In America, they created a powder that can be used as a substitute for food. The author of the wonderful mixture is a certain Robert Rinhard – a programmer, an adherent of healthy food. He studied the body’s need for various substances and produced a product that included proteins, fats, a number of vitamins and acids, as well as trace elements, carbohydrates.
The mixture received a sonorous name – soylent. It looks like a white powder. The latter, according to the instructions, is diluted in water and drunk. The resulting drink is completely free of toxins, bacteria, parasites, harmful microorganisms. It is estimated that in monetary terms, the supply of such a powder is approximately one hundred dollars per person. Which is extremely small in relation to those living in developed countries.
But not all scientists are ready to share the wild joy caused by the emergence of food alternatives. And that’s why. The body’s need for various substances, in their words, has long been known. However, until now, the ideal mixture for humans has not been approved. If only because for the work of the digestive tract, people need fiber. Namely, it cannot be included in any powder. Therefore, doctors advise eating vegetables and fruits, refraining from replacing all the usual food with powder.