

Creatine is a very popular sports nutrition supplement that works as a muscle sculptor in the body. But increased attention to any product gives rise to disputes about its benefits and harms. What is advertised creatine really, who is it useful for (and is it useful at all), and what will happen to the muscles if you stop taking the supplement? It’s time to learn all about creatine.

What is Creatine

Creatine is not a new discovery at all, and certainly not a product created by the modern chemical industry. This is a common amino acid, discovered back in 1835. The name for it (translated from Greek as “meat”) was not chosen by chance, since it is an indispensable component of meat, preferably red.

This nitrogenous organic compound is also synthesized by the human body. Its main constituents are the amino acids glycine, methionine and arginine. In our bodies, creatine is produced by the kidneys and liver. This substance is also produced by the pancreas, and it is concentrated mainly in skeletal muscles (almost 95 percent of the total). The remaining “strategic reserves” of the amino acid are found in the cells of the heart, brain and male gonads. Approximately 40% of the substance contained in the human body is the so-called free creatine. Another 60% (approximately 100 g) is stored in a form known as creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine).

What is it needed for

The body uses creatine for ATP resynthesis. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an organic compound that serves as the “driving force” and “fuel” for the muscles. Splitting, it supplies the cells with the energy necessary for muscle contraction.

So, when a muscle contracts (for example, during strength training), the ATP molecule is split into ADP (adenosine diphosphate), and the energy generated by this is sent to the muscles. When ATP stores at the cellular level run out, the cell loses its ability to contract. But in the human body there are several ways to restore ATP. The fastest – without the participation of oxygen, but in the presence of creatine phosphate.

Splitting, creatine phosphate forms phosphate molecules, and those, combining with ADP, create adenositrphosphate. With a deficiency of creatine phosphate, the restoration of ATP in this way becomes impossible.

Creatine Supplement: What is it?

If the body is able to synthesize creatine on its own, and the process of ATP recovery is cyclic, the question logically sounds: “Why do we need creatine in the form of a sports supplement?”. It’s all about the lack of amino acids. More precisely, the average person who does not go in for sports intensively does not need this supplement. In this case, it is enough to know where creatine is contained, in which foods it is the most, and make sure that the traditional diet includes this category of food.

But for athletes who spend several hours a day in the gym, they simply need sources of additional energy – products that accelerate the recovery of the body after increased stress and muscle formation. And here, by the way, creatine is a natural energy booster.

Creatine in supplement form is not broken down in the digestive system. The substance in, so to speak, intact form first enters the bloodstream, and then into the muscle cells. And only there it is transformed into creatine phosphate. In this form, it increases muscle endurance against the background of relatively short, but very intense loads. That is, for fans of marathon races, this amino acid will be less useful than for bodybuilders. The short duration of this effect is explained by biochemistry: creatine phosphate cannot be stored in the cell for a long time, it is quickly used up by the body.

By the way, the body will use up the “own production” amino acid in just a few seconds of exercise, after which it takes several minutes to recover.

What form does it take

In the sports nutrition market, creatine is usually available in powder or capsule form. Scientific experiments have shown that creatine in liquid form (for example, in whey) is very unstable, but it is in this form that it is quickly absorbed by the body. Therefore, the most popular version of the amino acid for athletes is in powder, which is dissolved in a liquid before use. Effervescent and chewy options are no less popular. You can also find a chocolate or protein bar with creatine on the market.

But more often this supplement is known on the market as creatine monohydrate, L-creatine, D-creatine, T-creatine, etc. Today, this is the most studied “version” of the amino acid. But recently, manufacturers have been offering improved supplement options that combine different types of compounds. Many of them include nitrogen, fish oil in the form of Omega-3, ribose, riboxin, alkali (known krealkalin).

By the way, if someone is thinking about how to replace creatine, then Riboxin or Tribulus can be used for this purpose.

Who is useful?

Despite the fact that the human body synthesizes creatine on its own, for people who are professionally involved in sports, these portions are clearly not enough. The substance in the form of a sports supplement not only supplies additional energy, but also creates muscle relief. Creatine is an anabolic substance that blocks myostatin (a protein that inhibits muscle growth). Creatine monohydrate is the premier sports nutrition supplement for anyone who wants to build muscle, make them strong and resilient. According to many researchers, this substance is one of the most effective when it comes to the need to increase the size of muscle fibers and muscle mass. For this reason, it is very useful for an ectomorph.

Creatine and glycogen

As already known, the intake of creatine affects its reserves in muscle tissues. And this amino acid is necessary for ATP and for an additional concentration of proteins in muscle fibers (the result is an acceleration of muscle growth).

The ability of creatine to increase muscle mass is not least dependent on the process of cellular hydration. In a hydrated muscle, more amino acids accumulate, from which more proteins are created, which, in fact, increase the muscle, make it more voluminous and stronger. For people involved in bodybuilding, creatine affects the duration of the workout, making it possible to perform more repetitions with a heavier barbell. The result is a longer exercise, which as a result accelerates the growth of muscle fibers.

Do you know how much the natural creatine contained in the cells will be used up for? For 3-15 seconds of intense training. Then the body switches to another “energy system” – glycolysis (when ATP is created as a result of enzymatic processes with the participation of glucose). True, this system has disadvantages: during such a transformation, a by-product is produced – lactic acid, which causes an unpleasant burning sensation in muscle tissues after exercise.

