Creative ideas for landscape design

Creative ideas for landscape design

Artificial materials have become much closer to the ground: from now on they can be safely used in the design of the garden. Plexiglass panels, multicolored glass beads and bright plastic nets will help create a real masterpiece of landscape design.

Interior and exterior have always existed according to the principle of unity and struggle of opposites. Today this has become especially noticeable: if in a home environment we increasingly give preference to natural materials, then plastic has boldly stepped into the vastness of gardens. The good old wooden fences were replaced by panels of bright perspex, plastic nets for modeling hedges were changed from camouflage colors to flashy colors, and the usual canvas tents were replaced by awnings made of ultra-light aluminum. The garden, where before the natural gamut reigned supreme, played with all the colors of a neon rainbow.

Landscaping ideas

Modern “dry landscapes” in the Zen style are in no way inferior in complexity to real carpets and mosaics. The main principle of this summer’s garden decor – contrasting colors and clear geometric shapes – is respected even when creating “wild” landscapes. The choice of improvised means is practically unlimited: from traditional platforms made of boards and rough cobblestones to tiles with an optical pattern and plastic parts. And – as a result – a fantastic garden plus visual proof that wildlife and the gifts of scientific progress can live in peace and harmony.

Undead hedge

The size of the garden is of no fundamental importance. This spectacular mini lawn is the best proof of this. The geometric tile pattern with optical beading gives it a new dimension. A bright plexiglass fence casts colorful shadows on the grass and blocks this little masterpiece from the nearby prosaic parking lot. This and other illustrations are from Joan Clifton, Steven Wooster. Courtyard & Terrace Garden. Annes Publishing Ltd., 2002., shop “England. British Books “.


For those who are inclined to ignore the dictates of fashion and remain a staunch adherent of everything natural, the masters of landscape design suggest creating the illusion of an abandoned garden. It doesn’t matter what kind of materials are used in it; the main thing is that everything looks as natural as possible. No one has to guess how much effort it took to sprout moss between the slabs or turn garden paths into a dry stream bed with rough cobblestones at the bottom. You can also arrange a semblance of a sea beach in the garden, laying out a small area with a pattern of colored pebbles, or make a wooden flooring that resembles a footbridge in a fishing village.

From a new angle

You don’t need to have a special artistic talent to decorate a garden with such a mosaic. Just fill in the bordering rhombuses and triangles with multi-colored mulch. Green patches of grass will break the strict geometry of this “floor covering”, which evokes persistent associations with a picture from a kaleidoscope.


Here is a modern interpretation of a Zen garden. The traditional lawn was replaced by an oval area lined with strips of multi-colored granular mulch. A border of yellow flowers is planted along its circumference. Observing this picture, it is easy to feel the spirit of Buddhist calmness.

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