cream powder

Powdered cream is a substitute for fresh milk cream, which is convenient to store even without a refrigerator. Dried cream is used for culinary purposes. Adding a teaspoon of dry cream to a cup of coffee turns a bitter drink into a delicate coffee cocktail with a pleasant creamy taste.

Product types

There are many brands of dried cream on the market today. They can be divided into two large groups: first and second grade.

Powdered cream made from natural milk cream is extremely rare on store shelves. They are made from whole cow’s milk, are first grade cream powder, are expensive and have a short shelf life.

The vast majority of sold cream powder belongs to the second grade product, since it is of plant origin. They are made from palm, palm kernel or coconut oil. Such cream is cheaper than natural, and can be stored for a long time.

For the manufacture of dry cream, vegetable oils are diluted with water, emulsifiers, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other food additives. Then, on special automatic devices, this mixture is sprayed to a fine cloud and dried to a powder consistency. Some manufacturers add dry milk protein, such as casein, to such cream to give a creamy taste.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition and, accordingly, the calorie content of dry cream depends on the raw materials that were used for their production: dairy or vegetable. In addition, the carbohydrate content and energy value of the product differs when sugar is added. Whatever the ingredients, it should be understood that cream powder is not a dietary product, so those who want to lose weight should not include it in their diet.

Natural milk powder is a healthy high-calorie product. They contain a lot of fats (42%), more than 2/3 of which are unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates (30%), which are easily digestible simple sugars, and about 20% protein. Since milk cream contains animal fats, they also contain cholesterol – 148 mg per 100 g. Cream also contains organic acids, vitamins and minerals. The calorie content of such a product is 567 kcal.

Vitamin and mineral composition
NameContent in 100 g, milligrams
Vitamin A0,05
Vitamin V10,3
Vitamin V20,9
Vitamin V60,05
Vitamin V90,005
Vitamin V120,0004
Vitamin PP1,4
Vitamin C3,0
Vitamin E0,09
Vitamin H0,003

Such a rich chemical composition and high caloric content of natural dry cream make it a valuable food product.

Dried vegetable cream has a completely different chemical composition. There are practically no proteins in such cream, except for options with the addition of casein. The carbohydrate content of this product depends on the presence of sugar in the recipe. Fats of dried vegetable cream are represented mainly by unsaturated fatty acids, so they do not contain cholesterol, but there is lecithin and fat-soluble vitamins A and E. In addition, this product contains all kinds of food additives. The energy value of dry cream based on vegetable raw materials ranges from 75 to 280 kcal.

Useful Properties

Useful properties of dry cream are due to their prescription composition. Dry cream from milk is useful, but very high in calories. Vegetable dry cream is not as healthy, but it contains fewer calories and no cholesterol.

Natural dry cream has a beneficial effect on the human body due to its calorie content and many useful substances in the composition:

  • replenish the energy deficit (due to the high content of carbohydrates);
  • they are a plastic material for building cell membranes, a substrate for the synthesis of enzymes and hormones (due to proteins and fats);
  • restore disturbed intestinal microflora (with the help of B vitamins);
  • participate in hematopoiesis (as a result of the content of vitamins, iron and copper);
  • improve the condition of bones, joints and skin (due to the high content of calcium and phosphorus);
  • help to reduce swelling and normalize the heart rhythm (due to the presence of potassium in them);
  • accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses along nerve fibers, restore memory (thanks to B vitamins);
  • normalize the hormonal background (due to the content of minerals and cholesterol).

By adding dry cream from milk to coffee, the harmful effects of caffeine on the body are reduced.

Vegetable cream, due to the content of lecithin and choline, has a good effect on the liver and digestion. They dilute bile, accelerate its excretion, thereby preventing the formation of stones in the gallbladder. The absence of cholesterol in cream based on vegetable oils allows people with atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases to use such a product.

Fat-soluble vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, in addition to hypocholesterolemic action, also exhibit an antioxidant effect, therefore they prevent premature aging and strengthen the immune system.