But as researchers have proven, the main substrate of glycolysis (glycogen) promotes recovery and more active muscle growth. Glycogen is a special form of carbohydrates in which they are stored in muscle tissue and used by the body as fuel for anaerobic activity. And creatine promotes the accumulation of this substance in the muscles. In order for glycogen to be able to enter the muscle cell, it needs liquid, and just creatine serves as a “magnet” for water.

What is useful for athletes?

One of the first questions that beginners ask when they first encounter creatine is “Will I get more strength?”. Professional bodybuilders answer: indirectly, yes. But we must understand that creatine does not make the athlete stronger or faster. This substance allows you to work out more intensively and at the same time restore strength faster. Therefore, the supplement is useful before the competition.

Proper recovery is an important part of an effective workout. Only fully recovered, the body is able to proceed to the next intensive session. The faster the body recovers, the more intense sessions per unit of time can be done.

Bottom line: Athletes need creatine not to make their workouts easier, but to make them more frequent and intense. By itself, dietary supplements (without physical activity) will not cause muscle growth. You can achieve the desired result only in the gym.

Effective for everyone?

The study of creatine has shown that this substance is not able to be equally effective for everyone. Firstly, because of the peculiarities of the effect on the body. The amino acid is definitely not suitable for athletes who are primarily concerned with endurance for a long time.

It has also been scientifically proven that there is a certain percentage of people who do not respond to a sports supplement. It is believed that the best result on the supplement is shown by people who follow a vegetarian diet. Theoretically, this can be explained by the fact that creatine is completely absent in their diet. But people who consume large amounts of protein daily (especially in the form of red meat) respond less effectively to creatine supplements. At least when it comes to the minimum daily requirement of an amino acid.

Creatine and aerobic exercise

Typically, the effectiveness of creatine is associated with anaerobic (strength) training, during which oxygen is not required for energy production. But it is important to note that several recent studies have shown the effectiveness of dietary supplements against the background of aerobic activities (aerobics, cardio training). The combination of cardio training and proper nutrition against the background of the additional use of creatine reduces the load on the heart.

Use in sports

So, creatine is useful for people involved in various sports. This supplement is used in bodybuilding and powerlifting, it is important for fighters (who have chosen different types of martial arts), boxers. Sometimes creatine is used in athletics and swimming, and is also useful for runners (when it comes to sprints).

Creatine Benefits

To summarize, the main advantages of sports supplements can be reduced to several points. Creatine is:

  • stronger muscles;
  • voluminous muscles;
  • accelerated muscle growth;
  • proper metabolism;
  • elevated testosterone levels.

But the last point, perhaps, should be discussed in more detail. Scientific experiments have shown that creatine monohydrate increases testosterone, the main male hormone. The results of studies have confirmed that a 10-week course of taking a sports supplement increases testosterone in men by almost a quarter.

Interested in why this drug is needed yet? In powerlifting, for example, it is used:

  • for weight gain (due to muscle growth);
  • to activate glycolysis;
  • to neutralize lactic acid in the muscles;
  • to increase endurance.

Creatine in products

The most popular newbie misconception is: “Why take a supplement when you can get creatine from food?”. This is true, but its amount in products is very small, and there are not so many options for containing creatine. The thing is that the average adult from food receives no more than 1000 mg of creatine per day, and the body itself produces only within 2 g of the substance per day.

And even if red meat appears on your table every day, you should not expect amazing results. A kilogram of beef will provide about 4 g of creatine. Approximately the same amount of the substance contains fish. The exception is herring, in a kilogram of which almost 10 g of creatine was found. But it is clear that it is problematic to get the portion necessary for weight gain solely from food.

Even less creatine is contained in the organisms of vegetarians, whose diets do not contain products containing this substance. But they respond much better to dietary supplements. And perhaps it should be noted right away that most creatine supplements are not an animal product. What does it mean? That vegetarians can take them without the slightest fear.

But still, is creatine really only found in meat and fish, or are there other foods rich in the amino acid? In fact, the substance is indeed concentrated mainly in protein foods, including milk. But there is one pleasant exception to this list. Creatine is also found in cranberry juice, which some people use to dissolve their supplement in powder form.

Creatine content in products
Product name (1 kg)Creatine content (in grams)
Pork meat5
Beef meat4,5
Salmon fillets4,5

Important note: the table indicates the content of creatine in raw foods, during the heat treatment, part of the substance will be destroyed.

How to correctly calculate your portion of creatine

In most specialized literature, a universal form of creatine intake is served. And she looks like this. During the “loading” phase (5-7 days), take 20 g of the substance per day. In the maintenance phase, daily for the remainder of the cycle – 5 g.

A more individual approach is to determine the dose, taking into account body weight. According to this theory, within 5-7 days, you need to take creatine daily at the rate of 0,3 g per kilogram. On the remaining days of the cycle – 0,03 g per kilo of weight.

Thus, a man weighing 90 kg, in the loading phase, should take 27 g of the substance daily (90 kg x 0,3 g u27d 2,7 g). In the following days, the dosage is reduced to XNUMX g per day.

However, this is still not the most ideal formula. Creatine in the form of a dietary supplement increases intramuscular amino acid stores. And this means that it is wrong to calculate the required daily allowance by multiplying by the total body weight. A more accurate formula should take into account the percentage of body fat. For example, a 90 kg body with 20% body fat contains less lean muscle mass than a 90 kg body with 8% body fat. Thus, the above formula, in a more advanced form, should be based not on total weight, but on lean body mass.

