Crisis in marriage – causes of crisis, ways to save the relationship

When we get married, we think about feelings and a future full of feelings and joy. Unfortunately, we cannot always predict all the events that affect our lives. At various times, we are faced with a marriage crisis that everyone wants to avoid. It can break up a relationship, but also make it stronger. How to deal with the crisis and get out of it unscathed?

Causes of the crisis in marriage

Do crisis in marriage occurs when partners’ expectations start to diverge more and more. Most often, a different opinion appears in a breakthrough and extremely problematic situation. The cause of the crisis it may be the introduction of a spouse into a new family, for example because of the way of being, habits, customs, traditions and different values ​​that they may share. There comes a situation in which we have to reconcile our current world and beliefs with love and loyalty to our partner. This can lead to tensions and quarrels. The partner may expect different behaviors or compromises, which may cause us stress and a problem in resolving the dispute.

Another cause it may turn out to have a baby. Such an event completely changes the current life. It happens that some people find it difficult to find themselves in the new reality and accept the abandonment of the old way of life. It is especially about finding yourself in a new role, dealing with pressure and responsibility. The level of intimate relationships after the birth of a child may also be a problem. Another z causes is the way a child is brought up and the stages of his development. Life becomes problematic when a child leaves the family home. In general, it can be said that the cause crisis in marriage every important and breakthrough moment in life can become. Another such reason is the loss of one of the partners’ job or professional plans that disrupt the current order. The cause of the crisis It also becomes a renovation, a move, a disease in the family, the death of a loved one, strong and traumatic experiences or betrayal.

Ways to save a relationship

Aby fix the marriage situation, the first thing to consider is what happened cause problems. This is the basis for correcting the situation and resolving it crisis. It is important to deal with the issue that distinguishes us together during a problematic moment. It will be definitely helpful to separate the emotions and the goal that we are striving to eliminate crisis and mend relations between spouses. The basis for resolving a conflict situation is a calm conversation and analyzing the causes and a proposal to solve the problem. During the conversation, you can present your opinion, express emotions and feelings as well as your needs. Each party must allow the spouse to fully manifest. This is the basis for finding a solution and trying to fix the relationship. If the cause of a crisis in marriage there is a way of everyday functioning, routine or annoying habits, conversation and any attempt to point out someone else’s wrong actions can only worsen the situation. This is when the behavior change will be most effective, which may prove to be an inspiration for the other party. Small gestures can greatly improve relationships between partners. Thanks to this, trust is built, affection is maintained and spouses are brought closer.

However, you cannot fall into a trap. The basis of repairing a relationship is opening two sides to Dialogue. When one partner expects a change of behavior only from the other, the conflict cannot be resolved. Change should start with yourself. Without it, we will not be able to approach the compromise positively. Remember that the problems arise from the behavior of each party, although the proportions may be different. Instead of waiting passively for traffic from the other side, we have to show good will and take some steps, show commitment. Sometimes these are simple steps that are enough to alleviate simple problems. It could be a dinner for two, especially after pregnancy, when life changed its rhythm and the woman might stop feeling attractive. Often problems are caused by minor situations and neglect, so after a moment of reflection, it is worth doing something for the other person and providing them with pleasant moments.

The ties must be rebuilt every time, whether the marriage lasts for several years or the internship is definitely longer. We will not reach agreement and improve our relationship if we do not learn to forgive and accept our guilt as well. Focusing on the past and negative emotions won’t help you build a healthy relationship. The key must be looking to the future, finding an agreement, perhaps a shared hobby. It should be remembered that the most important thing is an honest conversation and making your partner aware of our point of view in an atmosphere of peace and without unnecessary nerves. When we establish the causes well and eliminate them, we can mend the relationship that is important to us. However, patience is needed.

In addition, let’s remember that crisis it appears in every marriage. We should not assume in advance that there is something wrong with us, such situations happen to everyone. It is worth responding to them and taking care of the relationship on an ongoing basis.

1 Comment

  1. I extend my gratitude to Dr. Eze Odogwu for his invaluable assistance in resolving the marital crisis I was experiencing. There was a point where I harbored doubts regarding the restoration of happiness between my partner and I, but through his intervention, this became a reality. For individuals encountering similar challenges in their marital or relational affairs, I highly recommend reaching out to Dr. Odogwu via It is noteworthy that he not only addresses such crises but also provides solutions to a variety of other issues. Dr. Odogwu distinguishes himself through his authenticity and direct approach, qualities that set him apart from other practitioners I have encountered.

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