Low-calorie vegetable-based cream powder is allowed even for people on a diet. So, with a calorie content of 100 g of dry vegetable cream (100 kcal), one teaspoon of the product will contain 10-12 kcal, which is quite acceptable during a diet.

In addition, dry cream with vegetable fats can be consumed by people with gout and urolithiasis, because they are not sources of purines. It is recommended to replace a dairy dry product with a vegetable one for patients with lactose intolerance.

Possible harm

Dry cream can be not only useful, but also harmful. First of all, we are talking about food allergies to components and individual intolerance (lactose or casein).

Powdered cream from milk should be limited for consumption:

  • during a diet (many calories);
  • with obesity (very high-calorie);
  • suffering from urolithiasis and gout (a lot of purines);
  • patients with atherosclerosis or hypercholesterolemia (the composition contains cholesterol);
  • diabetics (contains a lot of carbohydrates and cholesterol).

Given that food additives are used in the production of dry cream based on vegetable raw materials, it is not recommended to use them for pregnant and lactating women, children and people with impaired renal excretory function. In such vegetable fat-containing products, trans-fatty acids, which are inherently carcinogenic, are very likely to occur. Therefore, even healthy people should not get involved in such cream.

How to choose and store

Dry cream must be packed in airtight packaging. The powder contains a lot of fat and is hygroscopic, instantly oxidizing and spoiling. Therefore, in no case should you buy this product by weight.

To buy high-quality dry cream, you need to carefully study their composition on the label. The information on it must be presented in Russian and contain data on the composition of the product, nutritional and energy value, manufacturer and date of production. The drying of the raw material itself is a preservative process, so a high-quality natural product should not contain food additives, and its shelf life should not exceed 3 months.

After opening, dry cream must be poured into a clean, dry container (preferably glass) and tightly closed with a lid. Store such a product in a cool but dry place for no more than two weeks.

Cooking application

The scope of dry cream is cooking. On an industrial scale, they are used for the manufacture of bakery and confectionery products.

At home, this product is used as a flavor additive in drinks: coffee, tea, cocoa, cocktails. Powdered cream is part of the dough for various pastries. Before use, most often dry cream is diluted with water or milk. In this form, they are easy to dose and use for the preparation of creams for confectionery or sauces for poultry or fish.

Dry cream cream

To prepare it, you need to take natural dry cream (300 g), fresh milk (300 ml) and powdered sugar (80 g). Dissolve cream and powdered sugar in milk. If the composition of the dry product, except for cream, does not include anything else, then they need to be mixed with warmed milk (36-38 ° C).

If there are stabilizers in the cream, they must be dissolved in cold milk to avoid product separation. After dissolving the powder, the milk-cream mixture must be put in the refrigerator. After cooling, it is necessary to beat the mixture with a mixer: first at low speed, then gradually increase it, and by the end of whipping, slow it down again.

This cream is light and airy, but very nutritious. It is well suited for biscuits, honey cakes and muffins.


Powdered cream is a good substitute for natural milk cream. They are added to coffee and other drinks, dough, creams, sauces. They are very high in calories, but rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

The use of dry cream in food helps to replenish energy reserves in the body, improve digestion, stimulate brain activity, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, reduce tissue swelling, and normalize hormonal levels.

The proteins in this product are a source of purines, so powdered cream should be avoided by people suffering from gout and urolithiasis.

High calorie content is a restriction to their use by overweight people, and the cholesterol content can harm those suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

When buying dry cream, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product. Most of the brands presented on store shelves do not contain natural milk cream, but a fat-containing product from vegetable raw materials. This is second grade cream.

They are affordable, have a pleasant creamy taste, but have nothing to do with a natural product. Such cream should be avoided by pregnant and lactating women, children, allergy sufferers, people with impaired kidney function. Natural dry cream cannot be stored for a long time, so when buying them, you should pay attention to their shelf life: the longer it is, the more preservatives in the product.

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