So, let’s take for example the same man with 90 kg of total weight and 20% body fat. The new formula looks like this:

90 kg / total weight / – (90 kg x 0,2) / fat mass / u72d XNUMX kg / dry body weight /

And now that the lean body mass is known, we again use the generally accepted formulas for calculating the dose of creatine in the loading and maintenance phases. New result for the first 5-7 days of loading: 21,6 g of creatine per day. For the maintenance phase, 2,16 g of the amino acid daily is sufficient.

In addition, some consider the loading phase to be superfluous. Instead, daily, while the course lasts, it is advised to take equal portions of a sports supplement. According to the adherents of this theory, in the end the result will be the same as with the download.

Recommended dosages (for a no-load cycle)
Body massDaily dose of creatine
Before 63 kg5-6 g
From 63,5 to 75,5 kg6-7,5 g
From 76 to 89,5 kg8 g
From 90 to 109 kg8-10 g
109 kg and more10-12 g

How to take creatine correctly

There are different ways and recommendations on how to properly drink creatine. Studies have shown that the body absorbs the amino acid 60% better when combined with carbohydrates. For this, a simple sugar base is suitable – natural products that contain glucose. Many people use sweet grape juice as a liquid base in which to dilute the powder additive. Others mix it with apple cider.

The idea behind this compound is to increase insulin production, which in turn maximizes creatine uptake. A proven catalyst in such cases is a natural sweetener – a six-atom monosaccharide (grape sugar).

Some people think that creatine should not be taken with orange juice. More precisely, taking such a drink, you should not count on a positive result: everything will be nullified by the acid contained in citrus fruits. You can use cranberry juice instead of orange juice. By the way, it is recommended for people prone to gastric disorders against the background of supplement consumption.

Another option for taking a dietary supplement (and this recipe is considered by many to be the best) is to simply mix creatine with carbohydrates and warm water. However, given that the additive of some manufacturers has a specific taste, many people want to muffle it with a pleasant aftertaste of fruit juice.

What is creatine combined with

Sports nutrition will give the desired result only if certain rules are followed. An important role will be played by the compatibility of certain products and drugs. When it comes to creatine, it is worth remembering a few rules about whether the supplement can be mixed with other substances.

The drug in powder is combined with water and some juices (which juice is better to combine with is up to you, but it is important that it is a sweet drink). By the way, for better absorption, the liquid should be warm, but not hot. It is also important that the drink be rich in fast carbohydrates (warm water with honey, isotonic will do).

In addition, the supplement is well combined:

  • with proteins (whey protein is ideal, some mix dietary supplements with milk, introduce cottage cheese, chicken egg protein into the diet);
  • with glucose;
  • with a gainer;
  • with VSAA;
  • with beta-alanine.

What not to drink

Creatine should not be used in combination:

  • with fat burners, such as clenbuterol (using both components at the same time is useless: creatine helps to gain weight, fat burner, on the contrary, causes weight loss);
  • with L-carnitine (carnitine also helps to lose weight).

Experts do not advise combining a sports supplement with alcohol, since alcohol triggers processes in the body that level the ability of creatine. But about whether coffee, or rather caffeine, and creatine are compatible, scientists still continue to argue – their opinions are radically divided.

When is the best time to take a supplement

For best results, creatine should be taken before or after a workout (as a weight gainer or protein shake). This method of use will allow you to quickly restore lost strength. If a higher dose of the supplement is planned for the day of training (for example, 10 g), drink half before training, the rest after it. On rest days (non-training days), you can drink in one go. We will talk in more detail about how much to take a little later.

What is the ideal cycle

Beginners are always interested in how long creatine works. Studies confirm that the main reaction of the body to the substance occurs during the first week. Therefore, the supplementation cycle is divided into two phases, known as loading and maintenance.

The loading phase is usually a period of 7 or 14 days during which creatine is taken at higher doses. The most common dosage is 10-20 grams of creatine monohydrate per day. Then, over the next 4 weeks, take the so-called maintenance portion of the substance (up to 6 g). The full cycle (with loading and maintenance phase) lasts no more than 2 months, and after the course there is a break of a month. Such an alternation is necessary to restore the body’s sensitivity to the supplement.

Many people like the loading phase because it allows you to see quick results of classes – a relief is formed already at the initial stage. Although I must say, there are other opinions on this matter that reject the need for a boot phase. But it is still important to take breaks between courses.

Some practical guidelines

To draw up a program for taking creatine, they begin with determining dosages – they calculate the initial need for the substance. As already noted, the average recommended norm is 0,3 g of creatine per 1 kg of dry body weight. Vegetarians are advised to raise the dose to 0,4 g / 1 kg of muscle. Persons whose diet is dominated by protein foods (proteins account for 35 percent or more of the total daily calories), as well as those who consume at least 1 serving of red meat daily, are advised to take creatine in the form of dietary supplements at 0,2 g per 1 kg of lean muscle .

Let’s take a man weighing about 82 kg with a body fat percentage of 12% as an illustrative example. In this case, the SMT is 72 kg. Suppose he consumes a sufficient amount of protein daily, including red meat. That is, for him, the initial serving of creatine is 14 g (72 kg x 0,2 g). And the required dose of glutamine is determined by the universal formula (72 kg x 0,3 g) and is 22 g of the substance.

