Creative competition “Journey to Rioja”

Connoisseurs of good wine appreciate the wines of the oldest Spanish region of Rioja. Rioja is located in the northern part of Spain. Rioja’s red, white and rose wines owe their exquisite taste not only to the favorable climatic conditions for the vineyards, but also to the observance of wine-making traditions. 

Творческий конкурс «Путешествие в Риоху»

In addition to a wide range of excellent wines, Rioja is famous for the hospitality of the residents, excellent local cuisine, picturesque places and architectural monuments.

If you want to personally verify all of the above, then take part in our contest and win the main prize.

Wine BrandRioja announces the creative competition “Journey to Rioja”. Order a bottle of wine in one of the restaurants listed below, show your creativity and a trip to the land of charming landscapes and gastronomic delights is guaranteed for you.

Wine bar ” Vintage»

Spanish cuisine restaurant ” El Basco»

Restaurant-sidreria ” El Asador»

vinoteka Dissident

Spanish cuisine restaurant ” Lizarran»


Details and conditions of participation in the contest on the website

Творческий конкурс «Путешествие в Риоху»


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