Cryotherapy – what is cold treatment?
Cryotherapy - what is cold treatment?Cryotherapy – what is cold treatment?

In the treatment of pain, rheumatoid arthritis or muscle inflammation, cryotherapy is very often used. What are the assumptions of this method based on? What techniques does she use? Simply put, we define cryotherapy as cold treatment. This colloquial expression refers to a technique that assumes staying in a cryochamber for a specific time unit, thanks to which blood flow is improved. What is cryotherapy? What effects can be expected after using it?

Cryotherapy – treatment with cold

Cryotherapy in the common sense, it is the treatment of the body with very low temperatures, used for years, enjoying success and satisfying with its effectiveness. Generally, there are two types of this procedure – general cryotherapyduring which the whole body is cooled down in a cryogenic chamber and local cryotherapyin which a device with a nozzle is used to cool selected parts of the body – usually joints, specific places on the skin or sore muscles. Indications for cryotherapy determined by the general practitioner, analyzing current tests and ailments.

Cryotherapy – what is it?

The effect of cryotherapy is based on the use of the body’s natural reactions to the feeling of cold. These are, of course, defensive behaviors in connection with the rapid loss of heat, because there is a sudden constriction of blood vessels. The blood flow slows down, the metabolic process is inhibited. After a while, however, the body begins to naturally defend itself. Endorphin is released, which relieves pain, muscles become more flexible, blood flows to places where the temperature is constant – to the skull, chest, abdominal cavity. The extremities cool down – the temperature in these parts drops to as low as 16 degrees.

Cryotherapy treatment requires proper preparation. You cannot consume any stimulants before the examination, it is necessary to measure your blood pressure, and make a short interview with the patient regarding past diseases. Contraindication to cryotherapy there is definitely a fear of cold and being in a closed room. For the duration of the procedure, a bathing suit is worn, additionally protecting the hands and feet from the cold (gloves, socks, shoes). A mask and an ear band are put on the face.

The whole process cryotherapy requires staying in three rooms in succession – in the first cryochamber the temperature is about minus 60 degrees. You stay in this place for only 30 seconds, in the next chamber – also called the basic one – the temperature drops sharply to about minus 130-160 degrees. Here, in turn, you spend about 4 minutes. It is important to remember to breathe evenly during the procedure, which allows you to avoid the feeling of shortness of breath during the inhalation of icy air, and not to touch the skin for several minutes after the procedure, as it may cause pain.

local cryotherapy is applied with a gas release nozzle with a temperature of minus 150 degrees. The outlet is directed to the degenerated joint, the place of injury on the skin or sore muscles. This procedure is used to remove local pain or treat injuries.

Cryotherapy – who can it help?

Indications for cryotherapy concern people struggling with joint ailments, myositis, chronic back pain, rheumatism, various neurological diseases. Contraindications, in turn, include people with anemia, hypothyroidism, heart disease, shortness of breath, as well as those over 65 and children.


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