The recommended portion of glutamine is divided into 3 doses:

  • before training (7 g);
  • after training (7 g);
  • at bedtime (8 g).

To activate muscle growth, the initial portions of creatine will have to be revised, taking into account the phases of the cycle. If in the first week the portion is 50% of the baseline, then in the second seven days – 100%, and in the third week – 150%. In the week of unloading, creatine is taken in a portion corresponding to the first week (with the total daily amount divided into 2 doses: 75% of creatine is consumed after training and another 25% at night).

Reception scheme

First week:

Creatine: 5g post-workout, 2g before bed.

Glutamine: 7 g pre-workout, 7 g post-workout, 8 g before bed.

Second week:

Creatine: 11g post-workout, 3g before bed.

Glutamine: as in the first week.

Third week:

Creatine: 16g post-workout, 5g before bed.

Glutamine: as in the first week.

Fourth week:

Creatine: 5g post-workout, 2g before bed.

Glutamine: as in the first week.

Fifth week:

Completion of the cycle – taking supplements stops.

Also, after an intense workout, for effective muscle recovery, it is important to replenish glycogen stores.

It is believed that after exercise the body should receive:

  • carbohydrates (in an amount corresponding to half the muscle mass, but in grams);
  • proteins (in an amount corresponding to 1/3 of the amount of carbohydrates taken);
  • fats (exceptionally healthy lipids in the amount of 50% of a serving of proteins).

Is it safe to take creatine?

Can creatine be dangerous with long-term use? This question worries many, but there is no definite answer. But at the same time, there is no evidence that the amino acid can cause harm.

So, what is known for sure today? Although the human body produces only 1-2 grams of creatine per day, the body is absolutely fine with daily servings of 5 grams. Moreover, a healthy 90-kilogram body can receive 10 g of the substance without negative consequences (but subject to sufficient fluid intake). By the way, in the 1990s, when creatine first appeared in the world of bodybuilding, some even took it at 25-30 grams per day.

The safety of creatine is also supported by the facts that the amino acid is constantly and in impressive quantities in the bodies of people and animals. In the human body, for example, there is constantly 100 to 115 g of creatine substance.

Today, most research indicates that taking supplements, even for long periods, is safe. In particular, scientists observed groups of people who took dietary supplements from 2 months to 5 years. The drug did not have a negative effect on the kidneys, liver and other organs.

However, there are still potential causes for concern. In the process of using creatine in the body, a by-product, creatinine, is produced. More precisely, it is the end product of creatine phosphate reactions. As a rule, creatinine is harmless and excreted by the kidneys. But when the organ is not functioning properly, even a slight excess of creatinine can cause problems.

A blood test for creatinine is a marker that indicates the health of the kidneys (elevated levels in the blood are a sign of organ dysfunction). It is also important to know that creatine and creatinine levels in the body increase in parallel. Therefore, the use of a dietary supplement is prohibited in case of renal failure, and in case of any alarming symptoms, it is important to do an analysis for creatinine content in time.

For healthy people, it is important to know that creatine monohydrate belongs to the category of products with the so-called minimal risk of side effects.

But still, people with asthma and other chronic diseases should take this supplement with increased caution. Allergies are also included in the list of contraindications for taking the supplement. Well, the most important requirement for a sports supplement (as well as for all other products) is quality. Dietary supplement intended for long-term use must be of high quality, from a trusted manufacturer, without dangerous impurities.

Creatine and hydration

Maintaining a healthy fluid balance is one of the main canons of creatine use. How much water you need to drink is an individual question, since the calculation is made based on body weight and the amount of creatine taken. But as a rule, not less than 2-2,5 liters of clean water.

In no case should you start drying while taking creatine, while specifically accelerating the clearance. Frequent urination causes dehydration of the body. By the way, against the background of dehydration, the head often hurts, nausea, and weakness appears. And this is a signal to exclude a diuretic from taking a diuretic.

Myths about creatine

Creatine monohydrate is an affordable sports supplement known not only to professional bodybuilders. Since the 1990s, when this amino acid was first used by athletes, and until today, its popularity has only grown, including among very young bodybuilders. Or maybe creatine is really harmful to health, as some opponents of dietary supplements claim? Over the years of its popularity, this sports supplement has acquired many myths. Consider the most popular and find out what is behind them.

Myth 1. Harmful to the kidneys and liver

Scientific experiments have shown that even long-term use of creatine usually does not cause negative effects, including liver or kidney disease. For some time, the idea has spread that this supplement is the cause of the formation of kidney stones and the development of kidney failure.

Probably, this myth arose as a result of confusion in the terms: “creatine” and “creatinine”. The latter is used as a marker for diagnosing the correct functioning of the kidneys. But if the organ functions correctly, it cleanses the blood of harmful substances, including the level of creatinine is maintained in the normal range. An increase in this indicator is a signal of kidney dysfunction, which, however, is not believed to be associated with creatine intake. However, if the kidneys hurt (no matter what caused this), the drug is strictly prohibited.

Harmful effects on the liver have also not been proven.

Myth 2. Causes digestive disorders

The results of many observations indicate that this substance does not have a detrimental effect on the digestive tract. Meanwhile, rarely, but there are exceptions. The body can sometimes react to too large doses of creatine taken at the same time during the loading phase or on an empty stomach.

