Crimean wines: history, wine regions + tips on how to buy

In the Soviet years, wines produced on the Crimean peninsula were considered among the best in the Union. They were valued, brought as a gift to relatives and friends, opened on the occasion of significant celebrations and family holidays.

Recently, two opposing trends have emerged in the assessment of famous products: some consumers believe that the quality has noticeably decreased and leaves much to be desired, while others still remain faithful to Crimean winemakers and compare local drinks with the best world samples.

Vzboltay adheres to the “golden mean” and believes that among the producers of the region there are both worthy, whose products are worth tasting, and mediocre, producing uninteresting wine samples.

Quite often there are fakes, which negatively affects the reputation of the Crimean winemakers.

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The history of the development of local viticulture

The first vineyards on the territory of modern Crimea appeared in ancient times – about two thousand years ago.

The Greeks and Romans had a hand in the development of wine art, whose dominion was eventually replaced by the rule of the Ottoman Turks.

The establishment of Islam had a negative impact on the wine industry, which recovered and flourished only in the XNUMXth century, after the Crimean Peninsula became part of the Russian Empire.

The tsarist government supported winemakers in every possible way: vineyards were planted in the vicinity of Sevastopol and Balaklava, private and state farms were organized for the production of alcohol from wine fruits.

However, the following years did not have the best effect on the state of local production: numerous wars, the Soviet anti-alcohol campaign and the constant change of power did not at all contribute to the expansion of the range and sales markets.

Only the largest enterprises survived, which today form the backbone of the Crimean winemaking.

The main ones are concentrated in several main regions of the peninsula.

Wine-growing regions of Crimea

The climate of the Crimea and the richness of the soil composition are excellent for growing grapes: both native and imported vines are cultivated here.

Each region specializes in its varieties and categories of drinks.

There are several significant wine-growing zones:

  1. The south coast of Crimea

    It is famous not only for its mild Mediterranean climate and resort settlements, but also for its wonderful drinks made from Muscat varieties.

    The most worthy fortified and dessert wines (madeira, port wine, sherry, etc.) are produced here, comparable to similar products of world leaders.

    It is believed that Crimean Muscats are not inferior in aroma and taste to Italian, French and Spanish ones.

  2. East

    Famous for dry and sparkling drinks made from local grape varieties.

    Producers of the region have been working for many years to create unique wines from native fruits and the result has exceeded all expectations.

    Both blended and varietal drinks are interesting.

    Oriental products are considered an excellent souvenir with a local flavor – they are often brought as a gift from resort areas.

    The Novy Svet region, located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, is famous for champagne wines, the raw materials for which are harvested in the west – in the vicinity of Sevastopol, a unique area with white calcareous soils.

  3. Western region

    It specializes in the production of sparkling drinks created using tank technology (secondary fermentation takes place in closed containers) from aromatic types of local Muscat

    . Such products are characterized by fruit and flower flavors (peach, acacia, fig).

    In addition to “wine with bubbles”, dry and fortified drinks are made here, the raw materials for which are grown on gravel soils.

    In the Balaklava region, classic European varieties are cultivated, such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Portuguese grapes from the island of Madeira and Spanish varieties of vines.

    Dry wines from this area are characterized by high acidity, which is inherent in elegant French drinks.

    The Western region is compared with the famous wine-growing provinces – Burgundy and Bordeaux.

  4. North

    This part of the Crimea has traditionally been developed for the production of raw materials for cognacs.

    There are few vineyards here, since the lands are predominantly steppe.

    There are no particularly noteworthy drinks, so it is better to try the products of richer coastal regions.

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The best enterprises and famous wines of Crimea

There are many worthy manufacturers in Crimea. When choosing drinks, you should pay attention to the local varieties that have been grown here for a long time.

The most famous are Kokur and Kefessia. The semi-aboriginal Bastardo Magarachsky is also good.

Of the European varieties on the peninsula, Traminer, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Riesling have perfectly taken root and assimilated.

Some classic varieties are still being mastered by Crimean winemakers and may become the basis for original wines in the future.

The best local producers according to experts and consumers are the following:

  1. Winery “Massandra”

    One of the largest enterprises located on the southern coast of Crimea. It includes several factories for the processing of raw materials and the production of wines.

    The most significant is Yalta, famous for its branded drinks.

    The most famous product is Muscat white Red Stone – the legendary dessert wine produced since 1944.

    Also noteworthy are: South Coast Tokay and Muscat, Pinot Gris Ai-Danil, Seventh Heaven of Prince Golitsyn and other Massandra-made drinks.

  2. National Institute of Vine and Wine “Magarach”

    A unique local organization with a history of over 200 years.

    It not only produces alcoholic beverages, but also engages in research in the field of winemaking.

    The company specializes in the production of strong and dessert vintage wines.

    The most notable products: White Muscat “Magarach”, as well as sherries and ports of various types and aging periods.

    By the way, ordinary drinks (semi-sweet and dry) of the famous manufacturer are distinguished by excellent quality and taste.

  3. Inkerman factory of fine wines

    The enterprise is located in the vicinity of Sevastopol. Specializes in the production of dry and table wines.

    The best: table drinks from Sauvignon, Aligote and Cabernet varieties under the common name “Crimean”, dessert products “The Secret of Chersonesus”, red and white ports.

In addition to the listed names, the wines of the Solnechnaya Dolina (Black Doctor and Black Colonel), the Koktebel plant (Pino-Gris Kara-Dag, Old Nectar and cognacs), the Sudak Champagne Wine Factory ” (classic champagne “New World”), drinks of the brand “Satera” and “Zolotaya Balka”.

Tips for buying good Crimean wine

  1. When purchasing products of local brands, you should not focus on flashy packaging and labels – these are often not the best copies designed to attract tourists.

  2. You should not buy wines in the market or in small retail outlets: it is better to visit large chain sites or company stores / farmlands.

  3. It is necessary to carefully study the information indicated on the bottle: there must be detailed information about the manufacturer, the year of harvest, the varietal composition of the drink. If they are not, then it is likely that you have a fake.

  4. Many companies have branded “chips” for wine design: before buying, it would be nice to get acquainted with them on the official website of the manufacturer.

  5. The bottle should be made of transparent dark glass and sealed with a neat cork with the manufacturer’s logo.

    On many Crimean wines, you can find the inscription “PGI” (Protected Geographical Indication), which indicates the high quality of the drink.

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Relevance: 01.11.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine brands

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