Crepidotus variabilis (Crepidotus variabilis) is a small tree fungus from the Volokonnitsiev family. Until the beginning of the XNUMXth century, it had other names:

  • Agaricus variable;
  • Claudopus variable;
  • Claudopus multiformi.

This oyster mushroom-shaped fruiting body belongs to the extensive species of Crepidotes.

Crepidot changeable: description and photo

What do crepidotes look like

These fruiting bodies are referred to as the Cap variety with a rudimentary or completely absent stem. They are attached to the surface of the substrate with the side part or top, plates down.

The diameter of the fruiting body is from 0,3 to 3 cm, some specimens reach 4 cm. The shape is an irregular shell or a lobe with edges curved in a wave. The hat is whitish-cream or yellowish in delicate color, felt-pubescent, with a smooth edge, dry, thin, with weakly expressed fibers.

The plates are rare, large, of various lengths, converging to the point of attachment. The color is white, then darkens to grayish-brown, pinkish-sand, lilac. Covers are missing. Spore powder is green-brown, pinkish, cylindrical in shape, with thin warty walls.

Crepidot changeable: description and photo

Where do Crepidotes grow?

The fungus is a saprophyte. Grows on decaying woody debris: stumps, trunks of fallen trees. Prefers hardwoods. Often found in deadwood on thin twigs. It can also grow on a rotten branch or in rotten hollows of a living tree. It grows in large groups, close to each other, less often at a short distance.

The mushroom picker bears fruit throughout the warm season, from the moment the air warms up to an acceptable temperature, this is May-June, until the autumn frosts.

Important! Crepidotus variabilis, growing on the wood of a living tree, is capable of causing white rot.

Crepidot changeable: description and photo

Is it possible to eat crepidotes changeable

The fruiting body has a tender pulp with a slightly sweet taste and an unexpressed pleasant mushroom smell. Non-toxic, no toxic substances found in the composition. It is classified as an inedible mushroom due to its small size.

How to distinguish Crepidotes mutable

The fruiting body bears a great resemblance to other members of its species. A characteristic distinguishing feature of each variety is the structure of the spores, which can only be distinguished under a microscope. Has no poisonous twins.

  1. unfolding (versitus). Not poisonous. It is distinguished by a white color, an even shell shape with a brown junction.

    Crepidot changeable: description and photo

  2. flattened (applanatus). Not toxic. Watery, moist, the edges of the cap are bent inward, fluffy fibers are located at the place of attachment to the substrate.

    Crepidot changeable: description and photo

  3. Soft (mollis). It is distinguished by a more even shape of a cap with scales, a brownish color, an edge at the junction and a very tender flesh.

    Comment! Soft crepidote is classified as a conditionally edible mushroom. Little known to mushroom pickers due to its small size.

    Crepidot changeable: description and photo

  4. Cezata. Non-toxic, classified as an inedible mushroom. Differs in rarer and thicker plates, light edging and slightly wavy, slightly turned inside edge.

    Crepidot changeable: description and photo

Crepidote mutatis is also similar to the edible oyster mushroom or common oyster mushroom. The latter is distinguished by a pronounced elongated attachment to the substrate, a smooth rounded hat and larger sizes – from 5 to 20 cm.

Crepidot changeable: description and photo


Variable crepidote is a miniature saprophyte tree fungus found throughout Europe, Our Country and America. He likes shaded places, lives on the remains of representatives of the notophagus family and other hardwoods. Rarely settles on coniferous wood or deadwood. Due to its size and low nutritional value, it is classified as an inedible mushroom. Poisonous twins were not found in the fruiting body.

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