Myth 3. Causes dehydration and muscle cramps

This is also a big misconception. On the contrary, creatine has the ability to retain moisture in the body, thereby promoting tissue hydration. Also, scientists could not find evidence that taking the supplement causes muscle cramps. Most often, muscle cramps occur as a side effect of insufficient fluid intake. But there is an easy way to avoid this: drink about 500 ml of water with each dose of the amino acid.

Myth 4. Causes compartment syndrome

There is an assumption that creatine causes a condition in which connective tissue puts a lot of pressure on the muscle and impairs blood flow to the muscles (and this is a direct path to tissue necrosis). This myth began in 2000 when a bodybuilder taking creatine was diagnosed with compartment syndrome by doctors. It is known that the same bodybuilder consumed 5 g of creatine daily for 25 years, which is 5 times higher than the norm. However, defenders of the good reputation of creatine suggest that the bodybuilder may have incorrectly prepared the supplement or used it in combination with other incompatible dietary supplements. At one time, scientists tried to restore this case in the laboratory, but as a result they determined that even very large doses of creatine do not cause symptoms similar to those that were diagnosed in a bodybuilder.

Myth 5. Causes rhabdomyolysis

This suggestion arose in the United States after a football team was diagnosed with severe destruction of skeletal muscle cells. However, creatine advocates say there is no evidence that the problem has arisen from the use of creatine.

Myth 6. Leads to weight gain

In the first few days of taking creatine, the weight actually increases, adding from 0,8 to 2,9% of the initial body weight. But we must understand that weight gain occurs due to the fluid that the muscles accumulate in themselves, and the hated fat has nothing to do with it. In addition, a similar effect occurs only at the initial stage of taking the supplement.

And one more note. Another substance, sodium, also has the ability to retain moisture in the body. But while excess sodium retains water in the form of edema, creatine is responsible for muscle relief and retains water only to the muscles (and only in the required portions).

Myth 7. Creatine is a hormone supplement.

Despite the fact that the action of creatine resembles the effect that steroids give, it is not a hormonal drug. This is a common amino acid, the intake of which does not cause hormonal changes in the body.

And in order to close the topic of myths, it is important to say that this supplement:

  • does not increase blood pressure;
  • does not worsen the work of the heart;
  • not addictive;
  • does not affect potency;
  • does not cause infertility;
  • is not a carcinogen.

Overdose and side effects

Despite the fact that most of the “horror stories” about creatine are just myths and it is not as dangerous as some people think, this supplement has some contraindications. But it is immediately worth noting that products containing creatine are not capable of causing side effects. Warnings apply only to sports nutrition. Here it is already important to know how much to drink and when, so as not to harm yourself.

No matter how much the advocates of this dietary supplement say about its safety, it is very important to stick to the correct dosage. Excessive consumption of the supplement (especially in the loading phase) can cause abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea. By the way, creatine in forms known as ethyl ester or krealkalin can also cause side effects in the gastrointestinal tract, especially with gastritis. It can also harm people who have been diagnosed with stomach ulcers.

Abuse of the substance is dangerous for bones – it makes the bone tissue fragile, which is especially dangerous for people who regularly lift heavy weights.

If there are no medical indications, the drug is prohibited for adolescents, during pregnancy, for people with kidney dysfunction. An overdose in children and adults can cause diarrhea, an allergic rash, and acne in adolescents (as a result of a sharp increase in testosterone).

You can often hear the question: “How old can you take creatine and what form of release is most useful for beginners?”. The answer is simple: a growing organism should be formed without artificial “helpers”. And whether it is worth taking creatine tablets or powder in adulthood, it is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But before that, it is important to understand: what creatine is, what it serves for, how it works in the body, and most importantly, how to use it so as not to harm yourself.

Role in the body and use in medicine

Many do not even know, but the beneficial properties of creatine are used not only in sports. This substance is also important in medicine. A pharmaceutical analogue of a well-known sports supplement is used to treat a variety of diseases. So, how and what does this amino acid affect, what functions of the body depend on it?

Treatment of arrhythmias is more effective when taking creatine. The same substance prevents myocardial infarction, has a beneficial effect on the heart after surgery, and also cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol. For this reason, it is considered useful for the elderly: people over 50 are advised to take this remedy for the prevention of cardio diseases. Often, old age is accompanied by muscle atrophy. Amino acids can also get rid of this problem. The benefits of creatine for joints and ligaments have been confirmed, in particular, it treats inflamed joints in men and women. In addition, it helps to strengthen the nervous system, restore reduced immunity (for example, with a cold), and has anti-cancer properties. Creatine is also useful for the brain – it prevents organ aging, strengthens memory, and improves cognitive abilities. By the way, brain cells contain a high level of natural phosphocreatine.

And another interesting fact about creatine. This substance is used in cosmetics. Almost every good moisturizer and anti-aging cream contains not only collagen, but also creatine. Together they effectively fight wrinkles.

Creatine and diabetes

Creatine does not belong to substances prohibited for people with diabetes. However, there are some nuances that are important to pay attention to.

