
Crying and sobbing are two different things. Unlike just crying (tears and sometimes lamentations — right?), sobbing (crying uncontrollably) is a powerful respiratory pumping.

From a medical point of view, crying (put any other breathing pumping option here) is useful for everyone just like washing and doing exercises, do it for your health every day, but crying is another thing: it’s understandable, pleasant and relieves for women, but interferes with men and doesn’t need.

In a tense or dangerous situation, where women are ready to cry (a child disappeared, a house burned down, hooligans attacked) — tears and lamentations of crying for a man are inappropriate, distract from actions and simply do not help, they do not improve anything in the soul.

Strictly speaking, if you don’t need to act, then sobbing (not crying, but sobbing) here would be mentally useful for a man, but this is not at all accepted, men will not do this. If only because they are too lazy to cry, and the emotional tension for them is not so great.

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