop is harvested from a square meter of plantings.

This plant can be planted outdoors or under cover, it resists many diseases. Used fresh and for preparations.

golden-maned lion

Cuboid varieties of pepper

Another variety with cube-shaped fruits. Before the first vegetables, you need to wait about 110-135 days. Forms a sprawling plant about 50 cm. Peppers are large, weighing up to 270 g, saturated yellow.

This variety is intended for the conditions of the middle lane. It is planted in open ground or under cover in the form of a film. Resists many diseases, gives a bountiful harvest. It is mainly used for salads and direct consumption.

Yolo miracle

Cuboid varieties of pepper

Before the start of fruiting 110-135 days. Plant up to 60 cm tall. Vegetables in the form of a cube, large – weight up to 300 g. The skin is red, the pulp is juicy. Designed for growing in open ground, under cover in the form of a film or in a greenhouse. Resists many diseases. Versatile in use.

fat man

Cuboid varieties of pepper

This mid-season variety forms a bush of 50 cm. Vegetables with dense walls and a pleasant taste. The skin is bright red.

Siberian Bonus

One of the best sweet peppers in the world. Vegetables are large, weighing about 200-300 g. The skin is dark orange in color with a glossy sheen, an unusual shade for sweet peppers. The plant is low, reaches 50 cm.

These vegetables are very tasty, a real gourmet will like them, their flesh is very tender. The wall thickness reaches 1,2 cm.

Siberian format

Cuboid varieties of pepper

The plant forms taller bushes – about 70 cm. Vegetables are known for their excellent taste. By weight they reach 350-500 g, the skin is red, the wall thickness is about 1 cm.

Night F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

High-yielding hybrid, bred not so long ago. It bears cube-shaped fruits weighing just over 100 g. It bears fruit abundantly, 5-7 kg of crop can be harvested from a square meter of planting. Red skin. Preferably grown indoors.

Cuboid fruits of late ripening

Late ripening is considered to be more than 130 days. Further, several varieties of late vegetables are presented.

Cube F1

The name itself indicates a cuboid shape, the mass reaches 150 g. 120 days pass before fruiting begins. Forms a plant 60 cm tall, preferably planting in greenhouses without heating. The skin is smooth, in immature vegetables it has a green color, as it ripens it becomes dark red. The walls are thick, 7 mm. When growing in a greenhouse per square meter of planting, 5 kg of crop is obtained. Vegetables are versatile.


Cuboid varieties of pepper

The variety forms a bush of medium size. Fruits in the form of a cube, with thick walls – about 6-8 mm. The mass of one vegetable is about 125 g. The pulp is juicy.

This variety is intended for cultivation in a film greenhouse. It takes 130 days for the first harvest to ripen. It is mainly used fresh.

Aristotle F1

Cuboid varieties of pepper

The plant forms a powerful, upright shrub. It bears large fruits weighing 200 g. Ripening occurs over 130 days. Four-chamber peppers, thick walls, high taste characteristics. The grade is intended for cultivation in a warm climate on an open bed. Gives a bountiful harvest, resists diseases. In application it is universal – suitable for both salads and canning.


A gardener who wants to plant sweet peppers in his garden has plenty to choose from. In specialized stores, there are many varieties and hybrids with useful characteristics. If you combine peppers with different ripening dates on the site, a tasty and healthy crop will be available all season.

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