We turn to them in the hope of getting the coveted slender figure, tightening muscles and losing a couple of extra pounds (but what can we hide, sometimes a dozen!).
Maxim, 29 years old, fitness instructor, 9 years of experience:
– I must say right away that I have no hatred for certain clients, even the most capricious ones. But there is irritation, I do not hide it. Here’s a good example. An agitated girl who bought a subscription for several personal trainings comes running to me. There are almost tears and pleading in her eyes: she bought a burning ticket, and in two weeks she is already basking on the overseas coast. And now the beauty is ready to kill herself literally in two weeks in order to throw off (in her words, extra 8 kilograms) and get a figure like “this girl on Instagram”. In these cases, I have to use all my strength to reach out to the client and explain that it is impossible to achieve such an effect in such a short time. In addition, if for a long time you have not loaded your body with training at all, then after all the exhausting trips to the gym, it will simply “grunt”. And you will bask not on the coast, but in a hospital bed under a dropper. I always say that the season for sports is not only summer! Take for yourself, for example, in November – and already for the May holidays in a swimsuit you will be just fire and wow!
Olga, 28 years old, group trainer, 6 years of experience:
– “I want it like in the picture!” How many people fall for these pictures, and I am very sorry to disappoint the girls with the bitter truth. I have been in sports since childhood, I was involved in athletics and even have a category. And believe me, sometimes I can look like a stunning fit-babies (self-tanning and filters to help), but in reality I am a pretty girl with a toned figure. Don’t lick your lips at these embossed dice presses – this is more than one week of drying and, of course, more than one year of training. Start gradually, do not torture yourself, do not reproach. There are no ideal people in nature. And believe me, they will not love you for a flat stomach and elastic ass.
Leonid, 37 years old, weightlifting coach, 20 years of experience:
– I am afraid of clients (for the most part, no offense, these are girls) who do not listen to advice and know everything themselves. Question: why do you then pay me money for training, and then refuse to do the necessary exercises? It’s hard – I won’t; oh, my back hurts – the doctor told me “no”, this exercise is useless – I read it on the Internet; ah, I have “these” days – it is harmful to pump the press. First, the road to good health and a great figure is not easy, and the exercise is harder than you can handle, I will not give it. Secondly, before going to the gym, you need to pay a visit to a sports doctor – he will already give recommendations on what is possible and what is not. Thirdly, there are a huge number of different opinions on the Internet, and often we choose the one that is more profitable for us (yes, squats are useful, and not vice versa!). And finally, if you have “these” days, then it is better to wait out a few days, having warned the coach in advance, and not to put him in a stupor: I will not, I will not, etc.
Margarita, 34 years old, fitness instructor, 12 years of experience:
“I don’t see the result,” a client indignantly told me, having refused my services. Like, I’m paying you money, but the weight is still worth it. The volumes have not increased by a centimeter, and in general, you promised to help me lose weight. I start asking about the diet – how you eat, maybe there were breakdowns. “Yes, there were no breakdowns, I don’t eat sweets,” the client replies. Hmm, only sweets … Here I started thinking … As it turned out, the girl really doesn’t eat sweets, because she doesn’t like them. But fried potatoes with mushrooms (these are vegetables, fiber!), Baked lamb, shashlik in the fresh air, pancakes with red caviar.