Creams Vichy

For almost 90 years, this French pharmacy brand has developed and released more than one line of products for skin of different types and ages. We will help you figure out which creams and why are right for you.

Features of Vichy creams

Perhaps the most favorite tool in daily skin care is face cream. Pleasant texture, delicate aroma, outstanding working qualities – all these qualities should coincide in one bottle.

Vichy creams can be trusted in this sense, and here’s why.

  • Formulas undergo strict control in all respects, therefore they are safe, including for sensitive skin.

  • Many components and products in general are tested first in the laboratory (in vitro) and then in clinical conditions (in vivo).

  • The resulting funds are compared with the reference formula for compliance with the company’s requirements for appearance, color and aroma.

  • The quality of the texture is checked with a microscope, and the stability of the formula is checked in a special centrifuge.

  • Also among the brand safety rules are packaging control and functional control.

Yes, the measures are strict, but creams are considered one hundred percent safe, and the risk of allergies is minimal.

Specialists of the brand’s laboratories pay great attention to the consistency: they adapt it to the various needs of the skin, making it pleasant for the consumer.

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Vichy creams for different ages

The range of the brand includes products for young and mature skin, as well as for women during menopause. Of course, there is also a division by skin types. Plus tonal and sunscreen products.

There are ten lines in total, and below we will briefly describe the features of the composition and action of each of them.

Vichy products have a common component – thermal water from underground sources of volcanic origin, which are located in the French city of Vichy. This water is rich in minerals and shares them with the skin, strengthening and healing it.

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For which skin: dull due to fatigue and lack of sleep.

What problems does it solve: dullness, uneven tone and relief.

Active Ingredients:

  • Fermented black tea extract improves complexion, has antioxidant, anti-aging effects.

  • Bilberry extract works as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from the adverse conditions of the metropolis, awakens it and restores radiance.

  • Adenosine, which stimulates the energy activity of skin cells.

  • Biotin (vitamin B7) makes the skin firmer and more elastic, improves complexion.

  • Shea butter to moisturize and protect the skin from moisture loss.

  • Capryloyl Salicylic Acid helps shrink pores.

  • Thermal water.

Active Ingredients:

  • Vitamin Cg reduces dark circles under the eyes and reduces wrinkles.

  • Caffeine has a tonic and moisturizing effect.

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For which skin: after 30 years, when metabolism and the rate of cell renewal slow down.

What problems does it solve: reduces wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.

Active Ingredients:

  • rhamnose – vegetable sugar, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, accelerates the renewal of the epidermis, strengthens the skin structure;

  • Day Proof technology is a combination of adenosine, which stimulates energy metabolism and fights wrinkles, and caffeine, which tones, enhances microcirculation, and refreshes the complexion;

  • neohesperidin – red grapefruit peel extract, is an antioxidant and maintains elasticity;

  • 3D optical technology for instant visual effect;

  • thermal water.

Active Ingredients:

  • Mineral pigments for a fresh and even complexion (how to choose a shade, read here).

  • Collagil is effective against wrinkles.

  • Carnauba wax smoothes the skin.

  • Adenosine for cell energy.

  • Soy protein derivative strengthens the skin.

  • Sun filters.

  • Thermal water.

Active ingredients:

  • Rhamnose promotes the production of its own collagen.

  • HEPES to speed up update processes.

  • Apricot kernel and shea oils for moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

  • Beeswax to smooth the skin.

  • Adenosine energizes the skin.

  • Vitamin C for anti-aging action.

  • Thermal water.

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For which skin: going through menopause.

What problems does it solve: makes the skin supple, wrinkles less noticeable, and the contours of the face are clear. Reduces signs of menopausal aging.

Active Ingredients:

  • Proxylan stimulates the production of collagen;

  • HEPES exfoliates and renews the skin;

  • Hydrovance – a biotechnological complex that accelerates skin regeneration, has a moisturizing effect;

  • hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes.

Active ingredients:

  • Quartet proxylan – HEPES – Hedione – hyaluronic acid, which forms the basis of the Neovadiol formula.

  • Apricot kernel oil nourishes the skin.

  • Caffeine helps reduce swelling.

  • Eperua bark extract helps to smooth the skin.

  • Thermal water.

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Aqualia Thermal

For which skin: young, dehydrated, sensitive.

What problems does it solve: smoothes fine wrinkles, gives radiance and elasticity.

