Credit Suisse video presentation on how sugar is killing people

Everyone knows that excessive sugar consumption is the cause of fatal diseases, but not everyone thinks about how much sugar they consume. We often forget that the bulk of sugar gets into our body from processed foods (for example, canned food), convenience foods and fast food, and most importantly – from soft drinks!

Watch the video Sugar: Sweet With a Bitter Aftertaste by Credit Suisse. It briefly and clearly describes the health problems caused by sugar. (Russian subtitles are included in the lower right corner).

Here are some numbers from the video presentation:

– The average daily consumption of sugar is 17 teaspoons per person, which is 45% more than 30 years ago;


– 400 million people worldwide have type 000 diabetes;

– 4 people die annually from chronic diseases;

– about 43% of sugar enters our body from soft drinks.

Live up! – Sugar KILLS!

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