To begin with, it is important to recall that there are two types of diabetes. In the first type, the pancreas completely loses the ability to produce insulin, in the second, it produces this substance in insufficient quantities or the cells ignore it. Exercise is one way to lower glucose levels (in this case, sugar is converted into energy). And now let’s think about creatine, which contributes to the duration of training. It would seem that for people who need to burn excess glucose, this is an indispensable supplement. And partly this is true. Moreover, this amino acid is known to improve insulin secretion. Yes, and studies conducted on laboratory rats have confirmed: creatine prevents hyperglycemia (a sharp and excessive increase in blood glucose). But type 2 diabetes is often accompanied by hypoglycemia (a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels). In this case, excessive exercise and high doses of creatine can be fatal.

Meanwhile, scientific experiments continue. And increasingly, researchers are saying that creatine could be a revolutionary treatment for diabetes. However, for diabetics involved in strength training, it is important to take creatine only after consulting a doctor with regular measurement of blood sugar.

Most Common Questions

Is a loading phase necessary?

Many people deny the need to observe the loading phase. Proponents of this theory advise taking 28 grams of creatine for 3 days. This program results in a similar accumulation of muscle creatine as the 6-day loading program.

How does it affect the muscles of the rejection of the supplement?

Aspiring bodybuilders fear that not taking creatine supplements is “death” to the muscles, and will lead to immediate loss of previously built muscle mass. More experienced ones reassure: there are no grounds for this. However, they agree that a few kilograms of weight will still go away. But in this case, the weight lost is not a loss due to lean muscle mass, but the removal of moisture from the body. It should be recalled that one of the abilities of creatine is to retain fluid in muscle tissue. Hence the result: the lower the concentration of creatine in the body, the less moisture the tissues retain and the less their weight (removal of 1 liter of fluid leads to a loss of about 1 kilogram of body weight).

Will it help you get rid of fat?

It is a well-known fact that creatine is good for muscle mass. And what about fat? Does this supplement affect the amount of lipids and is it useful for weight loss? Indirectly, yes. By itself, creatine does not work in the body as a fat burner, but it is definitely capable of reducing lipid reserves. To understand the essence of this process, it is important to understand some physiological nuances.

During training, the muscle warms up and burns the fat around it. Thus, the more muscles involved in the training and the larger their area, the more fat is burned. And if the use of creatine promotes muscle growth, then it becomes clear why this supplement is considered useful for weight loss. And of course, do not forget about the property of creatine to retain moisture in muscle tissue, which also speeds up metabolism and displaces fat cells.

Advertisers would call the mechanism of action of this substance “two in one”: it increases muscle mass and removes fat. Meanwhile, on drying, creatine, which retains moisture in the tissues, will be clearly superfluous.

Is it suitable for women?

Many mistakenly assume that sports nutrition is only for men. Some of the supplements are really not suitable for girls. Hence the question: is it possible for women to take creatine with a transport system, with nitrogen or other supplements, and what does this supplement give the fair sex?

All people who follow the figure and want to give their body a relief can safely take amino acid supplements. Studies have confirmed that creatine accelerates muscle growth in women, but this figure is slightly lower compared to men. Experts attribute this to a smaller area of ​​muscle in the female body. And of course, there is no need to wonder if creatine is dangerous for women.

If you follow all the rules and method of using the additive, there will be no consequences. But you also need to understand that without training, the relief will not appear.

How does it affect potency?

If there is real creatine in the diet, and not some substitute for it, there is no reason to worry: the potency from this supplement will definitely not suffer. This is another myth that has not found its scientific confirmation. True, it is also a myth that good creatine can increase libido.

Which to choose?

In addition to the most famous and affordable creatine monohydrate, there are other, more advanced options for a sports supplement. But they usually cost more. Different types of creatine have their own differences. So, what are the varieties of this sports supplement and what is the difference between them.


It is the most popular amino acid variant. As a rule, it is made in the form of a powder. The body’s needs for the substance are fully satisfied with a standard portion of 5 grams. It has an affordable price and no side effects.

Ethyl ether

It comes in powder, capsule or tablet form. Does not require additional consumption of carbohydrates. Suitable for the program without download. One serving contains 2-3 g of the active substance, so you will have to take it twice a day.

Tri-creatine malate

This is a version of the product that combines creatine monohydrate and malic acid. This formula promotes easier dissolution of dietary supplements in liquid, effectively affects ATP. It is usually produced in the form of a white powder without foreign odors. Among the advantages – increased bioavailability, does not cause stomach upset.

Buffered Creatine

Also known as Kre-Alkalyn. This so-called “buffered” creatine lacks the ability to convert to creatinine until it reaches the skeletal muscles. Among the advantages: does not cause swelling, bloating and discomfort in the stomach. Take this product 1-2 grams in the morning and before training.

Micronized Creatine

At first glance, this is the usual white powder of creatine monohydrate. In fact, the particles of the powder are 20 times smaller than in the usual. One serving (1 teaspoon) provides the required daily amino acid requirement (5 g). Due to the micro-size, it is absorbed faster, it is easier to mix with products. But it requires drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.

Liquid Creatine

The popularity of this version of the supplement is a thing of the past. Bodybuilders switched to powder and capsules after scientists discovered that creatine in water is very unstable, quickly losing its beneficial properties.

Conjugated creatine

One of the newest supplements. This is a concentrated product that is enough to use the so-called microdoses (a quarter of a teaspoon). The list of advantages of this form includes high bioavailability, no side effects, slower consumption of the supplement. In addition, this is the version of creatine that can be taken before or after training.

