Creation and Innovation in Gastronomic Tourism

It is time for creation and innovation in gastronomic tourism

How could it be otherwise, the city of San Sebastián has been chosen to carry out this avant-garde event, one of the first days of gastronomic creation and innovation 

Its main function, and for which this initiative has seen the light, is to promote the gastronomic tourist activity.

Objective that is surely already endorsed in its intention by the city where it is organized, but its real intention is to disseminate the value of the cuisine of each of the corners of Spain.

Those attending the event will be able to learn about gastronomy in its greatest expression, taking an active part in the presentations and workshops that will take place during the days of the conference.

“Two days to discover from the hand of great professionals what the fusion of gastronomy and tourism tastes like” 

October 27 and 28 are the days indicated for wisdom not only to remain in the mouths of the participants but also to occupy a privileged place in their “heads”.

The project led and organized by Taste Spain, is backed by the Basque Culinary Center and NH hotels, who collaborate in the conference, together with their main sponsor, the Dutch beer brand Heineken.

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