Credit: take or not take, tips that will come in handy

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Credit: to take or not to take? I hope this information will help you make the right decision. The article has a video on the topic.

Credit: what is it

A loan is a loan from a lender (bank) to a borrower (individual or legal entity) at a certain interest rate for the use of money.

Taking loans right and left is not entirely reasonable! Why? Increased final cost of goods, responsibility to the bank, dependence, annoying calls from bank employees, unstable economic situation, lack of well-paid work.

All of the above creates additional risks and, accordingly, internal stress for the borrower. Below are 5 critical tips to help you find money, but don’t borrow.

Trap shopping malls

Don’t go to the malls often if your wallet is too flat. In almost every such store there are bank consultants who offer to arrange quick and profitable installments, seducing people with a minute deal.

This is often motivated by the fact that you need to seize the moment, since the huge discount will only be 2-3 days, so there is simply no time left for reflection. I want to buy here and now, I can’t wait a day – this is complete nonsense!

Everyone wants to live no worse than their neighbor, and even better, and somehow make their life bright. If you really want something, you can wait a month or two. Eyes run up, emotional lift, euphoria and a strong desire to buy a beautiful thing. It is these feelings of people that banks use.

Do not scamper!

Don’t be fooled by advertisements and bright labels. If you dream of buying an expensive prestigious laptop, phone or tablet, and winds are whistling in your wallet, then most likely this is a wrong dream. Buy only those things that you can afford.

Taking out a loan or giving away the last money to buy an expensive trinket is also wrong. Also try to buy those things that you really plan to use in life.

Before buying, think carefully (not one day) if you really need this thing. It becomes very annoying if a good thing is covered with dust, no one needs it. Especially if you paid twice as much for it, in terms of bank interest.

Credit card and interest

Close the possibility of credit on your card if your card is credit, not debit. On debit cards, there is no way to make a minus. Thus, you will not be tempted every time you see a fashion phone, suit or watch.

In any case, sooner or later this money must be given away, moreover, with considerable interest. “You take someone else’s, and you give yours!”

The cost increases by 50%, 70% or even 100%, of course, depending on the amount, maturity, interest rate, hidden additional payments, and other conditions of the bank. You can also transfer money to a separate card from each salary yourself, until the required amount is accumulated.

This means that for the same money you can buy the best phone, tablet or bag. Live your own mind and do not listen to friends, colleagues or neighbors who boast of all sorts of expensive things.

Well, yes, a friend has a prestigious phone and constantly flaunts it. Perhaps you really make less money than he does. But you most likely have other benefits, don’t you?

Good advice

Get yourself a piggy bank, NZ, money for future use! A certain amount of money should always be available, as a last resort, so to speak. It doesn’t matter whether in cash or on a card, but there should be free money – the more, the better! Sometimes there are unpredictable circumstances when money is “oh” as needed.

Credit: take or not take, tips that will come in handy

If you want to buy something expensive, put it aside every month in your piggy bank (or on a separate card) for a specific purchase. As much as you would have to pay each month (amount + interest). What’s stopping you?

Everything is the same, except for a large percentage and the fact that you do not owe anyone anything. Nobody stands above your soul, and does not call if you have not paid for one month. The only difference is in the mind and the psychology of behavior. It is clear that this is a little easier when you realize responsibility and pressure from above. But you yourself can create the same pressure for yourself.

What is online loan

Online loan – a loan of electronic money for a certain period and at interest. Usually, the percentage of the loan is higher than the bank loan, and the term is shorter.

You can borrow money in special forums and credit services, for example, a WebMoney loan. In forums, society is divided into lenders and borrowers. The borrower leaves a message indicating the desired amount and terms, as well as interest. The lender contacts the desired borrower himself.

A person who wants to get a loan, that is, the borrower, must provide a good credit history and an online project. In credit services, everything is much simpler – a person can get a loan in a few minutes.

Further, both parties enter into mutually beneficial cooperation and all the terms of the loan are negotiated. When the borrower receives the amount, he sends a message and his name is entered into a special database.

The advantage of an online loan is that it does not require an income statement. In order to get an online loan, you need to open an internet wallet and get a personal passport. If you do not comply with the terms of the loan, the wallet is blocked, and all the money goes back to the lender.

When a loan is needed

Of course, sometimes taking out a bank loan is the only way out. For example, God forbid, but still: an accident, illness of a loved one, or maybe a desire to live separately with your family, but there is not enough money for an apartment …

In such cases, there is a reason to take a loan, and it will bring more benefits, both economically and mentally. If, for any reason, money is needed “blood from the nose”, a bank loan is the way out. But permanent loans for temporary entertainment are not serious.

😉 Friends, now you know what a loan is, its pros and cons. Take it or not – decide for yourself! Leave comments, subscribe to new articles. Until next time! Come in, run in, drop in!

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