Creatine, facts, action

Creatine, facts, action

Since 1992, among the latest inventions in sports nutrition, there is no more popular product than creatine. Today, athletes around the world regularly use creatine as a special dietary supplement to improve athletic performance and increase endurance. Some of the fantastic benefits of creatine include: rapid muscle recovery, explosive strength, increased muscle gain, and intense weight gain.

What is creatine?

Creatine (from the Greek kréas – “meat”) Is an amino acid formed in the human body from three other amino acids – glycine, arginine, methionine. Synthesis of creatine occurs in the kidneys, liver and glands. It is artificially obtained from cyanamide and sarcosine.


The bulk of creatine (about 98%) in the human body is found in muscle cells and tissues. The use of this substance helps athletes maintain energy and eliminate muscle fatigue after long and exhausting workouts.

Historical facts

Creatine was first discovered in 1832 by the French chemist Chevreul; he found it in meat juice. From the very beginning of its discovery, creatine has literally mesmerized scientists with its important role in human skeletal muscle. After some time, other scientists – Pettenkofer and Heinz – discovered a special substance in the urine, which they later called “creatinine” and suggested that it is formed from creatine accumulated in the muscles.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a number of scientific studies were carried out, which showed that the use of creatine as a special dietary supplement leads to an increase in the content of this substance in the muscle cells of the body. In 1926, scientists discovered that creatine, by retaining nitrogen in the body, promotes effective growth in body weight.

Special surveys conducted by health food companies for athletes showed that three Olympic medalists in 1996 achieved remarkable physical fitness and achieved their victory thanks to creatine.

The action of creatine

In the human body, the main energy substrate is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When muscles are in tension and do some work, ATP, releasing energy, goes into ADP. However, the amount of ATP is only enough for 15 seconds of increased stress, then its reserves are replenished with creatine phosphate. This natural process is cyclical and continuous.


By taking creatine, you will not only increase your strength and endurance, but also gain muscle mass. The entry of water into the muscles along with creatine will contribute to their increase – muscle fibers will begin to thicken, as protein will be deposited on their walls. Unlike steroid drugs, when taking creatine, water enters the muscle fibers, and not between them, so the processes of anabolism in muscle cells are much better and faster.

How do I take creatine?

The human body regularly produces about 100-140 grams of creatine, which is an essential source of energy for muscle cells and tissues. The daily consumption of this substance is approximately 2 grams. Lack of creatine in the body can lead to various physical and muscle disorders.

Here is the optimal creatine regimen:

  • the first week, you should take the drug 4-6 grams 2 times a day;
  • the second week and all subsequent ones – 3 grams 2 times a day.

The course of taking creatine lasts from 4 to 6 weeks, after which you need to take a short break, which is necessary to restore the natural synthesis of creatine in the body. This process takes about 3 weeks.

Time of receipt

The best time to metabolize creatine is when insulin levels in the body reach their peak – this is the time after consuming sweets, immediately after sleep, and 60 minutes after training.

If you take creatine on an empty stomach, it will promote better absorption of the substance. But, if at the same time you began to experience unpleasant pains in the abdomen, or you have diarrhea, then it is better to take creatine after meals.


Side effects

Most people who regularly take creatine do not experience any discomfort at all. But, if any unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug.

Creatine and muscle mass

It should be noted that one intake of creatine is not enough here: muscles will increase only if they are regularly subjected to large loads that have not been experienced before. Anyone who wants to increase muscle mass should definitely understand that muscles will increase in volume only under the influence of high loads. And you can increase the load in three ways:

  • Increased training intensity;
  • An increase in the duration of classes;
  • By increasing the frequency.

I wish you success in achieving your goals!


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