Active components:

  • Mineralizing thermal water – the basis of the product, moisturizes, restores the skin, saturates it with the necessary mineral components.

  • Hyaluronic acid for intense hydration.

  • Mannose – a plant polysaccharide moisturizes and strengthens the skin, making it more dense and elastic.

  • Oils: limnantes in a cream for normal and combination skin, shea butter in a cream for dry skin.

Cream for dry skin has a noticeably richer, more comfortable texture. Cream for normal and combination skin – very light.

  • Hyaluronic acid for intense skin hydration.

  • Ginkgo extract, which is known for its ability to improve microcirculation and relieve puffiness.

  • Squalane for soft skin.

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Slow Age

For which skin:

  • in need of recovery after cosmetic procedures;

  • with the first signs of age – visible and not.

What problems does it solve: corrects the signs of aging at different stages of formation.

Active ingredients:

  • baicalin – Scutellaria baicalensis extract, antioxidant, neutralizes oxidation processes;

  • probiotic Bifidus to strengthen the skin.

  • Mineralizing thermal water.

  • Sunscreen to prevent photoaging.

Active ingredients:

  • The main active ingredients of the Slow Age formula are the probiotic Bifidus and the antioxidant baicalin.

  • Resveratrol is known for its ability to oxygenate cells.

  • Thermal water.

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For which skin: oily and combination, prone to imperfections, problematic.

What problems does it solve: moisturizes, evens out tone, mattifies the skin, reduces inflammation.

Vichy offers three versions of the caring cream for problem skin with three different accents.

Active ingredients:

  • Salicylic acid + lipohydroxy acid – this combination comprehensively fights against skin imperfections,

  • Air-Licium + Phe Resorcinol technology for enhanced action against oily sheen and traces of imperfections

  • Glycerin for skin hydration.

  • Thermal water.

  • Salicylic acid to counter imperfections.

  • Probiotic bifidus for firming the skin.

  • Hyaluronic acid for superficial hydration.

  • Zinc for skin care prone to imperfections.

  • Thermal water.

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For which skin: very dry, affected by negative environmental factors, including weather.

What problems does it solve: strengthens the barrier properties of the epidermis.

Active ingredients:

  • Sphingolipid stimulates lipid synthesis.

  • Oils of apricot kernels, jojoba, macadamia, soy, coriander, passionflower.

  • Oleosome technology helps deliver essential ingredients to the skin.

  • Arginine derivative to restore and strengthen the skin.

  • Vitamin E is a well-known antioxidant.

  • Thermal water.

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A moisturizing foundation is a smart modern choice.

For which skin: for all types

What problems does it solve: permanent toning without mask effect

Active ingredients:

  • Mineral pigments for a natural tone.

  • Mineralizing thermal water

  • Hyaluronic acid for skin hydration.

  • Vitamin E for antioxidant activity.

Dermablend 3D

A high coverage corrective foundation that hides significant skin imperfections.

For which skin: for oily and problematic

What problems does it solve: thoroughly masks acne and post-acne, as well as many other skin defects, creates a stable uniform coating for the whole day (up to 16 hours).

Active ingredients:

  • A complex of masking pigments for dense coverage.

  • Salicylic acid to combat imperfections.

  • Eperulin.

  • Thermal water.

Capital Ideal Sun

For which skin: any, including sensitive.

What problems does it solve: protects against photoaging, makes the tan beautiful and safe.

Active Ingredients:

  • epilob extract reduces the risk of inflammation;

  • Mexoril SX and XL, octocrylene, parsol protect against photoaging.

Active Ingredients:

  • Eusolex HMS, octocrylene, titanium dioxide protect against UVB rays;

  • Tinosorb S, parsol, Mexoryl SX protect against UVA rays;

  • vitamin E, hyaluronic acid moisturize and prevent aging;

  • extract of cassia bark and ginger root have a sebum-regulating effect.

Active Ingredients:

  • beta-carotene prolongs sunburn;

  • mineralizing Vichy thermal water soothes;

  • Mexoril SX and XL, octocrylene, parsol protect against photoaging.

How to choose the right cream

When choosing cosmetics, focus on three main parameters.

  1. skin type and condition.

  2. Existing problems.

  3. age needs.

If you doubt the objective assessment of any of these characteristics, consult a cosmetologist. Our test will not replace a beautician, but will help with the selection of cosmetics.

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