![Crooked teeth: causes, consequences of non-treatment. How to fix it?](
A healthy, beautiful, white smile is the basis of modern beauty. It adds charm and magnetism to every face. Unfortunately, the bane of today’s times is often a crooked bite, which completely obscures other beauty advantages. However, this is not an insurmountable obstacle: you can always go to the orthodontist and start treatment.
What are malocclusions?
At least a dozen occlusion pathologies can be listed. Crooked teeth are just one of them, they can protrude forward or backward. There can be only a few teeth or the entire arch, some can move in one direction, others in the other. It is also not specified which in order to they can grow crooked: this happens to both the lower and upper teeth.
As far as malocclusion is concerned, we can also mention shifts in relation to planes in general. This creates an overshot or undershot bite. There is also a deep or open bite and others.
Why should you straighten your teeth?
Correct bite is not only a nice appearance, but also care for your health. Healthy teeth they must be set at the right angle, only in this way the food is chewed in the right way, and the teeth themselves are not overused. Otherwise malocclusion it can cause faster decay of teeth, tooth abrasion, pain and problems with gums, or even digestive problems.
Why do teeth grow crooked?
The most common cause of malocclusion is the wrong one care for hygiene and the oral cavity of a small child. The child should not breathe through the mouth, special attention should be paid to this. In addition, poorly selected pacifiers, long sucking of the thumb: they can also disturb the bite, which causes the teeth to grow crooked. The problem leading to malocclusion can also be too early loss of milk teeth due to caries or accidents.
When to straighten your teeth?
You can visit an orthodontist at any time in your life. However, children are treated faster, of course, so if a child has visible first crooked teeth, you should go to the orthodontist immediately. Later treatment of malocclusion will require more commitment, time and will cause more problems.
For the first time, a child can be brought to the orthodontist around the age of three.
How to choose a dental brace?
Children are more often treated with removable dental appliances. They should be worn at night while sleeping and a few hours a day during the day. Removable appliances, however, are not recommended for adults and adolescents: here treatment should start with fixed braces. Only after the malocclusion has been cured, you should additionally wear a removable appliance prophylactically: sometimes even for the rest of your life.
Fixed appliances can be selected in such a way that they are practically invisible to the environment. Nowadays you can choose transparent braces or in a color similar to the color of your teeth. Of course, if someone wishes: the camera can also have any other color. Undoubtedly, it can be a decorative part in itself, resembling jewelry.