Crime Life Stories: Gambler’s Loss

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! “Crime Stories from Life: Loss of a Gambler” is a real life incident that happened in the 90s in one of the Ural cities.

Losing the gambler

In a small Ural town there have long been rumors that some crazy gamblers are playing for human lives. The loser had to complete a certain task – to kill someone who will walk along such and such a street at such and such a time or will take a certain place at a table in a cafe.

They also talked about a girl whom her lover lost to these non-humans at cards and she had to walk naked down the street. Otherwise, they promised to kill her.

The inhabitants of the city were in constant fear for themselves and their loved ones. People were afraid to leave the house once again. My friends and I spent all our free time in a student hostel – we were so scared.

A week later, an emergency occurred at our institute. Marina from the third year went on a date to her boyfriend and did not return. On that fateful autumn evening, the girls, worried about their friend, dissuaded her from this trip – it was already getting dark. But she did not listen to anyone – she called a taxi and left. Since then, there has been no news from her.

Last date

Marina was the only and beloved daughter of her parents. Father and mother served in the police. And the daughter, ironically, fell in love with a local slob and a bully. For about a month they did not see each other, and as soon as the opportunity arose, Marina immediately ran to see him.

And this bastard lost his bride at cards! They walked through the city, and the gambler took her to the wasteland. They were already expected there. Marina was brutally raped and killed. The unhappy girl died in agony. That night the first snow fell, so the girl’s body could not be found for a long time.

Everyone was shocked by what had happened. The portrait of the murdered student hung in the foyer of the institute for 40 days. She was a very cheerful and courageous girl, like the singer Natalie. This is how she is remembered to this day, although more than 20 years have passed.

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