Cryochamber – indications, contraindications, course of the procedure

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Therapy with cold is gaining more support every year. Cryotherapy is carried out in a cryochamber, or more precisely in a cryogenic chamber, a short, repetitive procedure that affects the systemic relief of pain, inflammation and many diseases, thanks to the effect of very low temperature on the human body. The first in Poland cryochamber cooled with liquid nitrogen was built in 1989 in Wrocław.

Cryotherapy – indications

Treatments in cryochamber They are especially recommended for people with reduced immunity – they strengthen and mobilize the immune system to function. cryochamber It has many advantages. Treatments in cryochamber they have action painkillers, anti-inflammatory, swelling reduction, muscle tension reduction. Cryotherapy has a positive effect on the mood and increases the body’s efficiency. It improves blood circulation, cleanses and tightens the skin, accelerating its regeneration. Has it action anti-cellulite and anti-wrinkle, and supports the treatment of varicose veins and capillary skin. Cold therapy is a way to keep your skin youthful and fresh.

Cryotherapy it also supports the healing process of tissues, which is why it is helpful for people after extensive surgeries or with burn scars. Treatments in cryochamber are often recommended by a doctor in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, paralysis of the limbs, inflammation, spine diseases, skin problems such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (AD), multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, and during menopause and in people suffering from cerebral palsy. Cryotherapy is helpful in treatment depression, insomnia, fatigue, the effects of chronic stress and post-traumatic stress, as well as in overweight and obese people. Cold therapy it also supports the body with hormonal disorders and decreased libido.

Cryochamber – contraindications

Of course, apart from a lot of indications and advantages cryotherapythere are also contraindications to use the treatments in cryochamber. Among them, there are neoplastic diseases, blood pressure disorders, post-infarction and other severe heart diseases, advanced circulatory failure, skin damage, frostbite and allergy to cold, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, severe anemia, anemia, lymphoedema, excessive sweating, tract diseases and also claustrophobia, because the cryochamber is a small, locked room. The chamber cannot be used after taking some medications, especially anticoagulants, and after drinking alcohol

They rarely occur side effects using kriokomory. There may be temporary numbness, cramps and tingling of the skin, as well as headaches and dizziness, which should subside as the next treatments.

The course of the procedure in the cryochamber

cryochamber resembles a small sauna. It is a closed, digitally controlled cabin, in which the air is cooled by liquid nitrogen, down to a temperature of -60 to -140 degrees Celsius. In front of surgery the body should be wiped dry in areas prone to sweating. The day before surgery do not moisturize the skin with creams and lotions. Down chambers you enter a bathing suit and a hat, and protect your hands and feet with thick gloves and socks. All jewelry and metal parts should be removed. Disposable procedure w cryochamber takes two to three minutes. cryochamber is lined with wood, the patient receives special wooden clogs for walking. A special protective mask is put on the face. While in cryochamber you should make gentle movements, walk slowly. Don’t breathe too deeply, and don’t touch the walls kriokomorybecause at such a low temperature it may cause frostbite and skin damage. After exiting from kriokomory the patient must ride an exercise bike for a minimum of 30 minutes or perform appropriate gymnastic exercises to warm up the body again – this is a necessary element cryotherapy: kinesitherapy, or movement therapy.

Price treatments varies depending on whether or not the patient is facing cryotherapy by a doctor, whether he wants to use treatments. Usually the price for a package of 10 treatments it is about PLN 350.

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