Crimean rose

Properties and uses of Crimean rose essential oil

Botanical characteristics of the Crimean rose

Crimean rose

Crimean rose belongs to the Rosaceae family. This is a perennial shrub, the stems of which reach a height of 1 meter. The leaves are bright green, alternate, pinnately located on long petioles. They consist of seven small rounded leaves. Purple-red or pink, large, fragrant flowers on long stems appear at the ends of the branches from May to June.

This type of rose is cultivated in the south and in central Russia, Siberia. In nature, it is found in the Crimea, Moldova, and the Caucasus. The essential oil plant is grown in the Far East. For medicinal purposes, rose petals are used, they are collected in the morning, at which time the flowers are more fragrant.

Useful properties of the Crimean rose

Crimean rose contains phenylethylene alcohol, a component of citronemol essential oils. The petals are rich in sugars, fatty oils, quercetins, nerol, geraniol. There are many different vitamins, bitterness, wax, anthocyanins and organic acids in the plant.

Application of the Crimean rose

The Crimean rose is not only a beautiful and fragrant flower, its petals have healing powers. They can be used to treat atherosclerosis of blood vessels, hypertension, and violations of the heart. Crimean rose petals eliminate indigestion, with the help of tinctures and decoctions, some liver diseases, stomach ulcers and gastritis can be cured. Known tonic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of the plant.

The remedies prepared from the petals are excellent for their tonic emollient and wound healing properties. If you crush the dried petals into a powder, you get an excellent remedy that relieves erysipelas. Sprinkling wounds and ulcers on the skin with rose powder, you can expect rapid healing. The recipe for rose water has long been known, which is used for the effective treatment of conjunctivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis and eye diseases.

Rose water recipe: Rose water is prepared in two ways. Place rose petals on the bottom of a wide saucepan, in several layers. Pour in water to cover the petals.

1 method: place an empty bowl in the center of the pan so that its top is above the water level. Cover the pan with an inverted lid so that the steam collects on the lid and rolls down, and the condensate, this is rose water, drips from the handle of the inverted lid of the pot into the bowl.

2 th way: water with rose petals heat until boiling, then reduce the heat and fill the upside-down saucepan with ice cubes. Boil for about an hour, the water in which the petals are boiled should not boil away, so it is necessary to add ice periodically. As a result, rose water is formed in the dishes.

Infusion of Crimean rose petals: Pour 2-3 tablespoons of crushed petals with two cups of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 10 hours. Then strain and drink throughout the day in equal doses thirty to forty minutes before meals.

Crimean rose remedies are used for scarlet fever, allergies in children, inflammation of the kidneys and intestines. They have antihelminthic properties. Eliminate inflammation and pain in hemorrhoids. There are frequent cases of recovery from jaundice, influenza and acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis.

Rose oil

Crimean rose

Rose oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, its beneficial properties have long been known, using it in aromatherapy and cosmetology. Its use in complex therapy for the treatment of skin problems helps to improve the condition of psoriasis, eczema and herpes. Rose oil is obtained by steam distillation using fresh rose petals. The healing properties of the oil are ideal for relieving pain during caries and pulpitis, and help with periodontal disease. Valuable oil can be obtained at home.

Recipe № 1: crushed rose petals are poured with water, 1: 1 olive oil is added. Put on fire and at low power evaporate water from this mixture.

Recipe № 2: two glasses of rose petals and pour 1 glass of olive oil, insist 2-3 weeks in a dark place, stirring from time to time. The finished oil is drained and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: heat the oil to 60-70 ° C, add rose petals and insist in a dark place for 2 days. Drain the oil and add fresh petals to it. Perform such actions from 8-10 times. After that, the oil will be very fragrant and healthy.

Rose oil has a cooling, astringent, moisturizing, resolving effect. This is an excellent antispasmodic, blood-purifying and improving metabolic processes.

Essential oils of the Crimean rose

Rose essential oil excellent depressant, has a positive effect on the nervous system, tones, fills the body with strength, harmonizes and acts as a sedative. Significant among the many benefits of essential oil are its antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. Due to the blood-purifying action, the work of the circulatory system is normalized, and the functions of the heart are improved.

The oil has an excellent effect on the female body, stimulates the menstrual cycle, removes spasms, treats vaginitis and thrush. When used for douching, dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 500 ml of water and add three drops of rose oil. With a toothache, you can do baths or applications with oil. Mouth rinses with 100 teaspoon of soda diluted in 1 ml of water and 1 drop of rose essential oil are also suitable. The use of rose essential oil for insomnia, absent-mindedness and memory loss is shown. Rose oil copes well with apathy, asthenia, neurosis.

Crimean rose contraindications

Contraindications to the use of the Crimean rose as a remedy are severe forms of liver disease, acute inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and individual intolerance. You can not use rose oil and infusions for anacid and hypoanacid gastritis.

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