Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever is back. WHO: This is a potential pandemic

A woman from Great Britain contracted the Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever during a trip to Central Asia. This is the third such case in history in the UK. The pathogen is mainly transmitted by ticks and farm animals. It can be deadly to humans. The disease is included in the list of pathogens with epidemic potential of the World Health Organization (WHO).

  1. The British woman, infected with the Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever, is hospitalized in London, where she receives specialist treatment. For this pathogen, therapy is only symptomatic
  2. So far, only two people have contracted this type of hemorrhagic fever in the UK. According to WHO, however, the pathogen may pose an epidemic threat in the future
  3. There are currently 10 infectious diseases on the list of potential new pandemics
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever in Great Britain. This is the third such case in history

According to the British Health Safety Agency (UKHSA), a new case of infection with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) has been confirmed in the UK.

A woman who has previously traveled to Central Asia is infected. Probably she was bitten by a tick carrying a pathogen dangerous to humans. The patient is currently in London, where she is undergoing specialist treatment. Attempts were also made to reach people who had contact with her.

  1. Protect yourself and your loved ones. Protect yourself from ticks with the Sanity Forceps Set (Repellent + Removal Tool), which you can buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

A total of three cases of Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever have been reported in the UK to date. The previous ones were detected in 2012 and 2014. According to Dr. Susan Hopkins, the UKHSA’s chief medical advisor, in areas where the disease is epidemic, the most common pathogen infection occurs through a tick bite (mainly from the Hyalomma genus). It is much less common between people and therefore the risk to society is very low.

In some ways, this runs counter to what the World Health Organization (WHO) believes has placed Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever on the list of diseases with the greatest epidemic potential.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

These diseases have the greatest epidemic potential [WHO LIST]

The World Health Organization has compiled a list of 10 infectious diseases that may pose the greatest risk to societies. They have a real epidemic potential, which means that one day they could become a new pandemic – similar to the one we have been dealing with for over two years.

In addition to the Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever, the WHO list also includes:

  1. Lassa
  2. COVID-19
  3. Ebola
  4. Marburg
  5. MERS
  6. Nipah
  7. Rift Valley Fever
  8. Zika
  9. “Disease X” (that is, one we do not know yet).

Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever. What kind of illness is that?

Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever is a viral disease. It is caused by the arbovirus of the Buynaviridae family, which can be infected by a person through a tick bite, as well as through zoonoses (when in contact with infected farm animals, their meat or body fluids). The virus is also spread by airborne droplets.

You can protect yourself against droplet infection by using appropriate face masks, eg the FFP2 CARINE FISH filtering half mask, available in various colors at Medonet Market.

The pathogen was first detected in 1944 in Crimea, which is why the disease was originally called the Crimean hemorrhagic fever. In 1956, the same virus also appeared in Congo. When it was established that the disease was the same in both cases, it was renamed Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever.

Currently, the disease occurs in Central and Northeast Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

At the moment, in Europe, cases of human infection have been confirmed in Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Our Country, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. One case (in 2008) was also found in Greece.

  1. Also check: This is one of the few diseases that requires treatment. You can go to prison for knowingly contracting it

Symptoms and course of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever

The maximum incubation period for the virus after a tick bite is nine days (although one to three days is usually enough). It may be up to two weeks if the infection occurs through contact with infected tissues.

Symptoms of infection in humans include:

  1. increased body temperature,
  2. chills,
  3. muscle pain and stiffness
  4. photophobia,
  5. dizziness,
  6. abdominal pain,
  7. vomiting,
  8. jaundice,
  9. weight loss.

In its advanced form, the disease also causes mood changes, aggression and disorientation. The next stage is the appearance of petechiae (localized on the trunk and limbs) and profuse nosebleeds. The patient has biochemical changes: increased thrombocytopenia and leukopenia (decrease in the number of white blood cells).

According to the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate in Poland, this disease is characterized by a high mortality rate – even at the level of 50 percent.

Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever – treatment

So far, no cure for Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever has been found. We also do not have a vaccine that could protect against a dangerous pathogen. When infection occurs, treatment is purely symptomatic. Specialists try to prevent the development of haemorrhagic diathesis. They also counteract water and electrolyte deficiencies. Trials of antiviral therapy in turn include intravenous administration of ribavirin.

In the case of this dangerous disease, however, it is much safe to prevent than to cure. To protect yourself from infection, use repellants (tick repellants) and wear protective clothing. In case of contact with infected patients, a sanitary regime is prescribed. The same applies to farm animals that may be carriers of the pathogen.

Are you afraid of a tick bite? A strong repellent that repels arachnids can be found in Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to emotions. Often times, a particular sight, sound or smell brings to mind a similar situation that we have already experienced. What opportunities does this give us? How does our body react to such an emotion? You will hear about this and many other aspects related to emotions below.

Also read:

  1. Ranking of the most dangerous zoonotic viruses. Can they trigger another pandemic?
  2. Coronavirus is not the first. The biggest epidemics in recent years
  3. This could trigger a new pandemic. The most dangerous viruses according to WHO [NEW PANDEMIC?]
  4. A new disease transmitted by ticks. In the US, the Heartland virus has already killed several people

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