What is cryotherapy
Cryotherapy (or, in other words, cold treatment) is the process of local exposure of the body to low temperatures for cosmetic or medical purposes. The most commonly used liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of a cryoagent, the vessels first sharply narrow, stimulating the outflow of blood, and then expand again, from which the blood again rushes intensively. This has a positive effect on the general condition of the body (if, for example, it is a cryosauna) and on the condition of the skin (if it is a cosmetic procedure, such as cryomassage). Especially often cryotherapy is used in cosmetology – the skin is actively saturated with oxygen, regeneration processes are stimulated, pores narrow, inflammation passes faster. Active substances from cosmetics penetrate deeper into all layers of the epidermis and are better absorbed, so the maximum effect is achieved.
Advantages of cryotherapy
- Safety (during the procedure, the skin is not injured).
- Painless (anesthesia is not required, since the low temperature itself already gives an analgesic effect).
- The possibility of combining with other hardware procedures (cryolifting is often performed before laser resurfacing or chemical peeling).
- Rapid recovery (no prolonged swelling and redness, as after injection techniques).
- Fast visible results.
Cons of cryotherapy
Quite rare, but side effects such as changes in skin pigmentation, soreness on the treated area of the skin after the procedure are possible. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, damage to the nerve fibers is possible.
Types of Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy can locally affect a specific area of the skin, such as the face, or the entire body. Depending on this, the following types of cryotherapy are distinguished:
- Cryomassage (cryolifting)
Most often, everything is prescribed to relieve swelling or reduce inflammation – for example, in the treatment of acne. Also, cryomassage is very effective for restoring the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the neck and decollete, since the natural rejuvenation process is launched. The skin acquires a healthy and radiant appearance, fine mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. Cryomassage is carried out using a long wooden spatula with a cotton swab, which the beautician first dips into liquid nitrogen, and then draws it along the massage lines, briefly holding it in problem areas. The procedure lasts approximately 2-5 minutes, and for a lasting pronounced effect, about 10 procedures with a weekly interval may be needed.
- Cryolipolysis
This is a body shaping procedure that allows you to get rid of fat folds and remove unwanted volumes by exposing them to low temperatures. Simultaneous exposure to cold and vacuum with the help of a special apparatus starts the process of burning subcutaneous fat, while approximately only one procedure per month is required, and the result is noticeable immediately and lasts long enough, of course, if you keep weight under control.
- Cryosauna
We are used to the fact that in the sauna you can only warm yourself, but it is good to relax and improve the body even in the cold. Cryosauna helps to alleviate the condition with such diseases as: skin diseases, weakened immunity, diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system, headaches, nervous system disorders, insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases, cellulite, diseases of the female and male reproductive system, chronic fatigue, etc. . Cryosauna relieves stress and relaxes the body, helps to get rid of unnecessary stress without unnecessary stress, tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
- Cryodestruction
This procedure allows you to quickly get rid of warts, papillomas and other benign formations on the skin. With the help of a special apparatus with a nozzle, a dermatologist treats the formation, as a result, the membranes of the cells of the formation are damaged, and the neoplasm dies, but the healthy tissue around is not damaged. Cryosurgery has a distinct advantage over conventional surgical removal as there is no risk of bleeding or scarring.
Indications for cryotherapy
Cryotherapy is widely used for various skin diseases: acne, rosacea, post-acne, seborrheic dermatitis, demodicosis, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, as well as alopecia (severe hair loss). Most often, it is with the help of liquid nitrogen that dermatologists remove various skin neoplasms – papillomas, moles, warts and hemangiomas.
For cosmetic purposes, cryotherapy improves the condition of the skin – tightens it, makes it young and elastic, and smoothes emerging wrinkles. Cryotherapy will also help in the struggle for a beautiful body: it will reduce body fat, “retouch” cellulite and stretch marks, and increase skin tone.
Also, cryotherapy (the same cryosauna) is a good way to normalize blood circulation, strengthen muscle tone, relieve nervous tension, increase efficiency and endurance. Cryosauna is also prescribed for the prevention of colds.
Contraindications for cryotherapy
- cold intolerance or allergic reaction to liquid nitrogen,
- Mental disorders,
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system,
- migraine,
- Epilepsy,
- Open injuries, wounds at the site of the procedure,
- Exacerbation of inflammatory and infectious diseases,
- Cryosauna is not recommended for persons weighing less than 40 kg.
What diseases does cryotherapy treat?
In addition to cosmetology, cryotherapy is also actively used in medicine: with the help of cold exposure, you can normalize blood circulation, improve metabolism and improve the body as a whole, improve immunity.
Cryotherapy can be prescribed for postoperative or post-traumatic rehabilitation, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the joints and bones, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, and diseases of the respiratory system.
Cryotherapy for ENT diseases
Most often, cryotherapy is prescribed for chronic diseases of the respiratory system: rhinitis (especially with allergic rhinitis), tonsillitis and pharyngitis, helping to relieve perspiration and dryness, with stage 1-2 adenoids. Cryotherapy is also used in cases where traditional drug treatment does not give effective results. In addition, cryotherapy activates the immune system, which is very important if you are prone to colds. With cryotherapy, blood microcirculation improves, regeneration of damaged tissues increases, and swelling is removed.
The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia with lidocaine. With the help of a special apparatus, the doctor acts with liquid nitrogen on the pathological focus without affecting healthy tissues. With purulent discharge from the lacunae of the tonsils, treatment and washing with antiseptics is necessary before cryotherapy, after which it is already possible to proceed to the procedure itself.
Cryotherapy for skin diseases
Cryotherapy is especially effective in the treatment of skin diseases such as various dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and post-acne.
Exposure to liquid nitrogen relieves rash and irritation, reduces itching, and reduces the area of skin lesions. By improving blood circulation and increasing immunity, skin cells regenerate faster, and healing occurs sooner.
With extensive manifestations of a skin disease, a cryosauna is usually prescribed. If you need a cold effect on certain areas, for example, in the treatment of acne on the face, then liquid nitrogen is applied locally.
– A properly selected course of local cryotherapy significantly improves skin healing, improves skin tone, improves blood circulation and skin nutrition. It is also very effective during post-traumatic and post-operative recovery, the dermatologist clarifies.
Cryotherapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Cold is useful in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, spine, such as arthritis and osteochondrosis, as well as inflammatory processes in the joints, such as arthrosis of the knee joint.
In modern physiotherapy, various technologies for performing cold procedures are used: synthetic cryopackages, ice cube massage, ice packs, cold dressings and bandages, local baths and cryogenic installations, etc. There are few contraindications for the procedure: Raynaud’s disease, peripheral circulatory disorders, individual intolerance to cold and general contraindications to physiotherapy.
Reviews of experts about cryotherapy
— Cryotherapy is a unique procedure, when with the help of cold it is possible to deal with such common problems as hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis, acne, swelling of the face, some forms of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, and even demodicosis, which is especially difficult to treat. After cryomassage, the firmness and elasticity of the skin really increases, its color and structure improve, dark circles under the eyes disappear, the rejuvenating effect is very noticeable due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in cells and the immunostimulating effect of cryotherapy, emphasizes Azalea Shayakhmetova, a dermatologist and cosmetologist.