Creating a school in Hospitality
Traditionally, gastronomic knowledge has been passed from generation to generation, both in the family and in the professional sphere, whether from parents to children or from teacher to apprentice.
La culinary training it has not become professionalized until a few years ago, with the appearance and proliferation of schools de hostelry.
Restoration professionals have, thanks to the specialization of the training gastronomic, with a broad base of regulated knowledge, which teaches the basics of traditional cuisine and channels the most avant-garde current trends, as a true lever of innovation
Career opportunities in the hospitality industry
Hospitality schools have become one of the best training options for those interested in the world of catering.
They are not only aimed at neophytes who want to learn from scratch, but also at professionals who have extensive professional experience, and want to expand knowledge and improve techniques to make the premises they run more competitive.
Each filtering bag degrees in hospitality not only do they allow you to access the job market as a chef, chef, waiter, restaurant manager or person responsible for customer or room service.
They also prepare for professions directly related to the gastronomic field such as gastronomic consultant, communication manager, expert in consulting and promoting new gastronomic initiatives or even research technician in the sector and the agri-food industry.
Training and experience: the best option
Learning and training is, in all cases, just as important as professional experience. Theory and practice have to go hand in hand for a professional to get the most out of all his qualities.
Given the importance of culinary training, the restoration schools and institutes have expanded in recent years, until reaching the maximum academic degree.
Some dare to speak of the age of gastronomic universities, and it is not for less. Just a few years ago the first gastronomic university was opened in Spain, which was the second in Europe because one was born earlier in Italy. It is not surprising that the first two European gastronomic faculties have been created in countries where cuisine rises to the category of art.
Cooking is passion, profession and intuition, but it is also technique, precision and innovation. And that is why to get the most out of a product you have to know all its properties and adapt the most appropriate technique. And to be clear about these aspects, it is necessary to have a good theoretical basis.
Today’s kitchen looks for the usual thing: finding the perfect flavor. But to this objective one more element is added, which is the experiential factor. The great chefs of the moment work to achieve a true gastronomic experience, where in addition to the flavors, the techniques used and the staging count. They intend to achieve in the diner what is known as the effect WOW, that leaves with his mouth open.
Gastronomy turned into a trend
For some time we have lived a time in which food, and therefore gastronomy, have taken on a great role in society, even coining the term foodie to refer to people who feel a true passion for these areas and make gastronomy a lifestyle.
The chef has become a prestigious profession thanks to the consolidation of the gastronomic movements, the new television formats that have aroused the interest of the entire population, among other reasons.
Nobody can deny it, the interest in gastronomy has not stopped growing and has come to stay. And hospitality schools know this very well, that is why they work so that their students are an example of culinary excellence.
We are in Summer and September will soon arrive with the inauguration of the new academic year …