How to test creatine for authenticity

Many are aware that the sports supplement market offers hundreds of creatine options from different manufacturers, including American, German, Polish, Russian. Therefore, there is nothing strange that many who have not yet determined which company’s product is better for themselves often have the question: “How to make the right choice?”.

In fact, relying solely on the description of the product, it is difficult to say how good it is. Information about what the additive consists of is a useful characteristic when it comes to an already proven company. In other cases, you will have to test the sports product yourself.

Supplement Tips

Date of manufacture

This is the first thing to pay attention to. Expired creatine is dangerous to health.


The “Germany” or “USA” indicated on the packaging is not yet a sign of impeccable quality (although these countries are leaders in the sports nutrition market). Before buying a supplement, you should learn as much as possible about the manufacturer of the product, its reputation among buyers, and read reviews from more experienced athletes.

Availability of product information

Each product should be accompanied by instructions with detailed information: form of release, dosage, what it consists of, how to use, when to take, how often and for how long. Also, the instructions should indicate how to dilute the supplement, what time is best to take it (before meals or after), how to store.

physical characteristics

True, this item can only be completed at home after the purchase. A sports nutrition store or pharmacy is unlikely to allow you to study the solubility of the powder. And this, by the way, is a very important indicator.

First, it is important to carefully look at what the powder looks like. Proper creatine without additives should be pure white in color.

Secondly, before taking the powder, it will have to be dissolved. As a rule, a quality additive does not dissolve (or does not dissolve well) in cold water. Although goods from different manufacturers may have their own characteristics. Remember at least micronized powder, which is easily combined even with food (liquid).


And this is the most subjective indicator. A quality supplement is one that has a good effect on the muscles and gives the expected result. But everything is very individual: a drug that is useless for some may become ideal for others.

Top 10 Creatine Producers


Measure Sport Con-Cret

This American product is pure creatine hydrochloride (HCl). Convenient microdosing allows you to take, taking into account body weight and training intensity. The manufacturer assures that the product is suitable for men and women, the use does not cause side effects (including bloating, swelling). May be taken on an empty stomach, with food, or with protein blends. Accelerates recovery and growth of muscles, increases endurance. It is presented in the form of capsules and powder (pleasant in taste and smell). More expensive than most other creatine powders.



The American manufacturer claims that the drug is the most effective formula for building muscle. Creatine, crushed to microparticles, is easily absorbed by the body and gives a quick result. In addition to creatine monohydrate, the composition includes ascorbic acid, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium, sodium, taurine, lipoic acid.


Concentrated Supplement: Each serving contains a double dose of creatine hydrochloride. An additional component (fenugreek extract) enhances the effect of the supplement and improves absorption. The manufacturer promises an increase in strength and muscle without additional introduction of simple sugars into the diet. Does not cause bloating.

Platinum Creatine 100%

Pure micronized creatine monohydrate powder, no additional ingredients. Easily soluble in liquid. One serving – 5 g. Accelerates recovery, improves athletic performance. Disadvantages: when mixed with water, it acquires an unpleasant taste, which, however, is not felt when diluted with juice. Manufacturer – USA.

Nano Vapor

The supplement is a combination of creatine and substances of the so-called pre-workout complex. Stimulates muscle growth, fat burning, increases testosterone levels, stimulates concentration. Presented in the form of a powder, which is diluted in cold water. For maximum effect, take on an empty stomach.

Optimum Nutrition (ON)

Micronized Creatine Powder

Sports product made in USA is pure creatine monohydrate in powder form. Easily soluble in liquid. One serving contains 5 g of creatine monohydrate. The composition does not contain additional components. Suitable for men and women.

Beast Sports Nutrition

Creature Powder

An innovative product that is one of the best sports supplement manufacturers in the world. It is a mixture of 5 different forms of creatine and is considered one of the best on the market. One serving contains 3 g of the active ingredient.

Ultimate Nutrition


A sports nutrition supplement developed by a powerlifting biochemist. In addition to creatine monohydrate, it contains L-taurine, L-glutamine, which increase the effectiveness of the drug. It is made in the form of capsules, which the American manufacturer advises to drink with grape juice.

Creatine powder

It is pure creatine monohydrate without impurities and additional components. One serving corresponds to the classic 5 g of active ingredient. It dissolves well in liquids (water, juice). Suitable for the loading phase and maintenance of creatine levels.


Creatine Micronized

This is pure creatine monohydrate powder. Does not contain impurities. A serving of 5 g is easily diluted in liquid. A simple but effective formula promotes rapid recovery of strength, improves the effectiveness of training.



This is the so-called esterified creatine. The composition of the supplement, among many other components, includes creatine (in the form of creatine ethyl ester malate) and glutamine. Specially selected ingredients make this supplement ideal for bodybuilders. Suitable for muscle growth and mass gain. Makes muscles textured and firm. The portion of the supplement also includes potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, glutamine, phosphates, maltodextrin, potassium citrate, calcium silicate, citric acid. Taken in the morning in the loading phase, suitable for maintaining creatine levels.


This sports supplement is a complex of substances that improve the results of strength training. This is a revolutionary product that accelerates the growth of muscle cells. In the supplement, creatine is presented in several forms in combination with volumizing and nutrients. It comes in the form of tablets to be taken on an empty stomach. The dose is adjusted according to body weight.

