Cube for moonshine: what you need to know + what to do with your own hands

Before you make a distillation cube, you must have at least a basic knowledge of how this device works. However, many novice moonshiners are ready to make a distillation cube at home after looking at a picture posted on the Internet on their knee, but almost all of them fail: it is impossible to create something that you don’t understand.

The principles of operation of the distillation cube

First you need to figure out what a distillation cube is. This is a kind of container (not necessarily a cubic shape), which is absolutely airtight. It is in it that the distillation process takes place – the heating of the mash.

You can reach the required temperature with the help of a heating element, or using a conventional gas stove, you can also use coals or firewood, but in this case it is necessary to monitor the heating temperature of the cube.

The mash vapors pass through intermediate structural elements, and then enter the refrigerator, where condensation takes place into a ready-to-eat product.

In addition to the tightness of the cube during distillation, it is necessary to take into account several more important nuances:

  1. You can not pour the mash into the distillation cube to the very brim. The optimal volume of raw materials is about three-quarters of the container volume.

  2. After turning on the heating, be especially vigilant: at about 70 degrees, the selection of “heads” should begin. Of course, in a separate container.

  3. “Body” (the very purpose of distillation – drinking ethyl alcohol) begins to be selected only at 78 degrees.

  4. After reaching 85 degrees, we again replace the container and begin to select “tails” – fusel oils, which should be added to the mash before the next distillation.

Materials from which a distillation cube can be made

The distillation cube is assembled from ready-made dishes. Creating such an item from scratch will not only eat up a lot of nerves and time, but it will also cost much more than using ready-made containers.

However, not all dishes are suitable for making a cube. Stainless steel or copper are the best materials, safe from any point of view. By the way, it is from them that moonshine stills are made, available for purchase in the store.

If you don’t have stainless steel on hand, don’t despair. In extreme cases, you can use enameled steel or aluminum products, however, if you still decide on such a material, be careful. Aluminum ions, when used for a long time, can cause tumors, as well as other health problems.

In the case of enameled steel, the problem is similar: any selected container will have to be drilled, and if the integrity of the enamel is violated, problems with corrosion and tightness may arise.

What to make a distillation cube with your own hands

Consider the most popular containers that are widely converted into moonshine stills.

  1. Milk can

    It is especially popular in villages, where it has been used for its intended purpose for a very long time. It has a lot of advantages: the roof is initially airtight, and therefore the improvements will be minimal.

    You just have to make a hole for the hose in the lid, and also place a thermometer. The disadvantages include the material: most cans are made of food-grade aluminum, which is far from the best metal for a cube.

    If you still decide to convert the can to your needs, do not forget to replace the neck gasket with a silicone one (when heated, the rubber will stink very much).

  2. beer keg

    They obviously do not save on containers for alcohol, and therefore this container is made of excellent stainless steel.

    However, the keg will require a rather serious modernization: it will be necessary to make a neck, a tap, insert a thermometer, and also solve the problem with washing (it is hardly possible to thoroughly wash the keg through a narrow neck, and ignoring the cleanliness of the device is fraught with consequences).

  3. Pan

    She has a lot of pluses: a pan can be found from stainless steel – the best material for a cube; the lid can be fixed with paper clips and a silicone gasket (the quality of this design has already been tested by more than one generation of moonshiners), washing the container will be as easy as shelling pears.

    For a saucepan, minimal effort will be enough: weld in a hose fitting and insert a thermometer.

  4. Bucket

    The bucket must be enameled, and the main problem will be how to hermetically fix the lid and make a hole for the hose in it.

  5. Pressure cooker

    Theoretically, it also requires minimal modifications: the lid is initially sealed, and therefore it remains only to fix the hose and weld in the thermometer.

    However, the pressure cooker has a huge minus: the maximum volumes of this container are only 2-3 liters, and therefore you are unlikely to get more than one and a half liters of moonshine at a time.

  6. multivarka

    It is initially equipped with a thermometer and a steam valve, so all that remains is to attach a hose to the lid.

    The disadvantages include a fairly small volume, but in general, this dish is perfect for a beginner moonshiner.

Guided by the above tips, you are one hundred percent likely to be able to make a distillation cube at home.

In general, all you need is a welding machine and a little imagination.

Relevance: 14.02.2020

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Moonshine stills and accessories

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