Crown – veneer – bridge: similarities and differences

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The loss of even one tooth is not indifferent to the functioning of the entire dental system. The formation of a gap in such a coherent system results in the displacement of the remaining elements, rotation of the teeth, and even bone loss. The long-term absence of even a single tooth can also lead to abnormalities in the temporomandibular joints and even the loss of additional teeth.

Prosthetics is a branch of dentistry dealing with the restoration of the original occlusal conditions after the loss of natural teeth or their significant damage. Within prosthetics, there are many options for replacing missing teeth.

Veneer – a thin flake made of porcelain, glued to the surface of a natural tooth. The veneer masks all kinds of minor imperfections of the teeth, such as discoloration, unsightly shape or position of the teeth (eg a gap between “ones”), also allows in some cases to avoid long-term and costly orthodontic treatment. Veneer insertion is an uncomplicated and painless procedure. At the first visit, the doctor should conduct a medical interview with the patient in order to determine any contraindications or risks (e.g. teeth grinding, nail biting, which could overload the veneer and damage it). Before making veneers, it is also recommended to heal the remaining teeth, remove plaque and, if necessary, whiten the teeth. The next stage is a gentle grinding of the tooth from the front side and taking a prosthetic impression, which is sent to the laboratory to make a perfectly matched veneer. At the next visit, the doctor fixes the veneer with a special glue.

Crown – prosthetic supplementation of a single tooth, which rebuilds and strengthens the damaged tooth at the same time. Crowns can be made of porcelain on a metal foundation (the metal is not visible, it is only a porcelain-covered cap) or more aesthetic, all-ceramic (the cap under the porcelain is also ceramic). To put on a crown, it is necessary to grind the tooth on each side of it to prepare a place for the future crown. After grinding, the dentist takes a prosthetic impression (it is sent to the laboratory with the specification of the individually selected color of the future prosthetic restoration) and puts a temporary crown on the ground tooth, which allows the patient to function without any problems until the dental technician makes an individually matched ceramic crown. At the next visit, the doctor checks the finished crown, carefully checking its fit. At this stage, the patient also has the opportunity to check their feelings (impressions) from the comfort of the new prosthetic restoration. If everything is correctly matched, the color is properly selected, the crown can be permanently cemented, i.e. embedded. In exceptional situations, e.g. when the tooth is so damaged that the crown will not be able to hold on to it, before grinding the tooth, it is strengthened using the so-called sticks, i.e. inserts connecting the tooth root with its crown. They are the reinforcement of the structure for the maintenance of the future crown.

In the case of missing one or more teeth, the following are used:

Must – it is also a cemented prosthetic work, as if connected to each other in a row of crowns. If one tooth is missing, the adjacent teeth are ground in such a way as to put crowns on them, which support the middle “span” of the bridge, which replenishes the missing tooth.

implants – an alternative method of treating missing teeth without the need to grind healthy adjacent teeth in order to insert bridges is the possibility of implanting an implant replacing the root of the tooth, on which a crown or bridge is placed.

summarizing, inserting a veneer is a procedure performed rather to improve the aesthetics of a smile, while a crown, bridge and implant strengthen a weak tooth so as to protect it for further proper functioning.

Text: Magdalena Sioło, M.Dent Private Healthcare Institution – Stomatologia sc Kraków

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