Creatine DNA

Sports supplement from one of the leaders in the sports nutrition industry. One serving of the powdered product contains 5 g of creatine monohydrate without impurities of other components, preservatives or sweeteners. Smooth texture allows easy dissolution in liquid. In combination with water, it acquires a specific aftertaste.


Premium sports nutrition kit. It is a combination of components known as a pre-workout complex. As part of the complex, the American manufacturer indicates the latest creatine matrix (provides maximum muscle volumization), nitric oxide (promotes muscle blood supply), vitamins and minerals, as well as arginine, histadine, citrulline and many other useful ingredients. The daily dose, depending on the phase of the training cycle, varies from 1 to 3 scoops of powder diluted in a glass of cold water.



The supplement is pure creatine. The manufacturer advises taking the powder product by a teaspoon in combination with fruit juice or water. Suitable for download. Strengthens muscles, promotes their growth, accelerates recovery.

CM2 Alpha

A creatine supplement with a modified molecular formula that is resistant to conversion to creatinine. The active ingredient is in a form known as creatine nitrate. In addition, the drug contains arginine, carnosine, nitric oxide. The supplement is important for endurance. In addition to being an excellent component of sports nutrition for bodybuilders, fighters, boxers, it is suitable for sprinting, as well as for swimmers.


It is tricreatine malate, a form of creatine with increased bioavailability and better solubility compared to the more common monohydrate. The supplement contains malic acid, which activates energy production. Suitable for all athletes, does not cause swelling.

Scitec Nutrition


This revolutionary development of an American company with production facilities in Hungary is a complex of 9 types of creatine and 2 types of insulin. It is made in the form of capsules, which are taken before eating carbohydrate foods. It is one of the highest quality sports nutrition products, the raw materials for which are supplied by Germany, Japan, and the USA.

Creatine Pure

The supplement is the most popular and best studied creatine monohydrate. Suitable for beginner athletes and professional bodybuilders. It activates the synthesis of muscle proteins, increases muscle mass and volume, improves athletic performance. Also useful for general health promotion.


It is creatine in the form of ethyl ester. Thanks to the unique formula, the body absorbs the substance more easily. Instead of the usual 5-gram dose, one serving of this supplement provides 2 g of the active ingredient. Creatine from this manufacturer has the properties of fat-soluble substances, and this contributes to the easy penetration of the component into muscle cells. Regular use does not cause swelling and bloating.


This is a sports nutrition supplement developed on the basis of a patented dosage form. In addition to creatine monohydrate, the composition of the drug includes beta-alanine, arginine, ketoglutarate and citrulline malate. In addition to the traditional properties of creatine-containing preparations, this supplement has many other useful properties. In particular, arginine activates growth hormone and insulin production. In addition, the supplement helps restore glycogen stores and removes toxins from the body.

MusclePharm (MP)


This product is an innovative product – a mixture of 5 different types of creatines. The unique formula allows you to recover quickly, is good for endurance and strength, adds energy. The formula is designed in such a way as to ensure faster absorption of the substance. One serving contains the daily norm – 5 g.

Other creatine companies

In addition to those listed above, the following companies also deserve the attention of consumers:

  1. Universal Nutrition: Creatine Powder, Cell Pro,Creatine Capsules, Creatine Chews.
  2. Further: Pure Creatine, Creatine Monohydrate.
  3. Power System: Power System Pure.
  4. BioTech USA: pHX, Creatine Ethyl, Creatine Phosphate, CPX Phosphate Transport, Crea-Pump, Crea-Tor, Creatine Transport.
  5. Gaspari Nutrition: SizeOn, Qualitine.
  6. Maxler: Creatine.
  7. Nutrex: Drive, Drive Black.
  8. Olimp: Mega Caps 1250, Xplode Powder, Creatine monohydrate powder, Creatine monohydrate powder creapure.
  9. Kre-Alkalyn:Creatine.
  10. Wirud:Creatine Momohydrate.

Other popular creatine manufacturers include:

  • R-line (Titan, Creatine Mass);
  • 4UZE (Creatine Limo);
  • VitaMAX (3000);
  • ActivLab (Creatine Beta Alanine, Creatine Powder, Creatine Tabs);
  • Arnold (Iron CRE3);
  • Be First (Micronized Powder);
  • Creapure (Creatine Monohydrate);
  • GeneticLab (Creatine Powder);
  • Ironman (Creatine Monohydrate);
  • KFD (premium creatine);
  • MHP (Creatine Monohydrate);
  • Multipower (Power);
  • PVL (Mutant Creakong);
  • Ostrovit (Creatine+Taurine, Creatine Matrix);
  • Power Pro (Creatine);
  • PureProtein (Creatine);
  • Pyruvate (Creatine);
  • QNT (Creatine X3, Creatine);
  • RPS (Creatine);
  • SportLine (Creatine with transport system);
  • Trec Nutrition (Creatine 100%);
  • Twinlab (Creatine Fuel Stack, Creatine Fuel Loading Drink);
  • VPLab (Creatine Capsules, Pure Creatine);
  • Danabol (Creatine);
  • Atlant (New formula 80%+, Ultra);
  • Fortogen (Creatine).

Here is an overview of the most popular supplements. Which is better from this list and which creatine to choose is up to you. The main thing is a positive result!

It is believed that creatine allows bodybuilders to achieve the desired results. But at the same time, you need to understand: not a single dietary supplement can replace proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Creatine may ease the path to your dreams, but it will never be the main one on this difficult path.

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