Cross-training workouts (Crossfit)

Cross-training is cross-training that gives you the opportunity to try out different sports. In this article, we will analyze cross-training – “from” and “to”.

Difficulty level: For advanced

Cross training or cross training is a system of high intensity exercises. It is designed to develop all muscle groups and is designed to increase the overall physical development of the athlete. This direction appeared relatively recently. However, among professional athletes, it has taken root as an opportunity to quickly restore physical fitness.

Principles of cross training

Still not figured out what is cross-training (CrossFit)? Then let’s fill in the gaps in knowledge. Cross training is a set of exercises aimed at pumping all muscle groups of the body. They have a comprehensive effect on the physical development of the body. 

The basic principles of cross training are as follows:

  • It is necessary to perform the exercises as intensively as endurance allows.
  • Minimize breaks between sets.
  • Include in the training program for all muscle groups.
  • Do not drink water during cross training. You can do this at the end of the course.
  • Stick to a healthy diet with a balanced diet.
  • Consume enough protein with carbohydrates to restore muscle tissue and energy.
  • Limit class time. For cross-training, from half an hour to 40 minutes a day is enough.

Classes are circular workouts and are suitable for anyone, regardless of gender and age. Differences in the program can only be load and intensity.

The main stages of crossfit training

The process of cross training can be roughly divided into 3 parts.

1) Warm up

Preparing the body for intense exercise. You need to warm up the muscles with exercises such as:

  • run;
  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • jumping rope;
  • pull-ups.

The optimal warm-up time is 15 minutes.

2) Active phase

It lasts 15-20 minutes. During this time, the spotman performs two to four special exercises. Typically, the list includes elements of strength and cardio training. At this time, the muscles are subjected to intense stress, minimizing the time for rest breaks.

3) Hitch

Muscle recovery after a strenuous workout. The set of exercises includes:

  • run;
  • squats;
  • jumping rope;
  • tilts and turns of the body.

It is important to perform all movements slowly so that the muscles go into a calm state after intense exercise. At this time, part of the blood leaves the muscles, the pulse and blood pressure normalize. In addition to “closing” exercises, self-exhaustion and breathing exercises are useful.

Pros and cons of cross training

Many are attracted by the opportunity to do cross-training not only in the gym, but also at home. There are 7 more benefits of this program.

  1. Cross-training is available to both professionals and amateurs. – For some exercises, equipment is not required, or you can get by with a minimum number of shells.
  2. Convenient schedule and duration of training – A set of exercises takes 30-40 minutes. To maintain physical fitness, 3 classes per week are enough.
  3. No routine – Over time, the body gets used to the monotonous exercise programs. It causes plateau effect and leads to a decrease in motivation. Competently composed ligaments make cross-training quite diverse and interesting.
  4. Lower risk of injury – Cross-training eliminates the problem of weak, untrained areas that are typical when practicing one sport.
  5. Strengthening various body systems – The endurance of the respiratory system increases, the pulse evens out, the heart and blood vessels strengthen.
  6. Strengthening the body as a whole – Strength, speed, flexibility and endurance increase, coordination improves. Maintains muscle tone. 

Although cross-training is considered a universal solution, this type of training has a number of limitations. There are several reasons for this.

  • Health problems. Due to the heavy load on the heart, increasing the risk of myocardial hypertrophy.
  • In severe cases, rhabdomyolysis develops, when a muscle fiber torn as a result of increased stress enters the bloodstream and leads to impaired kidney function.
  • Cross training is not suitable for those who want to get muscle like bodybuilders.
  • Cross-training helps keep your body in good shape, but you won’t be able to achieve success in any particular sport without additional training.

You can minimize the negative impact of cross-training with a well-designed training program. Otherwise, it’s a productive and reliable way to keep fit or recover from breaks. See also: Universal principles for compiling a training program.

Is there an optimal cross-training exercise?

There are many exercises in cross-training, but Burpee is considered the absolute leader! It is performed like this: squat, rest your palms on the floor. The knees touch the chest. Sharply go to the emphasis while lying down, then return to the starting position and make a jump up. For the first time, you need to do 10 repetitions, and then increase the number of burpees performed in one approach.

An indisputable plus of the cross-training system is that you can do it both at home and in the gym. The main thing to remember is that cross-training (CrossFit) is not just a set of individual exercises, but an integral system aimed at comprehensive development! See also: The impact of fitness on health.

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