Your text needs to be clear, bright and lively.
Text without extra words
The text is lightweight, and sometimes thick. Thick text looks mature, weighty, it has texture, lightweight text is rather youthful, not serious, lurid. To make the text of high quality, you need to get rid of empty and unnecessary words. See →
If you want to speak and write beautifully, develop your vocabulary. Cramming dictionaries is useless, it is more important to learn how to transfer words from your passive vocabulary to an active one. The following exercises will help you… See →
Verbs in the text
Use verbs instead of participles and participles. Verbs are easier to read than participles and participles. Use verbs instead of verbal nouns. Verbal nouns simplify the work of the author, but complicate the text for the reader. Verbal nouns make the language heavy. Use verbs instead or reformulate the sentence completely. See →
Verb tenses
The past tense is descriptive. It creates a measured style, calm, cozy. The present tense is dynamic. It creates a very lively style, mobile, most often the present tense describes the action. The future tense is best for building an image. It is descriptive, very cozy and measured. The indefinite form is similar to the present tense. It is dynamic, describes the action, with the help of it it is most convenient to formulate the goals of the contract. At the same time, the indefinite form looks more impersonal, in this sense it is psychologically safer than the present, but it often separates actions from the subject. See →
Text that lies on the breath
And, finally, the most interesting question is the melody of the text. To make the text melodic, it is worth alternating complex sentences and simple, long enumerations and short phrases, as well as adding connecting words — they fill in the gaps in the breath. Have you already learned to hear the melody of the text? Is this paragraph melodic, how would you end it?
You can compare two articles: one is logical, built as a skeleton text. The other is melodic, flowing like a text-stream. See →
Question from a man (programmer): It is easy to search for the necessary information in a skeleton text. And when reading a text-flow, you have to probe the skeleton yourself to find the right part of the text. It turns out that it takes too much time. Is it worth it? —
Answer: Yes, it is easier to find the necessary information in the text skeleton. And in the text-stream it is more pleasant, the text carries you by itself. Guess which texts are preferred by the main readers of psychological texts, i.e. women?