Light blue, dark blue, green, brown, yellow, orange and red crepe paper
A sheet of light blue grain paper (approx. 300 g)
From semolina to couscous
A pencil
A pair of scissors
Liquid white glue
Using your pencil, draw the shape of an island on your sheet, without forgetting the horizon.
Cut out small pieces of light blue and dark blue crepe paper.
Apply glue to the location of the sea and place your pieces of blue paper there to represent the ocean and the waves. And do not hesitate to layer them to give an impression of movement.
Place glue on the surface of the island and pour couscous on it to represent the sand.
Cut out 3 strips of brown crepe paper for the tree trunks and 3 circles in yellow, orange and red crepe paper, of decreasing size, for the sun. Fold a wide strip of green crepe paper into an accordion shape that you can cut out of a palm leaf. Glue all the elements on your sheet: first the circles, then the brown bands and the green leaves.
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