Cryomassage of the face: video reviews

Cryomassage of the face: video reviews

Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen today is a fairly common cosmetic rejuvenation procedure. After it, the skin of the face becomes pink and fresh, acquires a slight radiance and significantly improves the woman’s appearance.

Cryotherapy is used not only in cosmetology – it is used to cleanse such benign cosmetic defects as warts, papillomas and keratomas. After moxibustion of defects with liquid nitrogen, no traces remain on the skin of the face. Such a remarkable effect is achieved due to the freezing of water in the neoplasm and the subsequent deep spasm of the vascular walls. The crust formed at the site of the wart is soon rejected, and pink smooth skin remains in its place. As a result, the appearance of the face does not deteriorate.

This method is only suitable for defects that are not malignant. Before removing them, it is always advisable to consult with an oncologist.

In addition to treating neoplasms, liquid nitrogen is also used in cryoelectrophoresis – mesotherapy without injections. This procedure does not require injections and helps a woman to maintain a healthy, blooming complexion after thirty.

The therapeutic effect of liquid nitrogen is also widely demanded in dermatology, which today can offer patients a good alternative to harmful hormonal ointments.

Cryomassage is performed with a wooden stick with a cotton swab – a cryoapplicator or a reed, which is dipped in liquid nitrogen and intermittent rotational movements are performed along the massage lines of the face. The duration of such a massage is from five to seven minutes, but its effectiveness is comparable to other strong cosmetic effects.

It is necessary to process the skin quickly during cryomassage, since nitrogen tends to evaporate even on the way to the face

As a result of short-term exposure to cold on the tissues of the face, the vessels sharply spasm and expand. The expansion effect after cryomassage persists for a rather long time and leads to an improvement in peripheral blood supply and an acceleration of all metabolic processes. Thanks to this, the skin receives the necessary amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Also, face cleansing is performed – the surface layers of the epidermis are gently exfoliated under the influence of cold, which contributes to the nucleation of new cells. At the same time, neither additional equipment nor expensive cosmetic preparations are required.

Cryomassage facial cleansing is performed with minimal impact on the skin, but the effect of a longer and more intense procedure is getting rid of rosacea or keratomas. After 15–20 sessions of cryomassage, the vessels in the affected tissues are rebuilt and the subcutaneous areas that cause redness on the skin are hardened, sealed and eventually completely disappear. This aligns the entire vascular network.

Indications and contraindications for cryomassage

Owners of aging skin with first wrinkles and its reduced elasticity will definitely be helped by cryotherapy, which will improve blood circulation and increase epidermal turgor, returning it to its elastic and fresh appearance.

However, it should be remembered that it will not be possible to remove deep wrinkles with its help – here you will have to resort to more radical methods.

Also, liquid nitrogen has an excellent anti-edema effect, so plastic surgeons often use it after surgery, relieving post-traumatic edema with cryomassage, which improves the drainage properties of interstitial fluids.

Cryotherapy is an ideal solution for patients with seborrheic or oily porous skin who have received more than one compliment about the procedure. Liquid nitrogen absorbs skin microcomedones and microinflammations, which significantly reduces sebum production and refreshes the skin of the face. The effect is obvious already five minutes after the massage.

In principle, there are no special contraindications for cryomassage, but it should not be used in the presence of the following processes:

  • herpes
  • acute inflammation with pustules
  • allergy to cold
  • rosacea
  • epilepsy
  • frequent migraines

It is undesirable to carry out cryomassage in summer, since the skin treated with nitrogen can become covered with hyperpigmentation in the sun

In no case do cryomassage at home – this procedure can only be performed by specially trained cosmetologists, and removal of warts and papillomas with liquid nitrogen is possible only with a dermatologist with a higher medical education.

After the procedure, a small side effect may appear on the skin of the face – a blister or blister that does not need to be opened or processed, it will quickly disappear on its own.

Before cryomassage performed around the eyes, make sure that the beautician thoroughly brushes off the remains of liquid nitrogen from the cryoapplicator. Also, be sure to close your eyes and protect your lips with a tissue, as nitrogen sticks to wet surfaces like frozen metal.

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